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CBS Sportsline Power Rankings


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Didn't see this posted but merge if it was.

How ridiculous is Pete Prisco! How are we ranked at #25??? I can see how someone questions us due to a new coaching staff but we were still a playoff team with no major personnel losses.


That team is in there somewhere, buried among the dregs of the NFL. There might even be two of them.

I call them "The Shockers," those teams that come from nowhere to make the playoffs in the NFL when nobody sees it coming.

As I prepared the first regular-season batch of our Power Rankings -- opening up the season of rip jobs -- I kept scanning the bottom half of the league to try and come up with a team that will shock us all, be better than we thought, and make the usual mockery of this first set of rankings.

It happens to me -- and you -- every season. Why not again this season?

That's the NFL way. It's also a way to ensure the nasty e-mails and comments under these rankings keep coming my way. Nothing I do infuriates you guys like the rankings.

So who is that team? Maybe it's the Buffalo Bills or Houston Texans? Most of you would probably go with the New York Jets, who are 20th in these rankings (Jets fans probably want to throw me off the Empire State Building for that ranking), but I think the Jets are where they will finish -- below the playoff teams.

Whatever that surprise team is, expect to see it come playoff time. It's also a team that will probably do nothing more than make the postseason party, not with the power teams so far ahead of the rest.

In the AFC, the New England Patriots, Indianapolis Colts and San Diego Chargers are the teams to beat. In the NFC, I'll go with the Dallas Cowboys, New Orleans Saints and New York Giants.

At least one of those six will make the Super Bowl, maybe two.

They're followed by a mix of teams that have a chance to join them in that elite class, teams like the Jacksonville Jaguars, Green Bay Packers, Philadelphia Eagles, Pittsburgh Steelers and Seattle Seahawks.

So which team is the best? For now, I'm going with the Colts on one condition: Peyton Manning plays like his old self. If he does, the Colts will be better than the 2006 team that won the Super Bowl.

That isn't to say the Patriots or Chargers won't be there with them. There isn't much dividing those three.

Health will be key. That means Manning, Tom Brady (Patriots) and Shawne Merriman (Chargers). All have missed time in the preseason with injuries. All are vital to their team's success, the first two even more so than Merriman.

First one healthy to December wins.

As I finished writing that sentence, I decided to scan the rankings again, one last time in search of the surprise team. The bottom eight teams have no shot to make the playoffs, eliminating them. So that means the surprise team is between 16 and 24, meaning somewhere in that group is a playoff team.

Which is it? I just don't know for sure but I know the team is in there.

Damn it, who is it? Any ideas?

Power Rankings

Current Team Previous

1 Colts · Trends -

Yes, the injury concerns are real. But this is a deep, talented team that can handle all of them, except, of course, the loss of Manning.

2 Patriots · Trends -

They were great last season -- until the Super choke. They'll be close to that goal again this time. They won't go undefeated, but they'll win at least 13.

3 Saints · Trends -

They will score a ton of points. I love their offense. The defense has added some nice pieces and only needs to go a little higher in the rankings to make this team special. Keep an eye on the impact of Hurricane Gustav.

4 Chargers · Trends -

If Shawne Merriman can play as the Merriman we know, this is a team that will push for the AFC title. They do have to pass the ball better. Maybe that AFC title game loss will help Philip Rivers' growth.

5 Cowboys · Trends -

This is a star-filled team, but at some point that has to translate to playoff success. The coaching situation, with Jason Garrett looking over Wade Phillips' shoulder, is a concern.

6 Giants · Trends -

Don't go to sleep on the Giants. They were not a fluke team last season. The development of Eli Manning makes them even better. The loss of Osi Umenyiora will be felt, however.

7 Jaguars · Trends -

They need to do two things better: Throw it down the field more and rush the passer better. If they can do both, they will push Indy, San Diego and New England in the AFC.

8 Steelers · Trends -

Let's not forget they won the division last season, not the Browns. The big key here is how well the offensive line plays. I think it shows improvement, which will help keep Ben Roethlisberger much more upright this season.

9 Packers · Trends -

Where's Brett? How can they survive now? Here's how: Easily. Aaron Rodgers will surprise a lot of people, and there is a lot of talent around him. They aren't going from division winner to non-playoff team.

10 Eagles · Trends -

Andy Reid will have the Eagles back to competing for a division title. Donovan McNabb will love rookie DeSean Jackson. Their division will make for wars every week.

11 Seahawks · Trends -

All they do is win division titles and games. The key here is keeping Matt Hasselbeck on the field since he has back issues. The receiving situation isn't good.

12 Titans · Trends -

It's all on how well Vince Young progresses as a passer. If he does throw it better, the Titans will be a playoff team. If not, it won't happen. They will be a physical team again.

13 Vikings · Trends -

Coach Brad Childress has put his future into the hands of Tarvaris Jackson. That's risky. At least he's standing by his conviction about the kid. With Adrian Peterson, it will be easier to handle.

14 Browns · Trends -

The preseason was a disaster, but that matters none. What does matter is the quarterback play. Derek Anderson has to continue to develop -- or it will be Brady Quinn time.

15 Cardinals · Trends -

This will be a team that gets better as the season moves along as its young players improve. Kurt Warner is more than capable as the starting quarterback. Just look at his history.

16 Panthers · Trends -

They're going back to their power-running roots. Oh boy. Can't wait. Things have changed a lot since that worked a few years ago, guys. They need to throw it better. Period.

17 Bills · Trends -

Keep an eye on the Bills. If Trent Edwards can show he's made improvement, they just might be a playoff team. The defense will be fierce if the players stay healthy.

18 Rams · Trends -

It's all about the defense growing and the offensive line improving for the Rams. They have to get the defense into the low teens in the rankings and the line can't play another season of waving at their opponents again.

19 Buccaneers · Trends -

The big question all season will be whether Jeff Garcia can recapture the magic from 2007. If not, the fans will be killing the Bucs for not getting Brett Favre.

20 Jets · Trends -

So Favre makes this a playoff team? Not quite. That's what most would think, but I see 8-8. They will regret the Favre trade in a year. You watch.

21 Broncos · Trends -

Is the heat on Mike Shanahan? If he doesn't get them to the playoffs, it just might be. Jay Cutler is coming off a good preseason, which is a good sign.

22 Texans · Trends -

They will be better than the team that went 8-8 in 2007, but the record might not be as good. One more offseason of work and the Texans will push for a playoff spot. Just not this season.

23 Bengals · Trends -

Now that Chad Johnson is now Chad Ocho Cinco, maybe things will get really weird and the Bengals will actually be good on defense. If not, it's another playoff-less season.

24 Bears · Trends -

The good news for Bears fans: Rex Grossman is not the starting quarterback. The bad news: Kyle Orton is.

25 Redskins · Trends -

The Redskins are clearly the fourth team in a four-team division. Something just doesn't seem right about this team. New coach Jim Zorn has his work cut out for him.

26 Ravens · Trends -

It must be tough for all those older Baltimore football fans who saw Unitas play to stomach the quarterbacking they've seen from the Ravens in their history. It will be the undoing again.

27 Raiders · Trends -

Al Davis spent a ton of money in the offseason to improve his team. Has he? Not enough. But they will be better.

28 Lions · Trends -

Want to hear something scary: The Lions have the most experienced quarterback and Jon Kitna might be the best in the division. The defense needs to play better.

29 49ers · Trends -

Joe Montana ... Steve Young ... J.T. O'Sullivan. Something doesn't seem right. It won't look right, either.

30 Dolphins · Trends -

They will not be an easy out for any team on any Sunday. They will be a feisty bunch. I still think Chad Henne should be the starter, but Chad Pennington will be serviceable.

31 Falcons · Trends -

It's a three-year turnaround, so this team will take its lumps this season. They are doing the right thing playing Matt Ryan. Getting over the 2007 debacle is the important thing now.

32 Chiefs · Trends -

Rebuild, rebuild, rebuild. They won't say it, so I will. It's going to be a long season, even in a bad AFC West.

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"The bottom eight teams have no shot to make the playoffs, eliminating them."




I will have my revenge.:evil:

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and the Redskins were picked to be a playoff team in 2005 and 2007? :laugh: :laugh:

face it. the Redskins have been picked annually to be among the last 10 teams in the NFL. it's almost become a tradition.

just as teams like the 49ers and Bengals are often picked to be 'much improved' and then revert back to their old 5-11 and 6-10 selves :D

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The rankings never bother because the players still have to line up and play the games. That said, the Eagles consistent rating in the top of every ranking sheet, whether ESPN or other, has me baffled. Their defense appears to be slightly better up front. Their secondary situation is okay now with Samuel. Their offense is still a huge question mark. McNabb will tackle himself at some point and be hobbled, and even if he doesn't they still don't have a legitimate receiver. In the NFC East you will not split with everyone once they figure out all they have to do is blanket Westbrook and you can't move the ball. That little guy they got isn't going to survive either. Just confusing.

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What do you expect?

We played to win the last 2 preseason games to get our starters ready for the season, and the results were absolutely HORRIBLE.

Don't buy for second the BS spin here about us sand-bagging. We were trying to put our best foot forward the last two games.

Zorn has to show that isn't in over his head as OC and HC. JC has to show consistency. We are relying on some unproven players to be contributors.

Until we show otherwise, why would we deserve to be higher? Because we did better last season under a Hall of Fame coach?

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Follow-up comment: having a down season is nothing to be afraid of if we are rebuilding and we should be rebuilding. Embrace rebuilding instead of complaining we are not winning now!

Last year was some smoke and mirrors. Remember, this is the team that last year tied the 1-15 Miami Dolphins. We needed a rebuild. We have added some youth. Let's embrace rebuilding!

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Every channels(espn,nfl network even comcast) "experts" are all falling back on the last 2 games of the pre-season which is bull ****,weren't the Raiders 4-0 last year?How did that turn out?If the skins win on Thursday there attitudes will change its guaranteed.

I think if we win tomorrow night, they will still give us no respect, even if we win by 30. They will say how we caught the giants on an off night, and the giants just have the superbowl hangover, but how they are still the better team.

Until the skins start winning regularly, it's going to stay like this. Somebody has to be in the bottom of these rankings, unfortunately its usually the skins.

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Every channels(espn,nfl network even comcast) "experts" are all falling back on the last 2 games of the pre-season which is bull ****,weren't the Raiders 4-0 last year?How did that turn out?If the skins win on Thursday there attitudes will change its guaranteed.

There is a huge, huge difference.

This team is trying to learn a new offense and a somewhat-new defense.

And when we make a sincere and legitimate effort to show that we are grasping the two, and we can't do it, then it is a problem.

It does not matter that we lost the last 2 pre-season games (so the comparisons to this 4-0 team or that 0-4 team are irrelevant).

What matters is that we tried to show we could run our new offense, and we instead showed that we could not.

That is what is problematic. Not that we lost.

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What matters is that we tried to show we could run our new offense, and we instead showed that we could not.

That is what is problematic. Not that we lost.

Zorn took a big risk by putting his first team offense out there in Practice #5 to try to get in rhythm. Since they were unable to do so, the questions shall linger.

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