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Ah, ATN is awfully quiet these days...


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Well, there are plenty that I deal with off this board that say that. But for those on this board, simply go to the 'search' function, input 'cowboys' and 'superbowl', and you'll get a rash of posts on that issue.

Done it, seen no Cowboys fan discussing it, only skins fans and some articles

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I can't believe anyone would even ask that question, frankly... :laugh:

Romo sits to pee hasn't won a big game in college or the pros.

Romo sits to pee pads his stats against bad defenses.

Romo sits to pee is reckless with the football.

Romo sits to pee chokes.

Shall I go on?

So Campbell is better right?

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I'm ashamed I even tried to engage you in an honest conversation.

I won't forget.

tr1 everyone seen you duck the questions. You couldnt hang with football talk you had to revert to shtick, its ok I understand honest conversation is not easy for you

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But come on some of the things discussed on here as something that should concern a Cowboys fan are trivial things you know like Romo sits to pee having a 7.3 ypc in his 4 series. or the backup TE to an all pro not looking good.

As far as the Romo sits to pee in preseason. I dont think the Cowboys first O and D looked as good as they should have so far in preseason. If I was a Cowboys fan I would be a little more worried then normal but not jumping off the ledge. I thought maybe after the first game they would have made sure to be more impressive in the 2nd game but that didnt really happen. I expect them to look A LOT better next week or I would begin to worry more. Still not jump off the ledge either.

I was a big fan of Bennett coming out of college but not now obviously :laugh: But aside from him being a Cowboy I was worried when you got him because he is very freakishly athletic. I just dont think trading Fasano and using a 2nd on him was meaningful. Was Fasano a Whitten? No. But he was serviceable to me. People also said that Curtis has more upside then Fasano then I would have given him his shot and used that 2nd round pick on a WR to develop while TO still has years left in him. I am not sold on Crayton Hurd Austin or Steinback being an answer for the problem.

As far as MB I could care less. Any Dallas reporter will say he looks good. Any non Dallas reporter will say he looks bad. Its the way the world works. It is really irrelevant. But when presented with an article saying he doesnt look good some cowboy fans wont even acknowledge that there may be some slight concern that he isnt a start caliber RB. Me personally im not sold on him yet. I do think he could be a great RB in the league but he has to prove he can carry a load not just thru a game but for the whole season.

It would be more useful to see objectivity from some fans and not just blinders.

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Can you tel;l; me which Cowboys fan in ATN has predicted superbowl

Uh...you, for one. You didn't say it would be easy, but you said that the Cowboys are the best team in the NFC ("favorites") and, therefore, most likely to reach the Super Bowl of any team in the conference.

1. I think we have the best chance to win a superbowl that we have had since 1995. I said the same thing last year, but we faltered down the stretch. Having said that, nothing is guaranteed and factors like injuries and fluke plays always play a role. I like our chances though and think we should be the favorites in the NFC at this point...
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So when exactly do the Cowboy fans come into this thread and proclaim themselves SB champs? I guess I missed it.

Hey, I got a question for ya.

You are a Tiki fan originally, but now a puke fan.

This is some interesting sock-puppetry.


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Question for Mr. 1 and the ATN faithful (skins fans). Do you like it when we're quiet, modest, boastful, excited, absent, present, arrogant? Just curiuos... would you miss us if no Boys fan posted here ever again? Do you enjoy the trash talk and banter? Would you prefer ATN restricted to skins fans and other fans besides Boys fans. What is your ideal scenario? I ask because when we're posting a lot many of you tell us to take a hike and visit our own board to say it mildly. When we're perceived to be "quiet," we're accused to be scared of the season and hiding? So what's up ATN family?

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Question for Mr. 1 and the ATN faithful (skins fans). Do you like it when we're quiet, modest, boastful, excited, absent, present, arrogant? Just curiuos... would you miss us if no Boys fan posted here ever again? Do you enjoy the trash talk and banter? Would you prefer ATN restricted to skins fans and other fans besides Boys fans. What is your ideal scenario? I ask because when we're posting a lot many of you tell us to take a hike and visit our own board to say it mildly. When we're perceived to be "quiet," we're accused to be scared of the season and hiding? So what's up ATN family?

Unlike you, I believe some of your brethren are in shock right now. Your team has looked like crap in two preseason games. Everyone thought the team only needed to show up to win....and then those two ugly exhibitions.

If another puke fan didn't post here again, no I wouldn't mind. But I don't make the rules.

Lately, all puke fan posters haven't added much to any conversations.

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Unlike you, I believe some of your brethren are in shock right now. Your team has looked like crap in two preseason games. Everyone thought the team only needed to show up to win....and then those two ugly exhibitions.

Do you think you're putting too much stock into two pre-season games? Have you looked around the league or at pre-season games historically? Are you really looking at our games objectively and taking all aspects of the games into account?

If another puke fan didn't post here again, no I wouldn't mind. But I don't make the rules.

Somehow I think things wouldn't be as fun but I don't always expect honesty from you man. Somehow I think bashing the Boys every day with only Bubba and other non-Boys fan ATN regulars would get boring?

Lately, all puke fan posters haven't added much to any conversations.

And you're consistently realistic, insightful, objective, thoughtful and full of unbiased substance right? :laugh:

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Do you think you're putting too much stock into two pre-season games? Have you looked around the league or at pre-season games historically? Are you really looking at our games objectively and taking all aspects of the games into account?

Do you think the puke hype is over the top? I never see you criticize any of the articles picking the pukes to win the SB.

Somehow I think things wouldn't be as fun but I don't always expect honesty from you man. Somehow I think bashing the Boys every day with only Bubba and other non-Boys fan ATN regulars would get boring?

Yeah, probably. But I'm willing to give it a try. :D

And you're consistently realistic, insightful, objective, thoughtful and full of unbiased substance right? :laugh:

Well, yes. Thanks for noticing.


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Yup, fewer and fewer puke posters are here defending their team. I guess reality is starting to set in after those two ugly preseason performances.

I suppose many of their fans are beginning to think that the pukes can't just 'turn it on' when they want to.

Oh, well.

I, for one, like the quiet.

With you here posting anything and everything Dallas Cowboy related, most of the rest of us can just sit back and relax.

Really, with your Cowboy obsession continuing to reach all new levels, theres really not much else for us to do but sit back quietly laughing amongst ourselves.

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Question for Mr. 1 and the ATN faithful (skins fans). Do you like it when we're quiet, modest, boastful, excited, absent, present, arrogant? Just curiuos... would you miss us if no Boys fan posted here ever again? Do you enjoy the trash talk and banter? Would you prefer ATN restricted to skins fans and other fans besides Boys fans. What is your ideal scenario? I ask because when we're posting a lot many of you tell us to take a hike and visit our own board to say it mildly. When we're perceived to be "quiet," we're accused to be scared of the season and hiding? So what's up ATN family?

I wouldnt miss any of you one bit. It used to be fun but now its just over the top. Its so old hearing you ride the Cowboys jock on everything. And by you I mean all of the puke fans.

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Do you think you're putting too much stock into two pre-season games? Have you looked around the league or at pre-season games historically? Are you really looking at our games objectively and taking all aspects of the games into account?

OMG you are not seriously asking this question. Call me a homer or whatever you want but compared to many other team sites, this collective group of people(skins fans) have been the most objective of our team. Read the stadium thread and you need boots to avoid all the "sky is falling" BS no matter what happens. We finally look good in preseason and fans want us to lose so we dont get too confident. You want to question objectivity? I have see ONE thats right O-N-E puke fan that I talk to on here that is actually objective about them. You and the rest of your fans need a reality check.

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