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I'll answer your questions about the Skins, but we should do it in the Stadium.

Now, about those weaknesses the pukes have...what are they?

we are both here right now no need to go to the stadium

here we go

Who will finish better this year Dallas or Washington?

Will the Redskins make the playoffs

What will the Skins record be?

What are the skins weaknesses

Who is a better QB Campbell or Romo sits to pee?

Now remember honest straight forward answers no hedging your bets

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You asked tonight.

Why would anyone argue an article saying positive things about their team do you realize how ignorant that sounds

Not at all.

If there were an article that came out and said we'd be in the SB next year, I'd certainly post that the team had to show me something this year in the first few weeks before I'd even entertain that idea.

That's the difference between Skins fans and puke fans in ES.

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Not at all.

If there were an article that came out and said we'd be in the SB next year, I'd certainly post that the team had to show me something this year in the first few weeks before I'd even entertain that idea.

That's the difference between Skins fans and puke fans in ES.

We arent talking next year we are talking about articles saying a 13-3 team that won the toughest division in the NFL may go to the superbowl

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we are both here right now no need to go to the stadium

here we go

Who will finish better this year Dallas or Washington?

Will the Redskins make the playoffs

What will the Skins record be?

What are the skins weaknesses

Who is a better QB Campbell or Romo sits to pee?

Now remember honest straight forward answers no hedging your bets

Washington (because the Cowboys don't know how to finish)


2. yes

3. 11-5

4. Linebacker Depth, Press Coverage, Punt Return protection

5. Campbell

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we are both here right now no need to go to the stadium

here we go

Who will finish better this year Dallas or Washington?

Will the Redskins make the playoffs?

What will the Skins record be?

What are the skins weaknesses?

Who is a better QB Campbell or Romo sits to pee?

Now remember honest straight forward answers no hedging your bets

I think Dallas should have a better finish this year. Its this year or never for them realistically. I can say the Cowboys should finish better this year. I think they will either start out strong and slow as the year goes on or vise versa. I dont think they will be 13-3. 10-6 is my bet but will still win the division.

Yes as a wild card. Either the 5th or 6th seed. We wont win the division because we need to be more consistant. Both on offense and defense.

9-7. We will make the wildcard based on tie breakers.

QB is still in question its Campbells make or break year. Our WRs are basically the same as last year. Kelly and Thomas will be a basic non factor due to them being rookies and the learning curve for a NFL WR. Our OL needs to stay health. Our LB depth is thin and a major injury there could spell doom for the defense. Our secondary still needs some work. If they can play like they could, we should be fine but nothing is ever perfect right?

So far? Romo sits to pee hands down. Campbell has the potential to be just as good if not better. Romo sits to pee has a great group of talent around him but he still has yet to win the big game. The same was said about Peyton and Eli and look what they did. But it is not always a given that those results will happen eventually. He has the making of being a top tier QB in the league. Brady or Manning? No.

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Who will finish better this year Dallas or Washington?

I have no idea. Their talent is comparable...though I like the Skins lines, on both sides better than the pukes.

Will the Redskins make the playoffs

What will the Skins record be?

I'll answer these together. Whatever 9-7 will get them.

What are the skins weaknesses

I asked you this first. When you answer, so will I.

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We arent talking next year we are talking about articles saying a 13-3 team that won the toughest division in the NFL may go to the superbowl

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

This is exactly the answer I expected.

You're hopeless.


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I think Dallas should have a better finish this year. Its this year or never for them realistically. I can say the Cowboys should finish better this year. I think they will either start out strong and slow as the year goes on or vise versa. I dont think they will be 13-3. 10-6 is my bet but will still win the division.

Yes as a wild card. Either the 5th or 6th seed. We wont win the division because we need to be more consistant. Both on offense and defense.

9-7. We will make the wildcard based on tie breakers.

QB is still in question its Campbells make or break year. Our WRs are basically the same as last year. Kelly and Thomas will be a basic non factor due to them being rookies and the learning curve for a NFL WR. Our OL needs to stay health. Our LB depth is thin and a major injury there could spell doom for the defense. Our secondary still needs some work. If they can play like they could, we should be fine but nothing is ever perfect right?

So far? Romo sits to pee hands down. Campbell has the potential to be just as good if not better. Romo sits to pee has a great group of talent around him but he still has yet to win the big game. The same was said about Peyton and Eli and look what they did. But it is not always a given that those results will happen eventually. He has the making of being a top tier QB in the league. Brady or Manning? No.

this was a very reasonable and honest answer to the questions Not even a hint of bias (well maybe a small hint ;) ) IMO

tr1 should take notes

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this was a very reasonable and honest answer to the questions Not even a hint of bias IMO

tr1 should take notes

BigD, I tried, man. I tried to have a conversation with you, but you didn't answer my question about the pukes' weaknesses. I, on the other hand, answered your questions honestly.

Now, I realize I've been a fool...I thought I could have a genuine football conversation with you, but no.

Your inability to discuss even ONE weakness of the pukes shows me that you can't be taken seriously.

Too bad.


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BigD, I tried, man. I tried to have a conversation with you, but you didn't answer my question about the pukes' weaknesses. I, on the other hand, answered your questions honestly.

Now, I realize I've been a fool...I thought I could have a genuine football conversation with you, but no.

Your inability to discuss even ONE weakness of the pukes shows me that you can't be taken seriously.

Too bad.


tr1 I have every intention of answering you as soon as you answer my questions. You answered a couple, pretended one wasnt asked, and hedged on another

I will make it easy so you do not have to scroll back

Who is better Campbell or Romo sits to pee (you erased this earlier)

Who will finish better Skins or Dallas

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Thats the point nobody here is anointing them the champs


That no puke fan challenges the assumption of the articles is proof that puke fans agree with them.

BigD, you look silly.

No objectivity.




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tr1 I have every intention of answering you as soon as you answer my questions. You answered a couple, pretended one wasnt asked, and hedged on another

I will make it easy so you do not have to scroll back

Who is better Campbell or Romo sits to pee (you erased this earlier)

Who will finish better Skins or Dallas

Not gonna play your game, BigD.

I asked you to list puke weaknesses...you ignored it. I answered honestly, you mocked me.

It's a shame.

I thought we had something here.

I was wrong. What a fool I was.

Too bad.

A real shame.


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Thats the point nobody here is anointing them the champs

No one came out and used the words "We will win the SB like a cake walk" its the attitude of the cowboys fans on here. there are a few who are realistic. you are one who i could have a straight forward convo with. others have the blinders glued on. if you make a point to them about something that should concern a cowboys fan, you just get a smart ass remark about 5 SB trophies or 13-3 or ignoring what was said and turn and either bashing a member or a redskins player. if there was more objectivity from most of them it would be a lot better having convos with them. if they could answer the questions like i have like i did it would make them more credible, but you wont get that.

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Not gonna play your game, BigD.

I asked you to list puke weaknesses...you ignored it. I answered honestly, you mocked me.

It's a shame.

I thought we had something here.

I was wrong. What a fool I was.

Too bad.

A real shame.


Back to your routine I see. Damn man you couldnt even answer 5 questions. Even after I gave honest answers to 6 of your questions. Its ok I never expected you to answer them Hell you asnswered 3 which is more than I expected.

One more time before I go to bed

Who is better Romo sits to pee or Campbell

Who will finish w better record Dallas or Washington

answer the 2 questions you missed and we can discuss Dallas weaknesses.

Otherwise I am gonna head to bed

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Campbell is better

I can't believe anyone would even ask that question, frankly... :laugh:

Romo sits to pee hasn't won a big game in college or the pros.

Romo sits to pee pads his stats against bad defenses.

Romo sits to pee is reckless with the football.

Romo sits to pee chokes.

Shall I go on?

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Can you link me to these cowboys fans saying we are a lock for the superbowl please?

Well, there are plenty that I deal with off this board that say that. But for those on this board, simply go to the 'search' function, input 'cowboys' and 'superbowl', and you'll get a rash of posts on that issue.

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Back to your routine I see. Damn man you couldnt even answer 5 questions. Even after I gave honest answers to 6 of your questions. Its ok I never expected you to answer them Hell you asnswered 3 which is more than I expected.

One more time before I go to bed

Who is better Romo sits to pee or Campbell

Who will finish w better record Dallas or Washington

answer the 2 questions you missed and we can discuss Dallas weaknesses.

Otherwise I am gonna head to bed

Good night!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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No one came out and used the words "We will win the SB like a cake walk" its the attitude of the cowboys fans on here. there are a few who are realistic. you are one who i could have a straight forward convo with. others have the blinders glued on. if you make a point to them about something that should concern a cowboys fan, you just get a smart ass remark about 5 SB trophies or 13-3 or ignoring what was said and turn and either bashing a member or a redskins player. if there was more objectivity from most of them it would be a lot better having convos with them. if they could answer the questions like i have like i did it would make them more credible, but you wont get that.

But come on some of the things discussed on here as something that should concern a Cowboys fan are trivial things you know like Romo sits to pee having a 7.3 ypc in his 4 series. or the backup TE to an all pro not looking good.

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