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Ah, ATN is awfully quiet these days...


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Can anyone remind me how the Pukes lost to the Giants in the playoffs last year?

Some say it came down to Romo sits to pee's INT...but I thought it was something else....anyone?

Giants D pressuring from their front line ? Was a little obvious to me.

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Can anyone remind me how the Pukes lost to the Giants in the playoffs last year?

Some say it came down to Romo sits to pee's INT...but I thought it was something else....anyone?

I watched the highlights replay a few weeks ago on the NFL Network. I almost forgot about the game.

Basically, Romo sits to pee played the worst half of football I ever seen a QB play. He was simply horrible.

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I watched the highlights replay a few weeks ago on the NFL Network. I almost forgot about the game.

Basically, Romo sits to pee played the worst half of football I ever seen a QB play. He was simply horrible.

You know, that rings a bell.

BTW, have you noticed that the pukes are once again giving an impression that they can 'turn it on' whenever they need to...you know, like they did after that dismal final four weeks last year.

I find it remarkable that they can continue to feel that confidence...

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You're right. Pats should be getting the #1 pick right? They've looked awful so far.

7-9 is the best they can hope for no doubt

Romo sits to pee will obviously suck I mean his ypc is only 7.3 after 12 passes

(ignore those 335 completions last year they dont count)

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Its not about who wins and loses is that puke fans can not admit their team doesnt have a free ride to Tampa. They cant get passed the fact that they have to actually play the games first.

Can you tel;l; me which Cowboys fan in ATN has predicted superbowl let alone the ones who said it would be a walk in the park?

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Can you tel;l; me which Cowboys fan in ATN has predicted superbowl let alone the ones who said it would be a walk in the park?

Tell me one that hasn't? Everytime ANYONE brings something up thats not praising the almighty Cowboys, you hear from every argument, "keep getting your digs in now, when the season comes you will be sorry."

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Tell me one that hasn't? Everytime ANYONE brings something up thats not praising the almighty Cowboys, you hear from every argument, "keep getting your digs in now, when the season comes you will be sorry."

I don't think so. I think every Cowboys fan thinks its possible but they know it'll be tough.

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Tell me one that hasn't? Everytime ANYONE brings something up thats not praising the almighty Cowboys, you hear from every argument, "keep getting your digs in now, when the season comes you will be sorry."

So the answer is no, you cant name 1?

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TR1, I like you dude, but come on...IT'S PRESEASON FOOTBALL!

Dude, the pukes were supposed to shine from day one...including preseason.

Am I wrong?

All I'm pointing out is that the expectations are way out of whack with reality.

Carry on.

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