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Ah, ATN is awfully quiet these days...


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Yeah OK! Hang around the ATN more.

I do. I don't see Cowboys fans thinking it'll be a walk in the park like you say they are.

If anything, it's Redskins fans coming here, proclaiming the Cowboys to be the worst team in football, Cowboy fans saying "No, that isn't true, they should be really good" and everyone jumping on them, saying "Oh man, you're predicting a SB aren't you!? Play the games first!"

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I do. I don't see Cowboys fans thinking it'll be a walk in the park like you say they are.

If anything, it's Redskins fans coming here, proclaiming the Cowboys to be the worst team in football, Cowboy fans saying "No, that isn't true, they should be really good" and everyone jumping on them, saying "Oh man, you're predicting a SB aren't you!? Play the games first!"

Now here is an honest man who pays attention to the goings on in the ATN

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I do. I don't see Cowboys fans thinking it'll be a walk in the park like you say they are.

If anything, it's Redskins fans coming here, proclaiming the Cowboys to be the worst team in football, Cowboy fans saying "No, that isn't true, they should be really good" and everyone jumping on them, saying "Oh man, you're predicting a SB aren't you!? Play the games first!"

Yeah you def need to hang around here more. Of all the threads ive been in this past week(when the puke threads started to heat up)I haven't read any skins fan saying the pukes were the worst team in football. Many of us have given credit to them for being a very talented team.

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Yeah you def need to hang around here more. Of all the threads ive been in this past week(when the puke threads started to heat up)I haven't read any skins fan saying the pukes were the worst team in football. Many of us have given credit to them for being a very talented team.

And I haven't read many posts by Cowboys fan saying the road to the SB will be a freakin walk in the park either.

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I do. I don't see Cowboys fans thinking it'll be a walk in the park like you say they are.

If anything, it's Redskins fans coming here, proclaiming the Cowboys to be the worst team in football, Cowboy fans saying "No, that isn't true, they should be really good" and everyone jumping on them, saying "Oh man, you're predicting a SB aren't you!? Play the games first!"

No. You have it wrong.

We post article after article proclaiming the pukes annointed NFCE champs and SB contenders, but not ONE puke fan says it's not realistic...that the games need to be played...that many bad things could happen.

Not one.

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No. You have it wrong.

We post article after article proclaiming the pukes annointed NFCE champs and SB contenders, but not ONE puke fan says it's not realistic...that the games need to be played...that many bad things could happen.

Not one.

I'll send out the memo to Cowboy fans tomorrow.

"You will not win the SB because...BAD THINGS COULD HAPPEN!!!!!"

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Sweet can you link me to their posts that said we would win the superbowl easily thanks

Give us a list of those who have said the prediction articles where the pukes have the best talent, best backup talent and are locks for the SB are nonsense.

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But they soak up the articles saying just that. They don't dispute them at all.


Main Entry:fa·nat·ic

Pronunciation: \fə-ˈna-tik\

Variant(s):or fa·nat·i·cal audio.gif \-ti-kəl\


Etymology:Latin fanaticus inspired by a deity, frenzied, from fanum temple — more at feast


: marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion <they're fanatic about politics>

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