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Thoughts on Suisham in Poll Form?


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I think we should get Vanderjagt. I don't understand why he's still out of work, apparently.

He's the most accurate kicker in history and really has only 2 memorable misses to his credit. And one of those was blocked.

Hell....bring back Nicky even. Have a 3 way competition.


Talking about utter erpic fail when it comes to making it when it matters.

Dallas tried that one, go read about how that worked out.

Oh, and doesn't he have an ego as big as an older gentlemen's prostate?

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Like I said he only had 2 memorable misses and one of them was because of a breakdown in protection from the line.

Right now, suisham has missed what...2 straight from short yardage...one that could've changed the tone of the game.

I say vandy deserves a shot at redemption.

As for his ego...man. How does T.O. And pacman get 2nd chance after 2nd chance with their collossal egos when the most accurrate kicker in history stays out of work?

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I think we should get Vanderjagt. I don't understand why he's still out of work, apparently.

He's a basket case, rags on his teammates, and can't cope with pressure. He had a 72 FG % the last season he played, which was over a year and a half ago. That guy isn't the player I want, if anything bring back Hall, though he rarely played, and actually had a worse percentage his last year with us.

I think you guys are forgetting how bad our kicking has been in the past, not just recent either. Let me try to add some facts to this discussion since it's being driven on pure emotion.

The last time we had a kicker kick higher the Shaun's 83% was in 1982, Mark Moseley, and he only did it twice in his career, he was also 4/8 in the playoffs that year. It isn't even close, the only times we've had a higher FG% as a team has been in 05 (81%) and 96 (81%).

David Akers, whom we had for 2 kicks, both of which he missed, has a career FG % of 80.7. Comparatively, Shaun has a career (though short) percentage of 82%. Akers was 87% in his 3rd year, Shaun was 88%. Akers was 83% in his 4th year, Shaun was 83% also.

I think I'd rather give the young guy a chance to redeem himself, since he's been more accurate than anyone we've had in 26 years. Yes, even if he missed one kick in the post season. You do remember 1 or 2 seasons ago, Adam (HoF) Vinatieri missed a crucial regular season kick against his former team to lose the game for the Colts.

I agree he lost the momentum for us in the playoff game, but he didn't lose the game. If anything our QB lost a fumble and 2 INTs. I would say, unless his FG counted for 21 points, we lost it for other reasons more than one FG.

Relax, we're in the best shape we've ever been in as far as our Kicker goes.

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He was fifth in TOTAL FG MADE. Not fifth in ability, fifth in talent, fifth in leg strength, fifth in accuracy, or fifth in effectiveness. He was merely just among the best in total opportunities to kick. Don't manipulate the stats.

From GregW

But Greg, you just did, stats are stats, they indicate ability. What would you prefer a guy that is 100% at 2 for 2? or a guy that kicks a bunch and well misses a few and makes most of them? Oh yeah, you only care if the 2 for 2 are in the playoffs, how nice.

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Don't forget, he had a new holder in Durant and maybe he wasn't able to get the ball in the right place. And the snap wasn't great either.

Rubish he said the hold was good after the game he just missed it!

No excuses a so called clutch kicker has to make that!

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29 of 35 in FG's last year (including a whole bunch AT the New York football Giants in December)

8 out of 9 in 2006 for us in December (including a 52 yarder)

2 game winning FG's last year (Phins, Jets)

Deeper kickoffs in the HOF game

Name a kicker who is better out there

Do i really need to start posting stats again? :doh:

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He was fifth in TOTAL FG MADE. Not fifth in ability, fifth in talent, fifth in leg strength, fifth in accuracy, or fifth in effectiveness. He was merely just among the best in total opportunities to kick. Don't manipulate the stats.

From GregW

But Greg, you just did, stats are stats, they indicate ability. What would you prefer a guy that is 100% at 2 for 2? or a guy that kicks a bunch and well misses a few and makes most of them? Oh yeah, you only care if the 2 for 2 are in the playoffs, how nice.

Still he is 23rd in FG%, the stat that matters most.

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So let me say what you really meant:

I agree, aside from the most clutch moment of the season, he has been money in the clutch.

Missing kicks in the playoffs is not money in the clutch, period. A kicker who is money in the clutch has to make that kick.

Also, regarding the stats that make Suisham fifth. He is among the lowest on that list in FG% and has one of the shortest "Long" numbers. So, we have an inaccurate guy who can't kick from very far out, who just happened to get a lot of opportunities because of our piss-poor offense.

He was fifth in TOTAL FG MADE. Not fifth in ability, fifth in talent, fifth in leg strength, fifth in accuracy, or fifth in effectiveness. He was merely just among the best in total opportunities to kick. Don't manipulate the stats.

:notworthy :applause: :notworthy :applause: :notworthy :applause: :notworthy :applause: :notworthy :applause: :notworthy

FINALLY someone else gets it!

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