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It's Official: House Jud. Committee Holds Rove In Contempt!


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In Contempt Vote on Karl Rove, the Ayes Have It

Nice to see Congress grow a pair for once. The House Judiciary Committee has decided that Rove is in contempt of court for ignoring a subpoena, hiding behind make-believe immunity.

Quote of the day comes from Hank Johnson on his vote: "Absolutely, 100% Aye."


A little research says:

The criminal offense of "contempt of Congress" sets the penalty at not less than one month nor more than twelve months in jail and a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000.

Of course, he'll walk.

Edit: Since some people like to pretend that attacking the messenger is the same as attacking the message, here's another link from that bleeding-heart liberal commie site, Forbes.com.

House panel votes to cite Rove for contempt

Interesting that the vote was 20-14 along party lines. I guess that means Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee don't mind being completely ignored by any person who just feels like not showing up.

On the other hand, Republicans in Congress had better get used to being ignored. This is good practice.

Just goes to show how little self-respect congressional Republicans have left these days. At least the Democrats have started to stick up for themselves.

Keep in mind that Pelosi has the final say over whether there will be a final vote on the contempt charges within the full House.

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This plus that whole apology for slavery thing. Man I tell you this Congress is really doing the peoples business.

Yeah they aren't doing anything... I mean let's just ignore the real estate thing that happens to be one of the only major issues congress can actually effect in the short term.

We should talk more about 7 year SHORT TERM solutions for oil that don't have a chance at actually changing anything.

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^^ you mean punishing the criminals that have been getting away with murder for the past 7 years. bout damn time.

Really? Criminal? Murder?

Care to prove those absurd allegations?

Rove's response to Congress and you. :nana: :finger:

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Rove's response to Congress and you. :nana: :finger:

One great potential Congressional response to Rove:


Hopefully right around election time. He'll appeal it forever and never see a day of jail time, but it would send the right message and start the dominoes falling.

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Anyone want to make a wager on what happens with this?

I'll bet anything that Rove wont see a minute in prison.

Oh, agreed.

I suspect he deserves it. But

a) They'll never prove it.

B) Even if they could prove it, they don't have the will to actually force the issue.

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I'll bet anything that Rove wont see a minute in prison.

I doubt anyone will bet against you on that. Like everyone else at that level, he's above the law.

The best you can do is to take away whatever shred of dignity and legacy he has left, as an example to the next would-be selfish Machiavellian jackass. Hit him in the ego, where it hurts most, as hard as you can and at a time when it's the greatest liability to his party.

For a guy like Rove, the effects of that injury will be more traumatic and longer lasting than getting his poo pushed in by some prison boyfriend.

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The Forbes article has lots of tidbits that just seem to jump off the page at me.

The Senate proceedings were the latest congressional review of the White House, a constitutionally mandated power that majority Democrats are eager to use.

Somehow, I must have missed that part of the Constitution.

(Although I would agree that there's a LOT more basis to claim that it's a necessary, implied, power, than a lot of the other vaporware that a lot of folks seem to be "finding" in the Constitution.)

But three months from Election Day, a lame-duck Congress conducting oversight of a lame-duck White House produces mostly talk.


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Or how about

"I'm glad to see Attorney General (Michael) Mukasey asking to change these practices," Specter said earlier.

"Since I sure wouldn't want to see a Democrat doing the exact same thing that I'm stonewalling because a Republican did it."

("In fact, all those rules that I voted to change when the Republicans took over? The ones that were specifically designed to allow a Party with a very thin majority to completely steamroll a slim minority? I think we should change all those rules back, too.")

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You must not have an understanding of that bet or what transpired after I lost it.

Not making a habit of getting involved in others' personal lives, I don't know this story either.

Please share. It sounds like it could be entertaining.

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Not really. I made a bet that the loser would leave for a year. I lost, I left. After a few days I got emails from people asking me to reconsider. I refused. Some of those people then went to the person who won the bet and asked him to change the terms to a sigbet. He agreed and emailed me to return.

That simple. I didnt choose to ignore the bet.

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