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Colt Brennan Needs A LOT of Work


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blah blah blah, colt brennan is not nfl quality yet but very few people thought he would be, Jason Campbell in three years will be perennial pro bowler quality and the best quarterback in the NFC East. I'll stand by that.

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"That can be said for tons of athletes. Every town has their son, Jason Campbell, Brett Favre, and countless # of others"

Yup. And that's a good thing. We need more love in the world, don't you think?

Win-win, not either/or. There is no limit to love and the good things it does for those who share it!

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Colt Brennan is real lucky he has a guy that can turn a guy that isn't very good into a pro bowler as his coach. You won't recognize Colt Brennan in three years. He'll be a different Quarterback, a much much better Quarterback. That my friend will be the work of Coach Zorn.

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Colt Brennan is real lucky he has a guy that can turn a guy that isn't very good into a pro bowler as his coach. You won't recognize Colt Brennan in three years. He'll be a different Quarterback, a much much better Quarterback. That my friend will be the work of Coach Zorn.


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Colt Brennan is real lucky he has a guy that can turn a guy that isn't very good into a pro bowler as his coach. You won't recognize Colt Brennan in three years. He'll be a different Quarterback, a much much better Quarterback. That my friend will be the work of Coach Zorn.

This is what you call developing a QB.

Good post, I agree. :cheers:

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Colt Brennan is real lucky he has a guy that can turn a guy that isn't very good into a pro bowler as his coach. You won't recognize Colt Brennan in three years. He'll be a different Quarterback, a much much better Quarterback. That my friend will be the work of Coach Zorn.

If Brennan, in three years is only capable of Hasselbeck-like production, then people like you would be proven right all along.

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The first year BRETT FAVRE took the field as an NFL QB for Atlanta, he was......HORRIBLE.....really, really bad. Of course Colt Brennan has his work cut out for him. Thanks for being MASTERS OF THE OBVIOUS, all you Colt Brennan bashers and Jason Campbell excuse makers.

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The first year BRETT FAVRE took the field as an NFL QB for Atlanta, he was......HORRIBLE.....really, really bad. Of course Colt Brennan has his work cut out for him. Thanks for being MASTERS OF THE OBVIOUS, all you Colt Brennan bashers and Jason Campbell excuse makers.
I think we hurt your feelings. Sorry man.

Here, have a 356_product.jpg on me.

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The first year BRETT FAVRE took the field as an NFL QB for Atlanta, he was......HORRIBLE.....really, really bad. Of course Colt Brennan has his work cut out for him. Thanks for being MASTERS OF THE OBVIOUS, all you Colt Brennan bashers and Jason Campbell excuse makers.

Geez...What a memory you have!

Atlanta coach Jerry Glanville did not approve of the drafting of Favre, saying it would take a plane crash for him to put Favre into the game.[12] Favre's first pass in an NFL regular season game resulted in an interception returned for a touchdown. He only attempted four passes in his career at Atlanta, completing none of them.[3]

[edit] It doesn't make any mention of it, but I suspect Glanville didn't like Favre's "sidearm":laugh:

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too early to say, he's only been on the team for a few months. we all know he's a project QB with a lot of potential. its hard for me to take analysis from someone who is only 19 years old. not hattin but we'll see how it pans out. will he be a decent NFL QB...probably not but its too early to predict anything.
This from a 29 year old who apparently hasn't heard of capitalization and spells 'hating' as "hattin" . :rolleyes: Ummm...ok. Its hard for me to take analysis from someone who can't grasp basic english.
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There was one sequence of plays that Colt couldn't even find a receiver, and just held the ball in the pocket. I think I remember him doing it 2 times in a row. He also had a ball batted down.


yeah he did that a couple times when i went on tuesday as well. he does look like he needs a lot of work. and that side arm motion just won't cut on this level.

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yeah he did that a couple times when i went on tuesday as well. he does look like he needs a lot of work. and that side arm motion just won't cut on this level.

Brennan does need to realize that he won't always be able to make a play. He did that at UH too where he would hold on to the ball too long rather than throw it away.

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I actually have to tip my hat to Hasselbeck in terms of his numbers - after all, he doesn't exactly have the Patriots' receiving corps out there.

Of course Colt Brennan needs a LOT of work. Jason Campbell needs a lot of work to run this new offense. Any quarterback - even the good ones - that make the jump from college to the pros are going to need work. There aren't a whole lot of guys that come in their first year at QB and do everything perfect.

I don't think it was so much Brennan's comfort with the new offense. From what I heard, there were a crapload of people at that scrimmage. Probably a lot of them were like the OP and just waiting for Brennan to screw up so they can gloat about how their assumptions about small-school QBs or R&S QBs were right all along. Colt Brennan has got to be one of THE most scrutinized potential third-string QBs this world has ever seen. Maybe if people would get off of Colt Brennan's balls and let the kid get his feet wet in the system instead of looking for the first excuse to cut him to stroke their own egos about how much they know about football, he could do all right.

And who the hell gets their idea of a quarterback after 7 passes in a scrimmage? What in the world? These guys are probably the same *******s that were calling for Jason Campbell's replacement after he started 20 games with half his roster injured. Get a grip.

Oh, and speaking of having 'half his roster injured', note that neither Kelly nor Thomas participated, and even Mix got taken out later in the game. I don't know, but that might leave you a little bit low on targets after three of your receivers are hurt.

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I've seen him play about 25 games and there is one thing I know about him. He wants to win and know how to make plays with the games on the line.

I really don't want a great mechanic leading the Skins. It is a lot more than great technique

He'll also be his own worst critic, so you critics should go ahead and pile on. It won't hurt him.

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Of course he has a lot of work ahead of him. He missed valuable time in the offseason with his injury. Also, even tho Campbell was a first round pick, he didn't look all that great when he started either. It is rare that a rookie can go onto the playing field and look like he's been there forever.


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IMHO, We live in a dysfunctional world and some of us are quick to recognize and endorse someone who brings us together for a positive reason (as opposed to fighting a mutually perceived enemy).

At the end of his JR. year at UH, Colt was at the peak of his game. He was also on a personal high from the previous low during his time at CU. He "went native" and found redemption in the loving and encouraging environment of the country people of Hawaii who adopted him as a son.

When he was approached to forgo his SR year and jump to the NFL, he decided instead to stay in school, get his degree and "give back" to his team and the people of Hawaii (to whom UH is like our NFL team).

His destiny was set at that moment.

Colt is an extraordinary person.

He is unlike anyone we have seen before.

If we are homers, it's because he earned our love and respect through his demonstration of love, respect and understanding of Hawaii and its culture.

Plus, he led the team to a perfect season and they all grew with him.

During the Sugar Bowl, he demonstrated his determination even though the team was shell-shocked for the first time. He's tough and has faith and is not a quitter.

He was chosen captain of his Senior Bowl team - that says something about peer-respect.

Being a grandmother, single mom of teens and a fairly new FB fan, my perspective is a little broader than just the game. It's about finding a life work that you love doing and leaving the world a better place.

Colt Brennan loves football. He united an entire state - in a way we haven't seen before. We hope he will be given the opportunity to play for the Redskins.

Who knows how good that might be. We already know how good he made "us" feel :laugh:


Its good that he is a good person. But this is NFL not daddy day care..He is not in Hawaii anymore this is Redskins Country and from the beginning of training camp and scrimmage I have heard nothing exciting about him. Unless he does something spectacular in the next few weeks. He will be on the practice squad. I have heard no praises from Zorn unless I missed it. Only people I see boosting him up is his fans. But I wont place judgment now. its still early. But at best he is going to be the 3rd string QB. I wish him the best but he has a long way to go.

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Its good that he is a good person. But this is NFL not daddy day care..He is not in Hawaii anymore this is Redskins Country and from the beginning of training camp and scrimmage I have heard nothing exciting about him. Unless he does something spectacular in the next few weeks. He will be on the practice squad. I have heard no praises from Zorn unless I missed it. Only people I see boosting him up is his fans. But I wont place judgment now. its still early. But at best he is going to be the 3rd string QB. I wish him the best but he has a long way to go.

It is also a long way to go until such decisions are required to be made. Right now, everyone has gone through a week of camp. There is a lot of learning to be done between now and the time cutdown time comes. Many opportunities to improve.


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The only reason people are somewhat harsh on Brennan is because this board has become flooded with folks who think he's the next Joe Montana or something. It's ridiculous. I mean, Colt was lucky to get drafted according to some scouts.

I hope he turns into a stud qb. That would be awesome. But right now he's just another college star trying to make a NFL roster. By the sound of things -- at least so far -- he's got his work cut out for him.

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JC wasn't looking pretty either. He wasn't as fluid as I thought he would be. So don't judge a rookie when a 4th year QB is still looking like a somewhat a rookie himself.

TC was the only QB that impressed me when he threw the football to Billy McMullen in double converage and Kelly reaching out and grabing the ball and running it in for a TD.

I will post the pictures later where Zorn was having a talk with JC after couple of his plays didn't look too pretty.

So let me get this straight, Campbell goes 15 for 22 with a TD and 0 picks, and Todd Collins goes 8 for 13 for only 50 some yards and an interception, and Todd Collins was the one that impressed you?

Ummmm riiight. What the heck were you watching?

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