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WashPost: The Space Station Is All Decked Out. Give It Somewhere To Go.


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As space buffs know, the ISS really isn't doing anything these days except getting built and giving the Space Shuttles somewhere to go. And the foreseeable future seems only marginally more interesting for the poor ISS.

Although it's riddled with about a million practical problems, here's an interesting idea to ponder about a $156 billion hammer that has no nail to call its own.

...Send it to Mars.

It's All Decked Out. Give It Somewhere To Go.

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I don't see anything in there about overcoming solar radiation / cosmic rays

It would also need to be turned into a flying gas can with a lander module attached.

I'd much rather see the $$ used to launch a next generation space telescope.

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wouldnt work.

The ISS doesnt offer enough protection from the radiation that the crew would encounter on such a long mission. There also isnt nearly enough room for supplies, most noteably oxygen. Sure, they could add a hydroponics module, but i doubt there is enough space to have enough food/oxygen to support 5 humans for the 2-3 years the whole trip would require. I am not a scientist and with my limited knowledge, i know this is about the stupidest idea i've ever heard. i imagine real scientists could come up with atleast 100 reasons why such a mission would be completely impossible.

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wouldnt work.

The ISS doesnt offer enough protection from the radiation that the crew would encounter on such a long mission. There also isnt nearly enough room for supplies, most noteably oxygen. Sure, they could add a hydroponics module, but i doubt there is enough space to have enough food/oxygen to support 5 humans for the 2-3 years the whole trip would require. I am not a scientist and with my limited knowledge, i know this is about the stupidest idea i've ever heard. i imagine real scientists could come up with atleast 100 reasons why such a mission would be completely impossible.

and probably a 100 reasons why it could be possible :)

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that article claims that you would need 2.5 meters of sugar cane to supply one person with enough air to breath. Im sure it wouldnt work out that neatly in a space ship setting, but I bet a dedicated module to producing oxygen for the crew is not unreasonable.

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