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Septoplasty surgery.... Wow...:paranoid:


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Hey guys...

Anyone ever had surgery on their nose to correct a deviated septum? I had the surgery on Monday and I've got a few comments.

Surgery: No pain... One minute I was talking to the anesthesiologist and the next minute I was in the recovery room with an icepack on my nose.

Severely medicated...slept ok due to Percocet.... that night the medication upset my stomach and that was the end of the Percocet. Settled on Vicodin and then Tylenol.

Day 2: First signs of tubes (splints) in my nose... which I was told help you breathe. Nonsense, they fill with blood and mucus...along with the area around the tubes.... and you are doomed to breathe solely through your mouth. Slept in 20 minute bursts and obsessed about not breathing through my nose.

Day 3: The tubes become even more uncomfortable, and I began to think of ways to remove them myself. Sleep is impossible.. with the nose packed full of blood and stuff and the pressure.

Day 4: Splints out today... and what a relief!!!! I don't think people appreciate breathing through their nose until they can't for a few days. Talk about going psychotic!!! Nose feels remarkably good... just some drainage, to be expected, and a tightened sensation in the interior of my nose.

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Day 5: After getting the splints out yesterday I felt relieved I could breathe again. For the first time since Monday I actually slept longer than 20 minutes... in some cases an hour or more... but still suffered from congestion and drainage. Today I'm toughing it out with what amounts to a runny nose... but the breathing from my nose is refreshing. Pain is totally gone and no need for medications.

I have to say..if you can stick it out through the 3-4 day recovery it's worth it. Just realize that your mind will play tricks on you and you will obsess about your inability to breathe through your nose. It's maddening... something I never thought about before surgery. Perhaps it's just having rather large foreign (man-made) objects in your nose blocking your nasal passages that gets to you. There were several instances overnight that I had to forcibly keep myself from going near my tool box for a pair of needle nose pliers. That's scary!!!

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I had a septorhinoplasty done about seven years ago. I had a deviated septum and bones in my nose were misalinged due to fractures that never healed properly. I had splints in for ten days and I had a cast over my nose for fourteen days so my nose could heal from the rhinoplasty part of the surgery. I agree with you not being able to breathe through your nose is hard. There were times I wanted to rip off the cast and get the splints out.

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Glad your surgery went well Chris. I don't have any experience with the splints you were talking about. However, my experience with other drainage tubes used for similar reasons has yielded similar results, i.e. they generally get clogged and don't work as intended. I suspect that for some the tubes do work and so they're worth putting in on the off chance that you end up being one of those for whom it works.

And now, on to the real reason for my response. How did you end up with a deviated septum? Just curious....OK, nosey (no pun intended). ;)

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Thanks Yusuf for the kind words.

How did I get a deviated septum. Easy... I danced with a hot girl at a bar in my hometown of Lynchburg VA. I then caught the eye of a guy who waved me over as if he knew me and wanted to talk. I walk over... bend down to hear him as he is seated in a chair... and he gives me an uppercut that pushes my nose up and on to the side of my face. Voila! Deviated Septum.

Didn't know the girl...didn't know the guy.. but it turns out they were boyfriend / girlfriend and had just broken up. What bothers me most is that I couldn't have put my head in a better position for him to slug me than I did... almost on a silver platter for him.

I had the nose straightened a few weeks after the "racoon" mask and swelling subsided. At the time, the DRs. suggested that I had a deviated septum and should probably get it fixed. The funny thing is... they said I'd just live with it but that it might be more uncomfortable and bothersome as I got older.

Voila! 20 years later and it was uncomfortable and bothersome.

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Yikes, OUCH! I hope dude at least ended up doing a little time for assault. The GF was probably using you in an attempt to make the ex BF jealous.

In any event, I'm glad your surgery went well and I hope your recovery continues to go equally as well.

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