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I am the creator of the site. I know people may be critical, and say give the guy a chance. I want the Redskins to win every game, no matter who the coach is. The site also is a way for me to express my thoughts on the Redskins as a whole. The url www.firejimzorn.com provides a certain marketing aspect. I did make a post on the site explaining the purpose of the webpage.

My opinion is that the Redskins will not win a Super Bowl with Zorn as coach. I could be wrong, and I hope I am. It will just be frustrating when we have to re-build our offense around another coach, if Zorn does indeed get fired sooner rather than later.

I re-opened the polls on the site, so vote for Zorn if you feel he should have be hired. I do think there are people who believe what I believe.

Again though, I love the Redskins and only wish success for them. My standard is a Super Bowl victory, and I just don't believe Zorn can lead us there. Obviously the front office is an issue too, Cerrato and Snyder are just as responsible for the roster on the field.

Feel free to email me if you have comments or concerns. Thanks for visiting the site.


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I am the creator of the site. I know people may be critical, and say give the guy a chance. I want the Redskins to win every game, no matter who the coach is. The site also is a way for me to express my thoughts on the Redskins as a whole. The url www.firejimzorn.com provides a certain marketing aspect. I did make a post on the site explaining the purpose of the webpage.
Welcome. Your site sucks.
My opinion is that the Redskins will not win a Super Bowl with Zorn as coach. I could be wrong, and I hope I am. It will just be frustrating when we have to re-build our offense around another coach, if Zorn does indeed get fired sooner rather than later.
Hello!? McFly!? UNLESS WE HIRED SAUNDERS AS OUR HC (or kept him at OC) WE WOULD HAVE REBUILT OUR OFFENSE UNDER ANY NEW COACH. :doh: Your whole statement boils down to, "I'm going to be unhappy if the sun rises in the East tomorrow morning."
I re-opened the polls on the site, so vote for Zorn if you feel he should have be hired. I do think there are people who believe what I believe.
Congrats on thos 10 voters you had. :laugh: Yes, there are folks who believe what you do - we call them attention whores.
Again though, I love the Redskins and only wish success for them. My standard is a Super Bowl victory, and I just don't believe Zorn can lead us there.
No you don't. You don't want anything of the kind. You don't want the Skins to win the SuperBowl UNLESS the Skins do it YOUR way. Don't give me this "I love the Redskins" garbage - the only thing you love is the attention you get when you make stupid statements and people call you on it.
Obviously the front office is an issue too, Cerrato and Snyder are just as responsible for the roster on the field.
Yes. Thank you Sherlock. I had NO idea the FO was responsible for roster decisions. I'm SO happy that you and your website came along. :rolleyes:
Feel free to email me if you have comments or concerns. Thanks for visiting the site.
No Thanks. We have enough self-hating Redskins fans as is. :rolleyes:
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Oh course its a marketing ploy. You weren't even born when Gibbs went 0-5 in his first season. You like others dont give people a chance to succeed despite their experience
I hope that his family is a little more forgiving and patient then he obviously is. If they aren't, I hope he never makes a single mistake EVER - because otherwise they will hate him and disown him - if they don't already.

I hope he reads this and sees how ridiculous the second statement sounds. And how it exactly mirrors his views on Jim Zorn. :rolleyes:

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what a stupid site. Whoever did this just wants that the attention in case Zorn doesn't do well.
Nah - he wants attention no matter how well Zorn does. I guarantee this guy would never change his website to lovemesomezorn.com or iheartjimzorn.com. He said it himself - it's about "marketing".

This is the type of guy who would streak naked through Big Gay Al's Rodeo for Big Gay Cowboys and The Blue Oyster Bar because it would get him the attention he so badly needs.

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It's not like I was the only one who thought of this idea. I can guarantee you the thought crossed the minds of people on this very board. If someone had a blog, wouldn't they want people to see it and visit it? I wanted to make a blog about the Redskins, and I wanted it to be visible. This provided me an opportunity. Attention, yes, that is part of it. I wanted people to see the site, as opposed to nobody.

I won't be able to please everyone. I just find it funny how people can be critical of what type of fan I am based on a few words on a blog. That is laughable, but oh well, people will think what they think.

Go 'Skins.

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I just find it funny how people can be critical of what type of fan I am based on a few words on a blog. That is laughable, but oh well, people will think what they think.

A few words on a blog? How about the NAME of the blog. This is one of the saddest displays of attention-whoring I've ever seen.

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A few words on a blog? How about the NAME of the blog. This is one of the saddest displays of attention-whoring I've ever seen.

Yes, but that doesn't mean that I want to see the Redskins lose under Zorn. But whatever, it seems like I am fighting a losing battle with most of the members on this board.

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Yes, you are. Even the people who were opposed to hiring him are willing to give him a chance, and even they find your stunt pathetic.

That's fine. People are entitled to their opinion. I just don't want people saying my "stunt" was something that I only thought about. If not me, someone else would have done it as well. I hope he proves me wrong. I really do.

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Yes, but that doesn't mean that I want to see the Redskins lose under Zorn. But whatever, it seems like I am fighting a losing battle with most of the members on this board.
Because ES members know that if it quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, and flys like a duck....it's probably a duck.

And just like your website:

If it reads like a very stupid website, and it looks a very stupid website, and it's got a very stupid website url...it's probably a stupid website(and "webmaster").

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Because ES members know that if it quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, and flys like a duck....it's probably a duck.

And just like your website:

If it reads like a very stupid website, and it looks a very stupid website, and it's got a very stupid website url...it's probably a stupid website(and "webmaster").

Victory_or_Death...what are your expectations for this season? Thanks for the comments about my site. I'm glad it incensed you to a point where you took time out of your life to comment about it. Thanks

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Victory_or_Death...what are your expectations for this season? Thanks for the comments about my site. I'm glad it incensed you to a point where you took time out of your life to comment about it. Thanks
Time I was already spending here (and not on your website) anyway...so time spent laughing at you and your website is time well spent.

I expect Zorn and the Redskins to be successful. You want Jim Zorn fired because he'll never be successful before the season even begins. Now which of our two perspectives sound more reasonable? :rolleyes:

Now this will be my last post in regards to you and your website - because I've already fed your attention whore addicition far far too much.

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Time I was already spending here (and not on your website) anyway...so time spent laughing at you and your website is time well spent.

I expect Zorn and the Redskins to be successful. You want Jim Zorn fired because he'll never be successful before the season even begins. Now which of our two perspectives sound more reasonable? :rolleyes:

Now this will be my last post in regards to you and your website - because I've already fed your attention whore addicition far far too much.

I hope you are right. I hope they win the Super Bowl this year. Thanks again for welcoming me to the board. I must say, in my limited time here, you are my favorite guy on the board Victory_or_Death. One more thing...if Fassel had be hired...what would your expectations have been for this season? Thanks for your input dude.

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Yes, but that doesn't mean that I want to see the Redskins lose under Zorn.

You don't want to see them WIN under Zorn, either lol...you just want him gone. Period. The End. The only way you could want to see Zorn succeed is by allowing that he MIGHT succeed...and you've committed yourself to that being a stone-cold impossibility.

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I'm not sure how many posts of mine you read on the site...but I began the site right after he was hired. I was never on board with it. My opinion hasn't changed. It seems like there are quite a few people on this board who don't think realistically about the Redskins' chances this upcoming season. It is going to be difficult. The schedule makers sure didn't do any favors by opening up the season on National TV. The Redskins are a joke around the NFL right now, people don't respect them. The round-a-bout way they hired Zorn only furthered there skepticisim.

Bottom Line...people will peg me one or another. You don't know me...again...you base your opinion of me as a fan based on the site. I just don't like Zorn and the front office. I will not blindly support them like everything is going to be "ok". That doesn't make me any less of a fan...just a realistic one in my estimation.

I hope I am wrong, but I don't think I will be.

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You don't want to see them WIN under Zorn, either lol...you just want him gone. Period. The End. The only way you could want to see Zorn succeed is by allowing that he MIGHT succeed...and you've committed yourself to that being a stone-cold impossibility.

If Zorn is successful his first season, I will be the first one to say I was wrong.

What are your expectations this season? And why?

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I hope I am wrong, but I don't think I will be.

As long as you hope your wrong as well though. I could care less that your against the FO right now. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You came in here respectful and have backed up your statements. So as long as your still rooting for the team, I say happening cat, and hope that the FO does something that will get you on their good side.


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