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How Was Your Day?


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My day on Friday was one of the top 5 worst days ive had in 10 years. Life basically suckerpunched me, then kicked me in the junk when i was down. Epic double-whammy. :(

I got a dog today, and got some good news relating to the suckerpunch, so things are looking a lot better. :) And i didnt even get drunk.

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My day's been pretty good. Woke up around noon at a friends house, helped clean up what was left in the wake of the small but lively party we had last night, came home and haven't done a damn thing but watch college football since around 1. :cool:

Now, if the Caps can rebound and pull out a win tonight I'll be all set.

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I was told today that we probably ran out of work (painting). There's nothing scheduled for next week, so I might be unemployed yet again.

On top of that, I got home and my lil girl was rushing to meet me with a hug and she tripped and hit her forehead :( . She's ok though, but got a little bump on the forehead.

So, not a pretty good day overall.

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