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so what do you feed your dog/puppy?


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do you mean this or this?

I got a litle confused. Natura makes both Innova and Evo. The pet store I go to doesn't carry Innova and Evo doesn't make a puppy version afaik. Its all good because Orijen is on the same level.

I was talking about the Innova puppy in the burgundy bag.

Evo use to come in a puppy variety. I had to bring a bag back, because my puppy was throwing up left and right.

When I brought the bag back to the pet store owner, she looked at me kind of funny. I asked if there were a problem and she told me that I was the 2nd person to bring back a bag on that day and the 3rd that week.

It was more expensive as well///

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The upside of the premium kibbles is that they use natural preservatives. The downside is that it isn't all that uncommon for the food to go bad due to improper storage - either in transit, at the store, or in the home. Mold can form due to temperatures and humidity above 80 degrees - which in turn produces toxins that can make a dog very ill.

When people ask me, I always recommend buying small, rather than large bags of dog food that are preserved with natural ingredients. You always want to make sure you're feeding fresh kibble and of course the way to do that is to minimize the time lapse between production and ingestion. Also, never store the dog food in an area that isn't air-conditioned or in an area where the temperature is above 75 degrees (accounting for humidity as well). In fact, it's best to remove the kibble from the bag after opening it and store it in a resealable air-tight container.

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Once my kitchen is done remodeling my wife and I are going back to chicken/rice with veggies and a vitamin supplement! we just make a 10 day batch by getting cheap chicken from Costco, tossing it in a big soup pot boiling it to hell and then cooking the basmati rice in the leftover water. The dogs love it and we know what we are putting into their systems.

Yeah it's some work, but the animals love it and it's time spent with my wife in the kitchen together!

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Yep, Innova EVO dog food is top quality (and has already been mentioned :silly: ). On dog food analysis it gets 6/6 stars. I would buy it but they dont make a puppy version so I got Orijen which is just as good :cool:.

My step-uncle (I think that's the proper term) is a dog breeder, and was the reason I started using EVO, on his recommendation. If I remember what he told me, there is no puppy version of EVO because it isn't necessary and the food is healthy for dogs to eat at any age, even as puppies.

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My step-uncle (I think that's the proper term) is a dog breeder, and was the reason I started using EVO, on his recommendation. If I remember what he told me, there is no puppy version of EVO because it isn't necessary and the food is healthy for dogs to eat at any age, even as puppies.

Thats what I also heard but the calcium content is higher afaik so its not so great for puppies :(.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't post in this thread the first time around, but I did seriously read it, do some research, and make a change.

I've always fed my dogs Pedigree. My parents always fed our dogs Pedigree. My dogs were always happy/healthy and I never really considered it a problem worth worrying about. We currently have a Border Collie mix and a Chocolate Lab. The Border Collie mix has always shed an UNBELIEVABLE amount. I mean I could brush him every other day and easily fill up your standard plastic grocery bag with hair. We just figured that was part of the package and we had to live with it. Our Chocolate Lab has had dry skin off and on, and it was really apparent when he was brushed. He also has had some problems with one of his rear legs and would often limp after running hard or after sleeping for a while.

After reading through this thread a few times, and doing some research, I decided it couldn't hurt to try a different food. I decided on Blue Buffalo Large Breed. I mixed it 50/50 with their Pedigree for the first week, then went to 75/25 the 2nd week. I mixed in what was left of the Pedigree the other day, but they're pretty much eating 100% Blue Buffalo now.

Their energy level is very apparently higher. Our Border Collie has always been a finicky eater, but he can't wait to eat the Blue Buffalo. Our Chocolate Lab's limp has almost totally disappeared. I actually took him for a jog last week, and I haven't been able to do that for a few years now. Most amazingly, I was totally blown away when I went to brush our dogs today. The amount of hair that I brushed out was at least 90% less. I'm serious, I was totally and utterly amazed at the difference in their shedding and coat quality.

I'll be sticking to Blue Buffalo, and I'm sorry I didn't try it sooner. The extra couple of dollars is certainly worth it.

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