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Helicopter Crash


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Early this morning, I witnessed a helicopter crash into the ground. It is still replaying in my mind. While at work, a coworker and I witnessed a helicopter flying toward our building and we just looked up and watched for about 10 seconds. It wasn't in distress, but the engine did sound kinda weird. So, we're watching and the tail of the helicopter abruptly rips off and lands 20 yards from our building. The helicopter started to spin out of control and you could hear the propeller slow and then stop. It then turned on its side and eventually upside down and fell to the ground and exploded. All I could say was, "HOLY ****! HOLY ****!" We called 911 and ran up a small hill near our building and could see the crash site. There was nothing left. Thick black smoke billowed from the site and a small fire, but almost nothing remained of the helicopter. Sorry for rambling, but I had never witnessed anything like this and it keeps replaying in my mind. I saw the pilot struggling for control. That's how close it was. He was a Captain for the Wilmington Fire Department. May he rest in peace. Here is the story.


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Alwyas hard to deal with things like this bro, I watched a guy get slammed by a car about 5 years ago, sickest thing I've ever seen, let alone walking up to see the guy dead and splattered. In time it'll start to go away but every now again you'll think of it. Makes me appreciate life a little more I can tell you that much.

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In time it'll start to go away but every now again you'll think of it. Makes me appreciate life a little more I can tell you that much.

I hope it does. All I see and hear is the helicopter losing power and spinning before turning on its side(when I saw the pilot struggling) and then turn upside down and falling. I agree, it totally makes me appreciate life that much more. The man was a father of two. My heart is broken thinking about his family.

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