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S.I.:Collins inks three-year deal $9mil deal to return (M.E.T.)


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I smell another " I listened to the game on the internet" fan. There is no way in HELL you could make the statements you did if you actually watched the games. TC beat the NY GIANTS, you know the ones who won the S.B. with arguably one of the fiercest pass rushes ever seen, is that DECENT enough for you?

Clobbered by the seahags? :doh: He wasnt perfect but damn, if Cooley would have held onto that pass at the goaline the Skins would have been ahead by 8, instead they missed a fg, not TC's fault, and the Hags marched the field and took the lead, again not TC's fault. Go tell T.Romo sits to pee about not beating a good D in the playoffs with his homefield advantage and his #1 seed not a guy sitting on the bench for 10yrs. who had to play under intense pressure with no room for error for 4 games against teams at the time were still in the playoff hunt, without a single interception.

Did you watch the games . I know i did and what won the Giants game was bizarrely the shotgun draw and some excellent after the catch running by Portis . Collins completed 37% of his passes in that game and yes Manning wasn't doing much better but to say Collins won that game is bizzare . You know what is funny people say we don't know what we have till we loose it, our offensive banged up line played well down the stretch .

The Seahags game okay if Cooley had held onto that pass on the 2 yard line we would have been up by 8 and then we still would have lost because we mustered no offense the first 30 minutes of the game and he still would have made those 2 bone headed plays which were returned for 14 points .

I also have to ask ermm when did Collins play in the west coast offense? in Buffalo 10 years ago when he put up a QB rating of 69.5 or on madden ?

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Jim Zorn, Vinny Cerrato and Dan Snyder: congratulations, and thank you. Also, thank you Todd Collins for coming back.

I thought that retaining Todd Collins should be the team's #1 priority this offseason. I said so in my thread, Jim Zorn: Is Todd Collins your Rich Gannon? Re-sign him as if your life depends on it.

I'm often critical of the front office, but this is a breath of fresh air. What a nice start to the Vinny Cerrato / Jim Zorn era as top team executives.


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what's the dif Jimster?...TC couldn't do it when the heat was on. He won during a "perfect storm". The lack of demand for his services is telling enough. good backup. hope we never have to depend upon him. TC = loss to every team that musters a sustained pass rush.

Hey Fan, isn't that true with any QB? Are you saying that JC would handle a sustained pass rush more efficiently than TC? How many times was JC sacked last year? How many interceptions did JC throw due to a "sustained pass rush"?

I'm not against JC starting this season but you act like TC is some 3rd rate has been and you couldn't be further from the truth. He's a valuable asset to this team and worth every penny Little Danny has spent.

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we can go round and round on this one. The boys didn't care about that game. the defense won the Vikes game - they set everything up. SS provided the difference maker in the Bears game. And pls...you're referrring to that joke of a game against the Gints?

HE WAS CLOBBERED BY THE SEAHAWKS. HE WAS EXPOSED JUST AS SOME OF US WERE SAYING HE WOULD BE BY ANY TEAM THAT MUSTERS A DECENT PASS RUSH. I know you are totally enamored by a 4 game win streak during highly unusual circumstances. I saw everything I expected confirmed int the Seattle game. My one game trumps your four!!!!.... :laugh:

Collins is a nice backup. But he will never, ever, ever lead a team like the Skins with an adequate pass blocking O-line to a championship. once the better defenses are met in the playoffs he is toast.

At your age you should have learned by now to never say "never". Anything can happen at any given time. Simple as that.

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what's the dif Jimster?...TC couldn't do it when the heat was on. He won during a "perfect storm". The lack of demand for his services is telling enough. good backup. hope we never have to depend upon him. TC = loss to every team that musters a sustained pass rush.

OK. Is Tom Brady worthy of being our back up? Because if you re-watch the Superbowl, he couldn't get the job done when the heat was on either.

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OK. Is Tom Brady worthy of being our back up? Because if you re-watch the Superbowl, he couldn't get the job done when the heat was on either.

I knew this was coming. Not all pass rushes are alike. TC is vulnerable to a lot less pressure than Brady. TC has ZERO mobility. Brady is adept at avoiding the rush unless the whole blocking scheme has collapsed. Brady also has some maneuverability that buys time to improvise. TC's a sitting duck. While I appreciate your humor...you know...I know...that any DC who faces TC is thinking: "Easy". Seattle is a good defense....but something less than the 85 Bears or even the top of the heap in the NFC.......and they made TC look like dog meat.

It's a no brainer. If TC is the QB you don't need an all-Pro pass rush against him to be disruptive...you just need to force TC out of the pocket. You have the option of throwing the house at him also since, unlike Brady, you worry less about TC making headway with his legs for a strike down field. his physical limitatins make him a liability against teams ith a good/strong pass rush. and that is something one (i.e., a DC) gameplans for if the tools are there.

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I knew this was coming. Not all pass rushes are alike. TC is vulnerable to a lot less pressure than Brady. TC has ZERO mobility. Brady is adept at avoiding the rush unless the whole blocking scheme has collapsed. Brady also has some maneuverability that buys time to improvise. TC's a sitting duck. While I appreciate your humor...you know...I know...that any DC who faces TC is thinking: "Easy". Seattle is a good defense....but something less than the 85 Bears or even the top of the heap in the NFC.......and they made TC look like dog meat.

It's a no brainer. If TC is the QB you don't need an all-Pro pass rush against him to be disruptive...you just need to force TC out of the pocket. You have the option of throwing the house at him also since, unlike Brady, you worry less about TC making headway with his legs for a strike down field. his physical limitatins make him a liability against teams ith a good/strong pass rush. and that is something one (i.e., a DC) gameplans for if the tools are there.

that's where you can make the argument about the advantage of having a savvy vet. The WCO has an answer for defenses sending the house. See our defense vs Seattle in the playoffs. - We didn't sack Hasselbeck once, but blitzed many times.

Collins also passed for more yards and TD's than Hasselbeck in that Seattle loss. The defense and Santana Moss allowed 28 of the 35 points.

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An interesting signing. We now have a seasoned backup at QB, but I had thought it would be someone else.

First of all, I should let you know that I was a Todd Collins fan since the 2007 pre-season when I noted that he could run the offense, if he got decent O-line support. However whenever the O-line flops, Todd doesn't have the mobility to make up for it and the NFL rules on grounding make it much harder for him to get rid of the ball.

That said, I noted that during the games Collins started -- he exhibited great leadership skills and seemed well-liked by his teammates. He made quick and generally good decisions. He threw a fairly accurate, and very catchable ball. While he had slightly below-average arm strength on the longer passes, on occasion he still was able to throw long fairly well.

However, what made Collins most effective was how he made the players around him better. Instead of everything being about the QB (his development, scrambling, etc.) Collins' game was about knowing how to locate his teammates in the right position or situation to win the game, and then getting the ball to them.

Heck, even in the Seattle game where our patchwork O-line was getting beaten, Collins had the team playing competitively until things spun out of control at the end. (Also, it would not be accurate to blame Collins for the Seattle loss; we lost as a team because many of the Skins' 'star' players didn't perform well that day.)

Regardless of my praise about Collins, I still have concerns the Skin FO offered up somewhat hefty contract for what will probably wind up being a 2-year stint at backup QB. Okay, the contract is in line with the 2008 market price for backup free agent QBs -- but one can't help but wonder about how well Collins will 'fit' with as a WCO QB. (Age and durability are other things to consider as well.) Was Collins simply a Saunders system QB? Or can he run a WCO offense as well as the Saunders offense?

My take on this signing is either Zorn felt Collins' strengths would make him a good fit in his WCO, or Snyder simply wanted to reward Collins' 2007 performance and keep a proven performer on his team. Frankly, I hope it's what Zorn was thinking, and not simply a a reward. Regardless, the Skins should start looking for a young 3rd string QB to develop. and while they're at at --a better O-line to protect Campbell and Collins.

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I knew this was coming. Not all pass rushes are alike. TC is vulnerable to a lot less pressure than Brady. TC has ZERO mobility. Brady is adept at avoiding the rush unless the whole blocking scheme has collapsed. Brady also has some maneuverability that buys time to improvise. TC's a sitting duck. While I appreciate your humor...you know...I know...that any DC who faces TC is thinking: "Easy". Seattle is a good defense....but something less than the 85 Bears or even the top of the heap in the NFC.......and they made TC look like dog meat.

It's a no brainer. If TC is the QB you don't need an all-Pro pass rush against him to be disruptive...you just need to force TC out of the pocket. You have the option of throwing the house at him also since, unlike Brady, you worry less about TC making headway with his legs for a strike down field. his physical limitatins make him a liability against teams ith a good/strong pass rush. and that is something one (i.e., a DC) gameplans for if the tools are there.

I think TC has the ability to burn team that throw the house at him. He can read D's quickly, has a quick release, and would have the WCO at his disposal. He has witnessed(wish I could say "play") enough games to know how to handle pressure. The Seattle game wasn't as bad at it looked. TC made some very good plays in that game.

I'm glad he resigned. I don't see what's so bad about an open competition though?

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