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McCain’s sharp tongue: An Achilles heel?


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McCain’s sharp tongue: An Achilles heel?

Arizona senator’s ire all too real; critics wary of hothead in White House

WASHINGTON - Temper, temper. Republican John McCain is known for his. He's been dubbed "Senator Hothead" by more than one publication, but he's also had some success extracting his hatchet from several foreheads.Even his Republican Senate colleagues are not spared his sharp tongue.

"F--- you," he shouted at Texas Sen. John Cornyn last year.

"Only an a------ would put together a budget like this," he told the former Budget Committee chairman, Sen. Pete Domenici, in 1999."I'm calling you a f------ jerk!" he once retorted to Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley.

With Cornyn, he smoothed things over quickly. The two argued during a meeting on immigration legislation; Cornyn complained that McCain seemed to parachute in during the final stages of negotiations. "F--- you. I know more about this than anyone else in the room," McCain reportedly shouted.

Cornyn chuckled at the memory of what he called McCain's "aggressive expressions of differences." The Texan has endorsed McCain.

"He almost immediately apologized to me," Cornyn said last week. "I accepted his apology, and as far as I'm concerned, we've moved on down the road."

The political landscape in Arizona, McCain's home state, is littered with those who have incurred his wrath. In a 1999 interview with The New York Times, former Gov. Jane Hull pretended to hold a telephone receiver away from her ear to demonstrate a typical outburst from McCain.

McCain has even blown up at volunteers and, on occasion, the average Joe.

He often pokes fun at his reputation: "Thanks for the question, you little jerk," he said last year to a New Hampshire high school student wondering if McCain, at 71, was too old to be president.

Other times, his ire is all too real...

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Honestly, I have no idea how anyone can be in Washington and NOT go off on each other :laugh:

While McCain's temper probably makes him a few more enemies than the average politician, I personally find it pretty comical. Political correctness is waaayyy overrated these days :D

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Wow, he got mad at somebody and then apologized for it, and as near as anybody can tell nothing of a consquence happened as a result (the guy has even endorsed him).

I'm confused at how this is significant. Other than to show he's a big enough man to apologize when he's done something wrong.

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Wow, he got mad at somebody and then apologized for it, and as near as anybody can tell nothing of a consquence happened as a result (the guy has even endorsed him).

I'm confused at how this is significant. Other than to show he's a big enough man to apologize when he's done something wrong.

Hey, I don't make the news, just report it.

Now, my personal opinion, I don't want him going off like Tony Montana on the Soviets over the Red Phone. :2cents:

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Hey, I don't make the news, just report it.

Now, my personal opinion, I don't want him going off like Tony Montana on the Soviets over the Red Phone. :2cents:

I'd honestly be more worried about this if there was a history of him doing such things in a manner that would be harmful (such as going off on the RUSSIANS over the Red Phone). However, any report on this almost always includes an amibical ending to the situation, and I've never for example heard that a temper tantrum by him negatively affected legislation he has supported.

I almost think he does it for show. My dad owns a small business, and UPS delivers things for him, and they were suppossed to be there at 5:30. They used to be frequently late, which if he had to pay somebody to stay cost him money or if he had to stay himself could be a serious inconveniece.

Once, when I was working there and would be there late, it was 5:40, and they hadn't shown up. He was on his way out, but called them anyway and yelled at them for 5 minutes. You would have believed he was really irate over the situation, but he really wasn't (this particular day it didn't matter because I was going to be there anyway), but he was acting in a manner to make sure that he got noticed and got their attention because if history told him if he didn't then they'd slip and be late some other day, and it might matter that day. Right before the phone call he wasn't mad and right after he wasn't, but for those 5 minutes on the phone you'd though he was ready to hit something and that by being late they'd completely ruined his day.

The flip side of that of course was my older brother that worked there full time was always nice to the driver and frquently apologized for my father because they'd know he'd hear about it from his supervisor. It was classic good cop/bad cop.

As far as I'm concerned, McCain can go off on the Russians if it is done in a controlled manner and the net affect is a positive and not a negative.

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