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ESPN.com article from the AP lists Mooch as no longer a candidate??


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Snyder really likes Meeks guys, it was reported on ESPN coming from Danny's mouth. This is being forgotten in all of this.

Meeks got a second interview right? A short second interview, no less. To me, that second interview was to briefly finalize everything, make arrangements w/Meeks and make sure everyone was on the same page as to scheduling and how it was going to go down at the end of this week.

When the curtain is finally drawn, don't be surprised at all if Meeks is the guy. That'd be a "wow" hire. All the speculation and buzz surrounding Fassel and Spags.... then we hire Meeks? Wow.


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I think as long as its NOT Fassel, most Skins could live with the other choices. All have their own positives and negetives.:2cents:

Id vote in the following order...






My vote is the same. Just please, God, no Fossil. Mooch, Meeks and Spags are all ok in my book. Only time will tell...

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It has been down to these two for the last two weeks. Mooch, IMHO, was never a serious candidate.

This is what I believe also.

Except that I believe Fassel is already hired. These interviews are more like reconnaissance for Snyder. Just in case he needs to fire Fassel after one year.

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Why would a guy like Mooch or Spags come to a situation where they have very little control over their assistants? And have the smallest voice on a three-headed personnel monster?

Sorry...all signs point to a man that has been getting very little traction in recent head coaching searches.

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Yeah, that's very likely... but like you said, who knows?

Just trying to stir the pot. ;)

Can't stir the pot with someone who IS going to be the next Washington Redskins next head coach. :)

1) Meeks





2) Spags




















3) Anyone else

That is how my lists looks at the moment. Anyone other than Meeks or Spags and I will very disappointed.

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In terms of which HC picks cause what reaction, here's my thought:

A. Fassel (odds: 40%) - Offensive mind, currently not a popular choice based on this board and media reports. Instant hot seat, possible one-year placeholder if a bad season follows (Cam Cameron territory). Lowest on the "yeah" scale by fans, moderate-to-reasonable chance for success (given the OC/HC had his blessing).

B. Mooch (odds: 5%)- Offensively minded as well, mixed results in previous coaching stops. Questions raised on how he would work with Zorn, the new OC. Blache would probably have carte blanche with the defense. (Wade Phillips territory). Everyone's happy if it works, moderate chance for success. He worked with Millen, so maybe he could deal with Snyder too.

C. Meeks (odds: 30%)- Defensive as well, the likely surprise candidate here. Would gain immediate praise for Snyder for going outside of the recycled-coach bin, plus actually hiring the obvious Rooney Rule candidate would show all interviewees were given equal opportunity to impress. (Lovie Smith territory). Probably a guy people would feel very good about succeeding, though IMO, most probably won't expect it. Moderate to low chance for success, mainly because the offense would be out on an island by itself and as a more experienced guy he'd be given less time than Spags.

D. Spags (odds: 25%)- Defensive side of ball; as this year's "hot" assistant, likely would have the most leeway from the media and fans given that this would be a new path blazed under Snyder's watch. (Jim Mora, Jr./Mike Nolan territory). Said himself he didn't mind a pre-picked staff (as in when he arrived in NY). He has worked with some of the best defensive football minds around, so despite the lack of job title, the experience is there. Chance for success, moderate to high if given time.

Hey, but what do I know. I've changed my opinion several times on this myself.

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C. Meeks (odds: 30%)

I like Meeks, but I really think the airplane tracking puts him out of the running. I think if he were a serious candidate they'd have talked all night. As I see it Dan went out of his way to go to Indy himself and personally thank Meeks for being such a good sport about the process, and let him know in person that they'd decided to go in another direction.

Of course, what the heck do I know?

I'd like to see it be Spags and hope he is the next George Allen (when he went to the Rams he was the hot D-coord who'd just won the championship for the Bears). But if I was in Vegas, I'd bet next month's salary on Fassel.

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