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Imagine if the Media Never Reported Anything Incorrectly


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Let's see how it would look:

1. We'd be in week 3 of a coaching search in which the owner insisted on patience

2. There were lengthy interviews with Schwartz, Mora, Fassell, Meeks and several with Greg Williams

3. A couple people were interviewed for possible Coordinator spots depending on the new coach, including Ryan and Zorn

4. Vinny has finally been given the "GM" title, so-to-speak, and can now be held directly accountable by the fans (debatable but at least that's how I see it)

5. Since there are candidates we're interested in still playing, the coach won't be chosen until after the Super Bowl

6. Due to the lengthy interview process which has left many assistant coaches in the dark, Gibbs has called each coach and set up a meeting to get everyone up to speed

7. The front office has been silent, so the decision could go any way

But no, instead we get... Greg Williams is the next head coach. Wait, Gibbs didn't endorse him! Cowher will coach here, he's the splash "Little Danny" loves! Wait, Cowher insists he's not coaching this year. Schwartz is the top candidate, he blew Snyder away! Schwartz disappeared off the face of the earth, but Mora will sign as early as tomorrow. Wait, Mora changed his mind. There's a mystery candidate out there, we don't know who he is or where he came from, but he's out there! Oh look, it's Fassel, and he's going to be announced as head coach tomorrow! Oops, sorry, my bad, he's not. Why not? Uh, cause they couldn't get the coordinators they wanted! etc.

If you look at just the facts, this is not the end-all rock bottom chaotic disaster everyone seems to think it is. Yes, your emotions have been toyed with and you feel upset, but by whom?

And no, I'm not blaming the media, I think they're doing their best to find out what's going on, but the fact is they've done a terrible job so far. And I don't think the blogs *cough* JLC *cough* help anything because we have genuine reporters reporting unsubstantiated rumors they don't even deem fit to be printed as an actual article which everyone wants to take as fact. If it was 10 years ago and all you had was a newspaper, you wouldn't think it a big deal whatsoever.

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I'm confused as to why your list has two number threes...

1. We'd be in week 3 of a coaching search in which the owner insisted on patience

2. There were lengthy interviews with Schwartz, Mora, Fassell, Meeks and several with Greg Williams

3. A couple people were interviewed for possible Coordinator spots depending on the new coach, including Ryan and Zorn

4. Vinny has finally been given the "GM" title, so-to-speak, and can now be held directly accountable by the fans (debatable but at least that's how I see it)

3. Since there are candidates we're interested in still playing, the coach won't be chosen until after the Super Bowl

5. Due to the lengthy interview process which has left many assistant coaches in the dark, Gibbs has called each coach and set up a meeting to get everyone up to speed

6. The front office has been silent, so the decision could go any way

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Let's see how it would look:

1. We'd be in week 3 of a coaching search in which the owner insisted on patience

2. There were lengthy interviews with Schwartz, Mora, Fassell, Meeks and several with Greg Williams

3. A couple people were interviewed for possible Coordinator spots depending on the new coach, including Ryan and Zorn

4. Vinny has finally been given the "GM" title, so-to-speak, and can now be held directly accountable by the fans (debatable but at least that's how I see it)

5. Since there are candidates we're interested in still playing, the coach won't be chosen until after the Super Bowl

6. Due to the lengthy interview process which has left many assistant coaches in the dark, Gibbs has called each coach and set up a meeting to get everyone up to speed

7. The front office has been silent, so the decision could go any way

But no, instead we get... Greg Williams is the next head coach. Wait, Gibbs didn't endorse him! Cowher will coach here, he's the splash "Little Danny" loves! Wait, Cowher insists he's not coaching this year. Schwartz is the top candidate, he blew Snyder away! Schwartz disappeared off the face of the earth, but Mora will sign as early as tomorrow. Wait, Mora changed his mind. There's a mystery candidate out there, we don't know who he is or where he came from, but he's out there! Oh look, it's Fassel, and he's going to be announced as head coach tomorrow! Oops, sorry, my bad, he's not. Why not? Uh, cause they couldn't get the coordinators they wanted! etc.

If you look at just the facts, this is not the end-all rock bottom chaotic disaster everyone seems to think it is. Yes, your emotions have been toyed with and you feel upset, but by whom?

And no, I'm not blaming the media, I think they're doing their best to find out what's going on, but the fact is they've done a terrible job so far. And I don't think the blogs *cough* JLC *cough* help anything because we have genuine reporters reporting unsubstantiated rumors they don't even deem fit to be printed as an actual article which everyone wants to take as fact. If it was 10 years ago and all you had was a newspaper, you wouldn't think it a big deal whatsoever.

This would be so laughable if it were not true. :(

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It is more like the media is editorializing and trying to guess what the Skins are doing based on skuttlebutt. Unfortunately, they are getting it wrong more often than right. The problem is, people take it as truth and make people feel like there is something wrong going on, when really it all looks like a standard search for a head coach.


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Great Post! Its very sad, yet so TRUE.

Now, that the media has been highlighted, as being bad Hacks, and practicing bad reporting.

They'll make an attempt to spin it as a Redskin-Snyder problem, for not following the bad script. They have actually succeeded in mis-directing, many Loyal fans of it to.

Its a pathetic Attempt, yet its even more pathetic that so many Fans fall for it, OVER and OVER, and OVER....

Thank God, we have an Owner who doesn't Bow-down to the media dis-information, and Frightened Chicken little fans.

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Great post.

The fans got themselves worked up in a frenzy and really you can blame the media, but the fans themselves share a lot of the blame. Everything has been blown out so out of proportion and now you have fans threatening to stop supporting the team and the hate for Snyder is at a peak.

I'm going to stay off the boards after today until the preseason because its just too negative.

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THANK YOU!!!! I've been thinking that the information age has been a bit of a detriment to the team and fan base. People are so hungry for information that they make up information to satiate their desires from some iota of detail.

I can't help but think that it wouldn't be this crazy 10/12 years ago, because access to info wasn't as prevalent, and people waited for the official source to say something, before they make a decision.

People are so pressed these days to have instant gratification, that if they don't have word from official sources, in what they consider a timely manner, they'll believe anything everyone else tells them, when in all actuality those sources know about as much as we do ... nothing. Just because we buy tickets and pay for the product doesn't mean that we deserve to know each and every detail of what goes on with the organization. Which again, is a reason I've stated that I'm going to wait and see what happens before I start jumping off the deep end, because I don't deserve to know what's happening behind closed doors.

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:applause: A great perspective and indictment of the "get it first" not "get it right" method of reporting.

BTW - it is also a reflection of many of the posters here on ES. At least, in here, we do not try to pass ourselves as reporters - just know-it-alls. ;)

However - if Andyman says it - I believe it!

:helmet: The Rook

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