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Welcome to the circus (Examiner Opinion, ES mentioned by name)


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Agree. Everyone was killing the guy when the Giants defense gave up 80 points in the first 2 games. Now that they have had nice run in the playoffs he's suddenly a hot commodity. Oh please. Why pass up the DC that has been with you for 4 years an has had a top-10 defense 3 out of those 4 years?

Thats a silly question. If he has a backbone of jelly, then Danny will say "Welcome to the Washington Redskins coaching staff". If he offers any form of independent thought or God forbid rational thinking, then he'd better get used to being a DC.

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Just wrote an email to Mr. Snider: I think this applies to JLC and many of you as well:

Mr. Snider,

Just read your latest article from the Examiner. I tend to agree with most of what you wrote, but I can't help questioning both your and the media's agenda in this matter.

Let's face it, the media has disliked Snyder from day one. They ingored the fact that the Cooke family put the Redskins in a horrible position from 1993-1998 and chose to blame all of the failings on Snyder, when in reality, the Redskins have won a lot more than they did in the 5 years PRIOR to Snyder taking over.

I realize that Snyder hasn't exactly made himself "available" to the media and I know that the deal with extremeskins really hacked off many of the local media folks as well--- almost to a man, they take shots at that partnership whenever they can. Funny thing is, that extremeskins has NEVER changed since the collaboration, at least not in terms of censoring differing opinions. Snyder has gotten raked over the coals for years on that message board, yet the media continues to paint the board with a broad brush.

As far as the head coaching search goes, neither you, nor anyone else in the media has really provided us with any real information. Everything that you and others have reported has been hearsay and rumor. These reports then get filtered through the internet communities and people start running with them as if they are fact.

Is this a circus? Maybe. But then again, we don't quite know what's been going on, and it doesn't appear that you or many of your fellow colleagues do either. Even though my GUESS would be that you are correct-- it is still a guess, and I find it a tad irresponsible that so many media folks are throwing dirt on this issue before it's even been resolved.

As the process has dragged on, the local reporters have all become more and more jaded. No doubt there is frustration that no one has been able to "break" this story-- and I believe a lot of that frustration is being taken out on Snyder.

It's as if many of you are saying, "well, we can't figure out what's going on, so it must be something really bad or messy."

As I've said, as a fan, I have a bad feeling about things right now. I don't trust this process one bit. I fear the worst. But I just don't think the media is being responsible. Taking two weeks to fill the most important position in your business isn't lunacy-- perhaps it's smart? We should just all wait and see, and then when it's all said and done, you can pile on all you want.

Thank you for your time,

Ed Kleese

PS> I will probably post this over on extremeskins to see what they think :)

:applause: Great job, Kleese.
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It's because nobody was mentioning Sapgnuolo until Joe Buck and Aikman started gushing about him the last three weeks. I don't know what is so great about Spagnulo. He seems to be the flavor of the week because his defense playing better as of late. Similar to Jason Garrett earlier in the year. The media fixates on one guy and some owners buy into the hype. I don't see much difference in Spagnulo's defense than Williams defense with the exception of sacks. He inherited some nice pass rushers. I just don't think he has the resume to be a head coach after one year of being a defensive coordinator.

To add to that seniment, would Snyder be looking at Spagnuolo (sp?) if the Giants weren't headed to the Super Bowl?

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The Ravens are one year removed from a 13-3 record; the Redskins are one year removed from a 5-11 record. What makes the current Redskins situation so much better than Baltimore's two weeks ago? Certainly not the Redskins triumphant 9-7 march to a first-round exit.

Knocking on the door for a few years? Is that really what you think the Redskins have been doing lately?

Well in my defense, I never really said what we were on the brink of...

And I'm not saying out situation is better than the Ravens, Dolphins, and Falcons, I'm saying ours is very different because those teams are either completely in the dumps, or in the Ravens case, had turned on their coach. We are in none of those situations. If anything, I'd say (and myself is included in this group) that lots of Redskins fans and players were complacent with our apparent mediocrity over the past few years because we felt like the team was so close to being great. Now that Gibbs, the coach who I think allowed a lot of people to have that mentality, has left before we thought he would, Dan and crew are in a situation where there is a lot of pressure from the team and fans to make the right choice.

My point is basically that the media and fans should all take a collective breath and realize the tough situation the ownership is in. This is no excuse for them to handle things poorly, or to not give the media some indication of what's going on. But it's the media's fault for creating and feeding in to rumors.

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Just wrote an email to Mr. Snider: I think this applies to JLC and many of you as well:

Mr. Snider,

Just read your latest article from the Examiner. I tend to agree with most of what you wrote, but I can't help questioning both your and the media's agenda in this matter.

Let's face it, the media has disliked Snyder from day one. They ingored the fact that the Cooke family put the Redskins in a horrible position from 1993-1998 and chose to blame all of the failings on Snyder, when in reality, the Redskins have won a lot more than they did in the 5 years PRIOR to Snyder taking over.

I realize that Snyder hasn't exactly made himself "available" to the media and I know that the deal with extremeskins really hacked off many of the local media folks as well--- almost to a man, they take shots at that partnership whenever they can. Funny thing is, that extremeskins has NEVER changed since the collaboration, at least not in terms of censoring differing opinions. Snyder has gotten raked over the coals for years on that message board, yet the media continues to paint the board with a broad brush.

As far as the head coaching search goes, neither you, nor anyone else in the media has really provided us with any real information. Everything that you and others have reported has been hearsay and rumor. These reports then get filtered through the internet communities and people start running with them as if they are fact.

Is this a circus? Maybe. But then again, we don't quite know what's been going on, and it doesn't appear that you or many of your fellow colleagues do either. Even though my GUESS would be that you are correct-- it is still a guess, and I find it a tad irresponsible that so many media folks are throwing dirt on this issue before it's even been resolved.

As the process has dragged on, the local reporters have all become more and more jaded. No doubt there is frustration that no one has been able to "break" this story-- and I believe a lot of that frustration is being taken out on Snyder.

It's as if many of you are saying, "well, we can't figure out what's going on, so it must be something really bad or messy."

As I've said, as a fan, I have a bad feeling about things right now. I don't trust this process one bit. I fear the worst. But I just don't think the media is being responsible. Taking two weeks to fill the most important position in your business isn't lunacy-- perhaps it's smart? We should just all wait and see, and then when it's all said and done, you can pile on all you want.

Thank you for your time,

Ed Kleese

PS> I will probably post this over on extremeskins to see what they think :)


The impatient media and fans are creating at least 90% of this "circus". Of course, Snyder could put some kind of updates out there, but I seriously doubt it would have helped. People love to hate on Snyder and Cerrato, even when there is not anything that resembles proof that they have really done anything wrong.

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It's because nobody was mentioning Sapgnuolo until Joe Buck and Aikman started gushing about him the last three weeks. I don't know what is so great about Spagnulo. He seems to be the flavor of the week because his defense playing better as of late. Similar to Jason Garrett earlier in the year. The media fixates on one guy and some owners buy into the hype. I don't see much difference in Spagnulo's defense than Williams defense with the exception of sacks. He inherited some nice pass rushers. I just don't think he has the resume to be a head coach after one year of being a defensive coordinator.

He was also the LB/DBs coach in Philly for 7 years and they're also a pretty stout defense.

I'm not super pro-Steve Spagnuolo but don't you think since we're the only team with a HC vacancy that it's wise to take our time, wait until after the Super Bowl, and at least interview him?

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