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Clinton plays flight attendant in campaign plane spoof


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Reuters- Clinton plays flight attendant in campaign plane spoof


LAS VEGAS (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton, flight attendant? Not exactly, but the Democratic presidential hopeful did impersonate one briefly on Wednesday as her new campaign plane made its first voyage with journalists, staff and the candidate herself on board.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome aboard the maiden flight of Hil Force One" said the former first lady, startling reporters on the flight from Las Vegas to Reno, Nevada. Air Force One is the name of the plane that carries the U.S. president.

"My name is Hillary and I am so pleased to have most of you on board," she said over the loud speaker, an oblique reference to her sometimes contentious relationship with the media.

Clinton had been traveling on a chartered jet, with reporters relegated to a separate media plane or commercial flights. Now, with the race for the Democratic nomination going nationwide, the campaign has put the full entourage on one aircraft.

Clinton parodied the speech that flight attendants give at the onset of a trip.

"FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) regulations prohibit the use of any cell phones, BlackBerrys, or wireless devices that may be used to transmit a negative story about me," the New York senator said.

"And in the event of an unexpected drop in poll numbers, this plane will be diverted to New Hampshire," Clinton said, recalling her victory there over rival Barack Obama last week, despite polls that predicted the Illinois senator would win.

Clinton slipped in one dig against Obama, whom she has portrayed as not experienced enough for the White House.

"We know you have choices when you fly, and so we are grateful that you chose the plane with the most experienced candidate," she concluded.


This made me laugh actually. I wish they had a video of it. :)

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It's pretty funny. Some people will blast her for it anyway.

Yep...The criticisms were "she's too cold, and she shows no emotion nor sense of humor." And whaddya know, all of a sudden, "boo-hoo," and now "here's a funny!"

It's all perfectly coordinated and calculated. Sure, the other candidates do it too. I just think she's more transparent for whatever reason.

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It's all perfectly coordinated and calculated. Sure, the other candidates do it too. I just think she's more transparent for whatever reason.

That about sums it up. If she has a history of this sort of thing then I'd be more willing to buy it however, no serious Presidential candidate does ANYTHING "off-the-cuff", everything they do is calculated and planned out well before it is done. Clinton's problem (well, one of them at least) is that when she tries these "spontaneous" bits of humor, she comes across as false.

And just to put this out there, the funniest Presidential candidate is probable Huckabee. His appearances on The Colbert Report always leave me rolling on the floor laughing

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Yep...The criticisms were "she's too cold, and she shows no emotion nor sense of humor." And whaddya know, all of a sudden, "boo-hoo," and now "here's a funny!"

It's all perfectly coordinated and calculated. Sure, the other candidates do it too. I just think she's more transparent for whatever reason.

You will get no argument from me on that. She is totally calculated and I don't like her either.

This little joke was still kind of funny and nothing to affirmatively criticize her for.

I just don't understand the level of hatred for her, hatred that runs so deep that no matter what she ever does or doesn't do, it will be spun into a negative. It's borderline pathological.

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You will get no argument from me on that. She is totally calculated and I don't like her either.

This little joke was still kind of funny and nothing to affirmatively criticize her for.

I just don't understand the level of hatred for her, hatred that runs so deep that no matter what she ever does or doesn't do, it will be spun into a negative. It's borderline pathological.

I saw the video earlier today, and it was actually pretty funny.

I know its easy to forget the devisiveness and the animosity caused by the Clinton administration (in light of the Bush admin.'s failures) but the symbol of the GOP is an elephant for a reason. We don't forget.

Whether it's troops that are still in Bosnia on a 90-day mission without Congressional approval.

Whether it's perjury (though not convicted, leading to disbarment).

Whether it's the definition of "is."

Whether it's (at the VERY least) sexual harassment and/or battery of a subordinate in office.

Whether it's sneaking records out of the archives in the pants of high-ranking officials.

The list goes on.

Our distrust and dislike of the Clintons isn't something that's made up, nor unfounded. You may choose to disagree with our characterization, or our tendency to include Hillary in the mistakes of her husband. I'd just ask you to remember that SHE is the one who called herself a 50/50 co-president. And if that's true, and she wants to take credit for the positive events during their time in office, then she must also share in the blame for the above, and much more.

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