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tr1: Need threads on Giants' faults


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The Giants are this weeks media darling. There aren't many negative articles on them yet. The victory last week is being treated like their Super Bowl by the media.

I think we all know Favre will eat up that defense backfield like he did with Seattle's more talented backfield.

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The Giants get pressure with their front 4. That has been their calling card all season.

Dallas stopped them in the first half, until the Giants started blitzing more bodies. Romo sits to pee held on to the ball too long & took some bad sacks.

The Giants pressure will be negated by Green Bay's passing attack. Unlike the Cowboys, the Packers don't throw the ball 20/25 yards at a time. They throw a 4 yard slant that turns into a 20 yard gain with Yards after the catch.

If the Giants don't tackle exceptionally well, they're going to get blown out......

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Yeah, the G-men have a weak secondary, and it's amazing the way superstar Romo sits to pee and boy-genious Garrett could not attack them, especially after they were depleted by injuries.

Farve is better than Romo sits to pee at 2 things that are critical when combating the Giants front four:

1) Their screen play is the best in the business

2) Favre gets rid of the ball quicker with slant patterns.

Look to see alot of screens and slants.

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If the Giants were playing at home, I'd like Green Bay...unfortunately, I think it'll be NE who ends up beating them. :(

They're young dbs are playing better than their regulars...and that pass rush is pretty ferocious.

And the weather isn't supposed to be too bad in GB this weekend. :(

But, look at it this way, next year the pukes continue to stumble, Philly still doesn't have a WR corps and the Giants will have a bulls eye on their backs...so, if we make Williams HC, I think we'll do very well next year... :D

BTW, I couldn't believe the pukes didn't to continually put pressure up the middle on Eli. It was some of the stupidest defensive play calling I've seen in some time... :doh:

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I've noticed that tr1 has a soft spot when it comes to the Giants, as do most Skins fans. I guess the rivalry just isn't as heated as it is against Philly and Dallas, who are easier to hate because of their fans(Philly) and the media darling status(Pukes). Easy to understand here - Atlanta is our only really fierce rival in the South and I'd venture alot more Saints fans hate the Pukes than the Bucs or the Panthers. A big reason because alot of people in northern Louisiana(Shreveport) will actually root for the Pukes over the Saints, so every week in the regular season there is often a battle over the broadcast. Combined with the general national love/hate of the Cowboys, and its that surprising.

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And the weather isn't supposed to be too bad in GB this weekend. :(

The forcast right now calls for flurries. And a high (a HIGH) of 4 degrees.

By the time the game kicks off, the temperature will be no higher than 1.

So you have wind chills in the negative degrees, with a chance of snow.

The Giants have no idea what thats going to be like. People around here complain that it's cold when it's 30 degrees outside.

I don't know if they're practicing in the bubble this week either. If they're smart they arent......

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