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Like Floyd? Oh, I'm sure he was just joking.

Anyone can assume all they want to but as far as I know, Floyd was the most vocal about Paq being on PED's and was sued for it. If he had something on Paq, why didn't he present his evidence. Of, that's right, he has none. The fact of the matter is that Floyd has "PUBLICLY" said he was afraid for his health in regards to Pacquiao. If that's not an omission of fear I don't know what it.

By the way, one of his excuses for not fighting Paq was that he had to avenge his loses to Bradley and JMM. If he beats JMM in November and Mayweather STILL won't fight him, is it STILL gonna be Arum's fault?

PS. STILL waiting on those official numbers for the Mayweather/Maidana fight. Hell, we're going on 3 weeks. Did it take this long for May and Golden Boy to announce the numbers for the Mayweather/Alvarez fight? I wonder why?


1) Mayweather has said vile things in the past that still have effects on him today.  Hence why he will never own an NBA team, never run and win for political office and is generally thought of negatively in the press. That is on him and no one absolves him of that.  Once again you are barking up the wrong tree.


2) LOL if you spin this any further you'll throw up from being so dizzy.  Mayweather said he was scared for his health because he thought Pac was on roids.  Same as how now Pac suddenly makes his opponents take drug tests after being crushed by Marquez.  Pac had Alex Ariza in his camp for 5 years, that is at least a little sketchy especially after Roach said he was "shady" and he didn't know what he was giving Pacquiao


3) Nice try but Arum said not even 48 hours ago that while he wants to make the Pac-Mayweather fight it won't but until at least 2016 before he thinks it's even reasonable (enough time for them to put on Pacquiao-Marquez 9). Once again it takes two to tango.


4) The numbers will be between 850,000-1,000,000.  It took about four weeks for the Bradley-Pacquiao numbers to come out.  Funny you didn't mention that.


5) Mayweather did not ask for out of competition Olympic Style testing but became the first fighter in any discipline to do it.  Now the UFC is starting to implement it more, every major PPV fight has it and even your favorite Manny Pacquiao makes his opponents do it.  Maybe Mayweather knew what he was doing? Nah you couldn't possibly give him credit for that....

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BS. It did not take 4 weeks for the Paq/Bradley numbers. If Memory serves me correctly, within a week, Arum was said to be disappointed in the numbers.

And why is Mayweather afraid of Pacquiao? LOL...It's not as if Pacquiao has Ivan Drago'd anybody. Bradley had the courage to fight him. Rico's had the courage to fight him. JMM had the courage to fight him. But why not Floyd? Oh, he's afraid he's taking PED's. Again, Paq has agreed to the test.

The real problem is Floyd keeps moving the ball. He keeps putting up these roadblocks. That's why he's always getting called out.

And you're dreaming if after this long that Mayweather/Maidana will be 1M buys. If it was, they would have announced it by now. Again, they did not take this long to announce Mayweather/Alvarez.

IMO, Floyd could care less about cleaning up any sport. The only boxer I.ever heard him calling out for PED use was Pacquiao. To the best of my knowledge, he never said the sport of boxing was dirty. Just Pacquiao.

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BS. It did not take 4 weeks for the Paq/Bradley numbers. If Memory serves me correctly, within a week, Arum was said to be disappointed in the numbers.

And why is Mayweather afraid of Pacquiao? LOL...It's not as if Pacquiao has Ivan Drago'd anybody. Bradley had the courage to fight him. Rico's had the courage to fight him. JMM had the courage to fight him. But why not Floyd? Oh, he's afraid he's taking PED's. Again, Paq has agreed to the test.

The real problem is Floyd keeps moving the ball. He keeps putting up these roadblocks. That's why he's always getting called out.

And you're dreaming if after this long that Mayweather/Maidana will be 1M buys. If it was, they would have announced it by now. Again, they did not take this long to announce Mayweather/Alvarez.

IMO, Floyd could care less about cleaning up any sport. The only boxer I.ever heard him calling out for PED use was Pacquiao. To the best of my knowledge, he never said the sport of boxing was dirty. Just Pacquiao.


Fight was 4/12, official numbers confirmed by Arum came out on 5/1, even then it was a range and not an exact number.  Rafael and Iole already said what the numbers for the Mayweather fight would be. 


He isn't "afraid" of him.  Pac went from 106 lbs to obliterating Cotto (154 lbs) & Margarito (147/154).  C'mon man that is crazy!


Mayweather has said that steroid use would grow if it wasn't policed and definitely mentioned when he was fighting Mosley that his past made him think twice about how "clean" he was at the time of the fight. 

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1. The official numbers might have came in on 5/1, but Arum had commented on it a lot sooner. Much sooner than Golden Boy with Mayweather/Maidana.


2. Again, Floyd had his chance to prove that Paq was taking PED's and he didn't show up.


3. Well, Mosley did fail a drug test before he faced Mayweather I believe. And if Mayweather said what you said he said, that's not exactly going out on a limb. Floyd was just coattailing what was going on in sports at the time. Has he went before congress of any athletic commission with his concerns? If not, why? Since he's so concerned.

Edited by DM72
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 Again, Floyd had his chance to prove that Paq was taking PED's and he didn't show up.



You know one of the things I've touched on with u before is that there was no proof that Manny was using. Just suspicion. Same with JMM right now. No failed tests, just suspicion. Pretty difficult to prove suspicion in a court of law. 


You are the one who brought up the fact that JMM hired Memo has his Stregnth & Conditioning coach as a potential red flag. But we all know what Roach said about Ariza. Here's a small portion of it:


"I think he’s a little shady. He used to give Manny a drink every day before the workout and I used to ask him what’s in that drink but he would never tell me." Roach said he asked because if "something goes wrong I’ll maybe get the blame. In my opinion he’s a little shady..."


Plus every knows about Justin Fortune which is the S&C coach re-hired for the Pacquiao camp after Ariza was fired. Here's his opinion on PED use:




All these things are also red flags bro.

Edited by T-REX1240
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I think it's laughable to compare Pacquiao to JMM. Paq gradually got bigger and he carried his power with him. JMM got big and strong over night in his late 30's. Dude is much stronger now at 40, than he was 5-10 years ago. And from what people are saying, he's showing the classic signs (marks on his chest) of a PED user. The only thing you can say about Paq is, it seems unnatural to carry that much power up.


OK, Roach was suspicious of some of the drinks Ariza was giving Paq. Can't blame him. It's his fighter and he's responsible. To be fair, those drinks could have been a number of things. It's obvious that Ariza didn't like Roach and by not telling him what was those drinks might have been his way of saying, "F you Roach." Who knows?


As for a 5th JMM fight. We'll see. Dude, I really hope you're right because I'm not that all interested in a 5th Paq/JMM fight, but I find it hard to believe that JMM will leave $10M plus on the table. He's gonna leave one last big payday on the table? From what I hear, he likes to spend money too.

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Mayweather And T.I Gets Into An Altercation In Las Vegas. [Video]




I have no idea why T.I was so against this girl named Tiny taking a pic with Floyd (she don't even look all that good), but it always amazes me when men get into fights over women and women get into fights over men. And for the most part, none of these people don't even love each other. They just don't want to see them with someone else.



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Judges scored the fight 119-109 unanimously for Mayweather.  Still undefeated.



I don't think Mayweather or Pac are completely absolved of blame for their fight not happening yet, but from what I remember, when the fight was initially to be made it was pretty clear it was Pac that didn't want it to happen.


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Mayweather's story, obviously take with a grain of salt.  Altho idk why he would lie about something like this haha:


[T.I] came to me when I was in New York. He stepped to me when I was at the jewelery store like, “Yo, let’s go outside and talk.” We went outside to talk, but he talked about, basically, “These girls tryna play us against each other.” I said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re talking about your wife?” I never put up a picture of her on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. I was basically like, “Listen. I’m letting you know I ain’t got…me and your wife don’t have nothing…if you think so.

So Memorial Day weekend, a lot of people come out to Las Vegas. Tiny and Shekinah was out here. They come to my party last night. They cool. Everything is cool. We was at the strip club. Everything was cordial. We having fun. I throw my daughter [iyanna] a big [14th] birthday bash today. I’m eating at Fatburger and next thing you know, he walk in talking about we need to talk again. And then I told him, “You need to get the **** outta my face. That’s what you better do.” And then he said, “I ain’t talking to all these people so you ain’t gotta talk loud.” I said, “Listen, don’t come to my face with no disrespectful ****. Like I told you before, you must’ve forgot what I did for a living.” He said, “You do in the ring, I do it in the streets.” I said, “My man, I do it everywhere. You can find out if you want to.” Just like that.

Then a couple of words exchange and people got to pushing and a riot kinda broke out. And then a bunch of chaos and that was basically it. Because, like I said before, he probably does some foolish things, but he ain’t no damn fool to swing on me. Like, you must’ve forgot what I do for a living. He had a totally different look on his face.

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Pretty much what I told Still some months ago. Cotto's a good fighter, but I cannot call him a great fighter because he has never beaten an a-list/great fighter in their prime. IMO, he's a notch below.

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I think his only notable "A" list fighter that he beat in their prime was Sugar Shane Mosely. And that fight was very close. Could have went either way.  Sergio showed lots of wear and tear in his last fight. He got a gift (hometown) decision in that fight against Martin Murray. Cotto has a chance in this fight if the broken down Sergio shows up. If Sergio is healthy, Cotto is gonna get brutally KO'ed.Sergio is bigger, faster, stronger and may be a slightly better boxer.  Sergio seems pissed. We'll see how it plays out. Can't wait.


Also, Groves vs Froch II this weekend is gonna be a war!

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