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A little respect from Jimmy Johnson


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It is so frustrating listening to Emmitt on ESPN always dissing the skins. You got to give Johson props for showing a little respect.


CZAR: Are some teams making a mistake resting certain players for this final game?


JJ:"The interesting curve on the Dallas-Washington game is that if Washington gets into the playoffs, the Cowboys may actually see them in their first playoff game. And Washington is a team that gives Dallas problems. It might be to the Cowboys' benefit to knock Washington out of the playoffs even though that would mean playing some of your better players."


HL: "Like with Indy, I don't think they really fear Tennessee that much in the playoffs even though the Titans have given them a few close games. They are not a real threat to the Colts, but the way Washington is playing right now, they could be a factor. But all indications are Dallas is going to rest its players."


JJ: "I think because Washington plays them so well, I think it is very important for Dallas to prepare for the game and try to win and only rest the players that are hurt. I can't say it enough that Washington plays Dallas really well and it remains a huge rivalry game. If I am Dallas, I would not want to see Washington in the opening round. It's too their benefit to knock them out of the playoffs."


HL: "The way Washington is playing right now, they may end up being a tough team in the NFC playoffs. The coaches there are doing a real nice job."

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Speaking of Emmitt Smith...will he be returning to ESPN next year??...Can't stand that guy, he's like a cold I can't get rid of.

I can't imagine how any sane execs at ESPN would evaluate Emmitt's performance this year and still keep him on for next season. He's a horrible commentator. Every time he has to read from the teleprompter he screws it up. Also, he tends to slip into ebonics too often. Not good for a a TV personality. On top of all that, he shows his bias for, and against, certain teams. Commentators are not supposed to be homers. They are supposed to be objective.

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I can't imagine how any sane execs at ESPN would evaluate Emmitt's performance this year and still keep him on for next season. He's a horrible commentator. Every time he has to read from the teleprompter he screws it up. Also, he tends to slip into ebonics too often. Not good for a a TV personality. On top of all that, he shows his bias for, and against, certain teams. Commentators are not supposed to be homers. They are supposed to be objective.

Reading through that the only person that kept coming to mind was Bryant Gumbel :laugh:

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Emmit Smith is a retard and that is me being nice.....i'm not quite sure how he got the gig he has but it's mind numbing listening to him talk

Emitt Smith had a lot of success against us. When he was at the apex of his atheltic stardom, we were the doormats of the NFC.

He has no reason to respect us.

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Cool read, thanks for putting it up...

This team, has given me a new reason to love them. After our loss this season, seemed kind of empty watching them and wondered if I had just made myself lose interest. Then they just seem to pull together and show what a TEAM can do if they do it for eachother. This little streak they are on is just them going out and doing it for eachother, they are finally a TEAM.

So the critics can't help but to acknowledge it. But one thing is sure, rather they lose tonight, 1st, 2nd round or even the big game.. I will probably smile, and cry for them all at the same time. After Sean's death I mentioned to my dad that they are "off the hook" for the rest of the year.

Win or lose, this team has gotten an unreal love and respect from me. These guys have pulled together so fast, so close it is just unreal.

Maybe Joe is to take credit for it, but like many of you guys here have mentioned.. Joe was the ONLY coach for them through this.

Hail to these Redskins!

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