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Am I the only one that saw Moss drag his left foot?


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Another thing that annoys me is Michaels/Madden and the various news articles acting as if it were a foregone conclusion that Moss' sideline catch would be overturned. It seemed obvious to me that he dragged his left foot.

[FL=http://members.cox.net/crazyzeb/moss.swf] width = 260 height = 172 [/FL]

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

This really annoyed me as well. It was a catch and for them to keep saying it wasnt drove me nuts.

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it wasn't about the drag, that was clearly to be seen, but I guess the right foot made me a little worried!!

I thought this too at first, but after the reviews I think it was in as well.

They also kept talking about the second foot. Which would have been the drag.

Either way its all good now... Go Skins!!!!

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definite drag, not worried about the right foot. what im worried about every single time there is a questionable play is the refs taking it away from us. At this point I really dont think it matters if its legit or not, with all the makeup calls giong on, I dont trust a thing. After every play like that, just get up and run a play immediately. So glad we did...

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I don't know whther or not he maintained possession but I also don't think there would have been sufficient evidence to over turn the cal on the field, which was a catch. He did get both feet in.

The ensuing fumble on the quick snap would have sent that game down a whole other road had Gibbs (or one of his coaches) not come up with the zany idea of challenging on the 12 men. Apparently we caught a huge break because we subbed and Minny was trying to sub when we snapped the ball. The whole thing may have been shady, but I'm so proud of our coaching staff for showing some cagy wit in the face of yet another crumbling lead.

I also didn't know a team could challenge an uncalled penalty. (12 men.) Can anyone explain that to me?

I'll take the win. We caught a break and were able to steal back the momentum, which was swinging far away from us in the second half to that point.

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