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Are you rooting for the Cowpies tonight?


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What really has to happen for Carolina to get in, not that I am to concerned, just curious?

Something crazy like they have to win out, Skins, Saints and Minnesota one or two losses. They would have to leap frog 3 teams with better records.

Isn't going to happen. Believe or not, they a team with more injuries than the Skins!

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I think a game against the Cowboys would actually be "easier" if they had a lot to play for. If they had homefield advantage, they'd be calling a more conservative gameplan, there would be a lot at stake and they would be playing more nervous.

If they had homefield wrapped up, they'd be playing carefree football and probably play very well. Remember the Eagles game in 2005: we had everything to play for, they had nothing to play for with a backup (and later third-string QB), and they could have (and should have) beaten us.

Look at the Cowboys tonight. There is no way Carolina should be in this game, given the discrepancy of talent and what each team has to play for. Dallas has homefield to play for, Carolina only has pride.

And a Redskins win would be that much sweeter too if it meant the Cowboys had a tougher road in the playoffs.

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Sorry, I am happy the cow-dikes won tonight. It means the last game of the season means something. After we beat Minnesota, it will be a game of survival. We beat Dallas, and they fall off the top seed. We finish #5 (Giants will lose last 2 games), and we could easily play these losers in 'little d'. I don't fear them there, considering we outplayed them and only 2 bad play by Jason (who is better for that experience) stopped us winning that game.

Right now, I predict Skins vs Pack in Lambeau for NFC Championship. It will be sweet to proceed to Super Bowl vs Colts, having wins in Seattle, dallas, and gb.

:point2sky :cheers: :applause: :notworthy :point2sky

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Was anyone else pissed that Carolina with the exception of one player that I noticed not wearing the #21 on their helmets while all the the Dallas players were wearing it.

I know they are not required to wear it. The Pats at least aren't wearing it to honor one of their own, but the Panthers did not have anything there. That is what bad Karma gets you, eff Carolina, I'm glad they lost.:panthersu

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