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KKK to protest for Augusta


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The comparison is in the views and goals of any radical group. There's no difference between believing in white power (especially for men) than there is in believing in woman power. Instead of killing, NOW tries to get people arrested if they disagree with them.

Again, same insanity, different application.

The problem with the comparision though does not only lie in the history of the Klan but also the present of radical left wing groups. The history of the Klan was very violent, and while it's not that now, the present of the Klan is also a difficult comparison with radical left wing groups because, simply put, the Klan lacks their power today.

I'm with you. Screw the Klan. Screw Burke's insanity as well though.

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Such a bright group of people! :) For the record I have never supported Burke in my life. If defending the KKK is when you "trot" yourself out than you've got bigger problems.

Maybe you should return to "bolivian"!

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That pic is very funny :).


Brother, you are defending Burke if I'm defending the Klan. It's that simple. Further, since I don't recall ever seeing a post from you on the main board, don't you think it'd be a good time to show you are actually a Redskin fan too, by commenting on the remarkable moves the team has made?

I understand the Tailgate for the offseason boredom. But, man, there's other stuff happening right now that should be drawing your attention.

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I always have a problem with the far left or the far right. I don't like the Klan because their history of violence. Even if they had a legitimate point to make, they can't make it because of their past.

I can't stand Burke because she is an idiot..... how can WNBA players deserve to make the same amount of money as NBA players? The WNBA does not bring in the money the NBA does, if they did, than their players would make equal. There are fewer people that want to watch women's sports.

However, if Anna Kournakova played tennis naked, I would always watch women's tennis, at least for the one match she gets to play...:laugh:

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While I don't agree with anything that the KKK does, I have to agree with Hootie's decision so far to stick by his guns. I'm not saying that women aren't entitled to everything that a man is, I'm not biased of anyone. But we live in America. A private club, is private, and they should be able to decide who they let in and who they don't. There are women's groups that won't let men in, but do I care, no. Why? Because it's their right to not let men in.

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Jackie, baby, lay off the psychotropic drugs for a bit and hear me out, okay?

First of all, that whole “How about a nice cup of shut the f*ck up” was just a suggestion, my man. You’re free to take it or leave it, sir. And I see that, regrettably, you have chosen to leave it. ;)

Second of all, to say that the KKK and Marta Burke’s organization are EXACTLY the same thing would be absolutely incorrect and no one here -- despite your erroneous assertions to the contrary, Jack -- has made that claim.

The KKK is basically a terrorist organization (especially in its heyday several decades ago), committed to the supremacy of whites over “the mud-colored peoples” (or whatever stupid moniker those KKK f*ckheads like to apply to non-caucasians) and willing to use violence to try to bring that about. On the other hand, Burke’s organization is a political action committee, employing pressure via P.R. to bring about its aims, which are principally concerned with the elevation in status of female athletes to that of male athletes vis-à-vis the categories of strength, endurance, and overall athletic ability -- even though it is eminently provable that male athletes are, generally speaking, demonstrably superior to their female counterparts in these areas.

However, one thing that Burke and the KKK’s grand wizards have in common is that they are both intimidation merchants. The Klan’s purple-robed, chieftain doofuses went about trying to get what they wanted in, for instance, the 1960s and before through threat of physical assault and murder. But Burke tries to get what she wants through a different kind of assassination: character assassination. If you found yourself on the Klan’s sh*tlist, they’d hang you from a tree or blow your house up. But if you find yourself on Burke’s sh*tlist, she’ll try and kill your reputation by blasting you as some kind of Precambrian, misogynist, xenophobic ogre.

With the Klan, the message sent through their violence was less for the victim than it was for everybody else: “Don’t f*ck with us or else you’ll end up like this poor, dumb, dead sonovab*tch.” With Burke, the message behind her smears is similarly intended for a larger audience: “Don’t be like this person, this person that I just labeled as unfit for human association. I’ve made this person socially radioactive -- and if you don’t toe the f*cking line, I’ll make you radioactive, too.” And when one considers that being called “racist,” “sexist,” “homophobic,” and/or “xenophobic” has become one of the most damaging and effective smear tactics in this country, whether there exists valid information behind being so labeled or not, one would do well not to run afoul of folks like Martha Burke.

Now, am I suggesting that having one’s reputation torn asunder by some loony activist is a worse fate than being hanged by a bunch of white-hooded bigots? Absolutely not. There is clearly a difference in terms of order of magnitude between the two.

However, it is nonetheless frustrating to see someone like Burke be granted virtual carte blanche to go around tarring and feathering whomever she dislikes, all the while being uncritically backed up in her campaign by an elite media that is utterly loathe to ask tough questions of those who belong to one of its favored “downtrodden,” ax-grinding interest groups (e.g. liberal women, ethnic or religious minorities, homosexuals, immigrants). In fact, Dennis Miller had a good line on this recently: “I think the only way you’ll see The New York Times [which is one of Martha Burke’s biggest supporters] get behind a war on Iraq is if Saddam Hussein opens a male-only golf club in Baghdad. Then the Times would be all for bombing Saddam, along with Hootie Johnson, into little pieces.”

Most galling of all, though, is that Burke, for all her posturing and bluster, is a total phony. For example, if she were really interested in “abolishing gender-based discrimination wherever it may be found,” as she so claims, then she’d be righteously pissed about the fact that the LPGA explicitly forbids men from competing in its tournaments. Any of its tournaments. All of its tournaments. It’s part of the LPGA’s bylaws. By contrast, the PGA’s bylaws contain no such gender-discriminating provision. If Anika Sorenstam or any other female golfer wanted to try her hand at attempting to get in and compete in the Augusta National Golf Tournament, she’d be free to do so.

When this inequity between PGA and LPGA rules and regulations was pointed out to Burke by an LPGA golfer (whose name currently escapes me) during an ESPN roundtable discussion on the Augusta Golf Club brouhaha, Burke became ashen and conspicuously silent. I guess discrimination directed at those who have X and Y chromosomes on the basis that they don’t have the “preferred” XX chromosomal makeup doesn’t bother Martha that much. Which is what I figured from the get-go, despite her supposed fury over “gender-based discrimination wherever it may be found.” If only Martha’s phony-@ss had found a way to stay as blissfully silent as she momentarily was at that ESPN taping all those months ago...

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