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Pass the mustard! This TO guy is the biggest self-absorbed jerk ever to play any sport! Detroit shut him down Sunday so he didn't get his ALL ABOUT ME attention for the week. He could not help but do the "HEY LOOK AT ME" thing by acting like a child. Now his weekly attention quota might be filled.

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Wade Phillips still has not won any playoff games. This whole 12-1 season is a bunch of bs until they actually do something in the post-season. Hell, look at the Chargers last year.If they win their first playoff game this year, then I'll get worried about them making it to the SB. As for this T.O.-Key fight, I'm loving it. I'm sorry but I think T.O. is hilarious. Ever since he stood on the star back in his days with San Fran, I've been a fan. However; I'll probably start to dislike him more and more knowing that we don't have ST in our secondary anymore to knock the **** out of him and keep him quiet when he plays the Skins.

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Fair enough. But TO was not being implemented like he should have been last year. He's a playmaker, you have to get him the ball.

Probably had something to do with Bledsoe too..


He was being implemented in the exact same way. Just remember... the guy could not catch a cold, let alone a ball thrown in his direction. Dont you remember all of us ripping on TO because he could have sealed many a game last year, but did not. Even when the ball was right in his chest. Plus... TO was battling injury all of last year.

You simply CANNOT blame BP for this.

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I thought I heard Key say that TO was having a really good year but that he should stop bashing Parcells so much..he also said something to the effect of ..just worry about getting the ring and dont worry about Bill. TO just couldnt help himself i guess and went off about comparing stats and Key trying to beat him out of his position among other irrational BS. He really takes stupidity to a whole new level when he opens his mouth.

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He was being implemented in the exact same way. Just remember... the guy could not catch a cold, let alone a ball thrown in his direction. Dont you remember all of us ripping on TO because he could have sealed many a game last year, but did not. Even when the ball was right in his chest. Plus... TO was battling injury all of last year.

You simply CANNOT blame BP for this.

TO was not used the same way he's being used this year. Not even close. Whether that was Bill's fault or whether it's a credit to Garrett, is up for discussion. But TO was not moved around nearly as much as he's being moved this year. Also, the offense was much more vanilla last year than it is this year.

Bill was and is a great talent evaluator but the actual gameday coaching by Parcells was pretty bad. That portion of the game has passed him by. As it has many of the coaches who were successful about 15 years ago.

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I heard Keyshawn's original comments and I really don't know what the **** TO is talking about here. All Keyshawn said was to move on and stop throwing Parcells under the bus. Key was just telling TO to simply lay off of Bill and worry about winning games this season. He didn't even seem angry.

Maybe TO was told something different than what Keyshawn actually said.

I heard Keyshawn and he was absolutley right when he said it...with TO constantly saying "I'm good this year because Parcells is gone and he sucks." It just seemed unnecessary and disrespectful. That's really all Keyshawn was trying to communicate. I really don't understand what the **** TO is all riled up about

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I only speak for myself, and I would be happy with an 8-8 season if TO was not on the Team. I love the fatc that the Boys are 12-1 and headed for the playoffs again for the 3rd time since 2003, and look to secure homefield throughout, but i also hate the way TO makes this all about him. I never thought i would stick to my guns this long, because it was all percieved to be "TO is doing great" "TO has changed" "TO is a team player" ...all BS, and I as a life long dallas Cowboys fan, just cant wait for the Day that he is gone, and we have a new younger crop of WR's that make Romo sits to pee look great, even though he is just an average QB.......:D

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None of what Keyshawn said warrants the reaction from T.O.. I think he just wanted to go off on Keyshawn and used that as his opportunity.

Bill definitely built that team, and Keyshawn having a lot of respect for and being coached by Parcells, in NY and in Dallas, was defending him.

I know I sound like I'm taking MY opporunity to jump on Terrell, but I very much agree with this post. Johnson didn't mention Owens, but Owens spent a volume on Johnson.

Also- Bill did build that team. The only reason they didn't go farther last season was the FG dropped snap. Wade's easy manner will be good for the Cowboys (and Terrell Owens) this season but if they go lax on him or lose some consecutive games next season, I'd look for TO to lead the revolution. It's his nature. Judging from his tirade on Keyshawn and Bill, he's already getting angsty from being so well-behaved.

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