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Does JC get "mentally lazy"?


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Coach Gibbs, when gushing over Collins' performance last week stated that he does not get "mentally lazy". I agree. Collins looked great but it was only one game. Getting tired of hearing how Saunders is more comfortable with Collins and therefore opened up the playcalling when he came in. Hate to think he has been sandbagging only to accomodate JC!

Anyway, Gibbs' comments begs to ask the question: does JC get mentally lazy? Could this be one of the reasons why we have seen 2nd half meltdowns virtually all season long?

JC is a raw talent who has been developing slowly. However, he has yet to show he can deliver when the chips are down. Be interesting to see how Collins' fares the rest of the way. Perhaps, somehow, some way, we can limp into the playoffs. Costly QB turnovers won't cut it.

Hopefully JC will observe and learn while Collins succesfully directs the offense for an entire sixty minutes. Perhaps looking over his shoulder is all the motivation JC needs to pick up his game.

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The fact that Saunders is more comfortable playcalling with TC does not bode well for the injured starter. Shouldn't he have this offense figured out after almost 2 full years?

I personally think its more Gibbs not allowing Jason to run Al's offense than it is Al himself.

Its obviously Gibbs doesn't want to take the reigns of Jason yet.

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I personally think its more Gibbs not allowing Jason to run Al's offense than it is Al himself.

Its obviously Gibbs doesn't want to take the reigns of Jason yet.

Then how do you explain him letting TC, a career journeyman QB who has notstarted in years, being allowed to open up the O?

I think Collins' success has more to do with him reading the field quicker and delivering the ball faster then it has to do with the playcalling. Collins utilized all his weapons. JC appears hesitant and needs plenty of time in deciding to pull the trigger.

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Then how do you explain him letting TC, a career journeyman QB who has notstarted in years, being allowed to open up the O?

I think Collins' success has more to do with him reading the field quicker and delivering the ball faster then it has to do with the playcalling. Collins utilized all his weapons. JC appears hesitant and needs plenty of time in deciding to pull the trigger.

Easily...he has what, 8 years in Saunders' system? He knows it like the back of his hand.

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I personally think its more Gibbs not allowing Jason to run Al's offense than it is Al himself.

Its obviously Gibbs doesn't want to take the reigns of Jason yet.

People seem to blame everyone else for the fact that JC hasn't been all that successful yet - from the OL, to injuries, to dropped passes, to fumbles, the playcalling, etc. The fact is that the offense looked a lot smoother under the backup the other night. Whether that continues is anyone's guess. But I'm sure the coaches' lack of confidence in JC is based on something they've seen. They spend a lot more time studying this team than we do.

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Easily...he has what, 8 years in Saunders' system? He knows it like the back of his hand.

Well, JC has 2 years under his system and is the starter. One would think he would pretty much have it mastered by now if he ever is going to master it. Are we to have to wait 8 years for JC to be at the level of a journeyman backup?

Collins has ridden the pine for years and years, yet Saunders is somehow more comfortable with him??? If true, then concerns about JC being the future are valid.

JC takes all the first team snaps and is endlessly coached...while Collins has done nothing but work with the 2nd teamers for years and years.

Let's hope Collins can duplicate his first outing. We need him to come through and somehow rescue this frustrating season. Hopefully JC will be humbled by Collins' success and it will light a fire under him.

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I really don't think Campbell's problem -- if he has a problem -- is being mentally lazy. I think the problem is simple.

On our last touchdown drive, we opened PASSING. The Bears were closing in. The game was slipping as so many have. And, what did we do? DEEP out on a route tree he could have gone deep post if the safety took the out or out if the safety didn't. Then a dangerous outside stop throw. Intermediate type routes.

Against Buffalo as they were coming back, it was run, then check down, then short pass. Or, run, run, check down, run, run, run, punt.

Obviously the Bills were getting to us and the Bears weren't, but, we were so afraid to open it up and change the game with Campbell in almost every case. With Collins, everything was being called and everything was available. I believe perhaps the problem is in drilling into Campbell's head that he can't make mistakes, the team has effectively made mistakes more likely, taken away the youthful throw you regret but grow from, and, ultimately make him come off compound routes faster than he needs to not all the time, but some of the time, and the playcalling with a lead seems different with Campbell than it did with Collins.

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Alot of these type of posts, concerning JC's development had me googling old articles from his draft class....i found this one interesting (from nearly 3 years ago)


"Negatives... Still, for a player of his size, he shows good mobility. ... When he rolls out of the pocket, he will sometimes hold the ball low and exposed, resulting in costly fumbles. ... Still needs to show better judgement, but has the power behind his throws to thread the ball in a crowd. ... His touch on his long ball has improved quite a bit, but he still needs to work on his underneath throws. ... Still has not fully grasped the mental aspect of calling his own game yet, and will need to have the plays called for him until he can prove that he can handle play-calling on his own. ... Does well in school (3.0 grade point average). His first Wonderlic test score (14) was lower than you like from a player at the quarterback position, but he then scored a much-improved 28 at the Combine in February. ... Needs to work on some fundamentals, especially his feet in his pass set, but he has the quickness to get back from center. ... Made more sound decisions in 2004 than he did in the past, but he still must improve in reading coverages."

Kinda spooky...

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Alot of these type of posts, concerning JC's development had me googling old articles from his draft class....i found this one interesting (from nearly 3 years ago)


"Negatives... Still, for a player of his size, he shows good mobility. ... When he rolls out of the pocket, he will sometimes hold the ball low and exposed, resulting in costly fumbles. ... Still needs to show better judgement, but has the power behind his throws to thread the ball in a crowd. ... His touch on his long ball has improved quite a bit, but he still needs to work on his underneath throws. ... Still has not fully grasped the mental aspect of calling his own game yet, and will need to have the plays called for him until he can prove that he can handle play-calling on his own. ... Does well in school (3.0 grade point average). His first Wonderlic test score (14) was lower than you like from a player at the quarterback position, but he then scored a much-improved 28 at the Combine in February. ... Needs to work on some fundamentals, especially his feet in his pass set, but he has the quickness to get back from center. ... Made more sound decisions in 2004 than he did in the past, but he still must improve in reading coverages."

Kinda spooky...

Interesting report. Thanks for posting it. It seems like our man still has a ways to go.

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I know there arent many CB line Ronde Barber but I keep going back to that pick JC threw towards the end of the game against TB. I feel like he was engrained to throw the ball quickly (as soon as his third step drop) that he had no chance of seeing Ronde (he basically threw blind).

I dont know if JC could tell pre-snap that Ronde was going to play that out we had success running throughout the game. I feel for a player to make a play on that pass he would have given a "tell" pre-snap that a veteran QB would pick up and as a result would have gone with another option. Again its not everyday you line up against Ronde Barber but i feel a veteran QB that has seen more might have known what coverage they were playing before the snap.

As has been said that out pattern is a safe throw and Im sure JC has been told by the coaches to go with it when it is called.

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Coach Gibbs, when gushing over Collins' performance last week stated that he does not get "mentally lazy". I agree. Collins looked great but it was only one game. Getting tired of hearing how Saunders is more comfortable with Collins and therefore opened up the playcalling when he came in. Hate to think he has been sandbagging only to accomodate JC!

Anyway, Gibbs' comments begs to ask the question: does JC get mentally lazy? Could this be one of the reasons why we have seen 2nd half meltdowns virtually all season long?

JC is a raw talent who has been developing slowly. However, he has yet to show he can deliver when the chips are down. Be interesting to see how Collins' fares the rest of the way. Perhaps, somehow, some way, we can limp into the playoffs. Costly QB turnovers won't cut it.

Hopefully JC will observe and learn while Collins succesfully directs the offense for an entire sixty minutes. Perhaps looking over his shoulder is all the motivation JC needs to pick up his game.

First off, what Gibbs said about TC most likely does not reflect on his opinion of JC. If anything negative is happening to JC, its "the deer-in-the-headlights" look we've been seeing since after week 2 and especially since the NE game.

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First off, what Gibbs said about TC most likely does not reflect on his opinion of JC. If anything negative is happening to JC, its "the deer-in-the-headlights" look we've been seeing since after week 2 and especially since the NE game.

Maybe this look is what endeared him to Vinny? :)

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I really don't think Campbell's problem -- if he has a problem -- is being mentally lazy. I think the problem is simple.

On our last touchdown drive, we opened PASSING. The Bears were closing in. The game was slipping as so many have. And, what did we do? DEEP out on a route tree he could have gone deep post if the safety took the out or out if the safety didn't. Then a dangerous outside stop throw. Intermediate type routes.

Against Buffalo as they were coming back, it was run, then check down, then short pass. Or, run, run, check down, run, run, run, punt.

Obviously the Bills were getting to us and the Bears weren't, but, we were so afraid to open it up and change the game with Campbell in almost every case. With Collins, everything was being called and everything was available. I believe perhaps the problem is in drilling into Campbell's head that he can't make mistakes, the team has effectively made mistakes more likely, taken away the youthful throw you regret but grow from, and, ultimately make him come off compound routes faster than he needs to not all the time, but some of the time, and the playcalling with a lead seems different with Campbell than it did with Collins.

I agree with this.

I have a feeling that if everytime we had leads when Campbell was at the helm, if the playcalling would have reflected what they did with Collins when we had the lead that Campbell could have produced just as well.

The real question is, when will they trust Campbell with this type of playcalling?

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His biggest problem is he stares down the recievers.

True. He's also slow in winding up and delivering the ball. He does not seem to read the entire field. A lot of comments in the past blaming the WR's for never getting open, yet Collins seem to spread the ball around very well.

However, as I said, it was only one game - but I'm encouraged.

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I really don't think Campbell's problem -- if he has a problem -- is being mentally lazy. I think the problem is simple.

On our last touchdown drive, we opened PASSING. The Bears were closing in. The game was slipping as so many have. And, what did we do? DEEP out on a route tree he could have gone deep post if the safety took the out or out if the safety didn't. Then a dangerous outside stop throw. Intermediate type routes.

Against Buffalo as they were coming back, it was run, then check down, then short pass. Or, run, run, check down, run, run, run, punt.

Obviously the Bills were getting to us and the Bears weren't, but, we were so afraid to open it up and change the game with Campbell in almost every case. With Collins, everything was being called and everything was available. I believe perhaps the problem is in drilling into Campbell's head that he can't make mistakes, the team has effectively made mistakes more likely, taken away the youthful throw you regret but grow from, and, ultimately make him come off compound routes faster than he needs to not all the time, but some of the time, and the playcalling with a lead seems different with Campbell than it did with Collins.

I agree with Art here. I've been saying it all along: our coaches' conservatism has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Ingrain in your player's heads that they should play not to lose, and call plays that are less likely to result in turnovers (and less likely to be confidence building big-gainers) and you'll see players tighten up and have brainfarts as we have seen Campbell have. I guess Gibbs calls this being "mentally lazy." Well, when you lull your own QB to sleep with high school level bland playcalling, that's what happens! Campbell seems robotic at times in turning to the check-down receivers in the flat...why do you think that is?

It has taken way too long for our coaches to allow Campbell to play through his mistakes. Those costly picks/fumbles in recent weeks should have happened in Weeks 1-5, not 8-12.

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The biggest downside to JC getting injured?

We get to hear next year that "JC still hasn't had a full season as a starter yet... give him time. This is still his first full season."

I'm going to vomit everywhere when I hear that garbage. Some of the usual offenders will be running around suggesting that this season doesn't count because he hasn't had a full year due to injuries. So we will be hearing again next year how he is "still basically a rookie."

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The biggest downside to JC getting injured?

We get to hear next year that "JC still hasn't had a full season as a starter yet... give him time. This is still his first full season."

I'm going to vomit everywhere when I hear that garbage. Some of the usual offenders will be running around suggesting that this season doesn't count because he hasn't had a full year due to injuries. So we will be hearing again next year how he is "still basically a rookie."

So true. It's time to start holding these players accountable. He is halfway through his cap-friendly rookie contract. If he doesn't step up soon, he might not even be on this team in a couple of years.

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I agree with Art here. I've been saying it all along: our coaches' conservatism has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Ingrain in your player's heads that they should play not to lose, and call plays that are less likely to result in turnovers (and less likely to be confidence building big-gainers) and you'll see players tighten up and have brainfarts as we have seen Campbell have. I guess Gibbs calls this being "mentally lazy." Well, when you lull your own QB to sleep with high school level bland playcalling, that's what happens! Campbell seems robotic at times in turning to the check-down receivers in the flat...why do you think that is?

It has taken way too long for our coaches to allow Campbell to play through his mistakes. Those costly picks/fumbles in recent weeks should have happened in Weeks 1-5, not 8-12.


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