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PFT.com: "Felony Murder' Will Put The Taylor Suspects Away For A Long Time


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Though we still believe that prosecutors and police in Florida shouldn't assume that the four men who broke into Sean Taylor's home and then fatally shot him expected the house to be empty and thus didn't intend to kill Taylor, the reality is that the concept of "felony murder" will put each of them away, likely for the rest of their lives, regardless of whether they ever intended to do harm to anyone.

Under the concept of felony murder, any death that results during the commission of a felony carries severe criminal penalties. So, in this case, the defendants caused Taylor's death while in the process of burglarizing his home. It might not be "murder," but it's "felony murder" -- and in reality there's no difference.

And the felony murder rule makes all of the defendants equally culpable, regardless of whether they pulled the trigger.

It's also a far simpler case to try, and an easier strategy for getting a confession. Eager to avoid "murder" charges, one or more of the suspects likely agreed that they broke into the home, that they didn't expect anyone to be there, and that one of the other guys got nervous and pulled the trigger.

Under the law, it's still murder. As to each of them.

And under Florida law there apparently are only two possible penalties -- life in prison without parole, or death.


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Okay, I'll admit one thing. I cannot see putting the others to death while the guy that actually pulled the trigger gets life because he's a year too young to get the needle. Life in prison seems the logical outcome.

Agreed. I think they all should get life so they can think about what they did every single day for the rest of their miserable lives.

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none of them should get the death penalty. I don't think they'll be able to prove enough beyond a reasonable doubt to warrant the death penalty.

I am not sure of what standard charges are for felony/first degree murder, but it shouldn't be the death penalty. In Tennessee, felony murder is first degree.

The shooter should definitely be lockd up the longest, but also the guy who orchestrated it. I highly doubt the 17 year old kid was the orchestrator of it all. Under this theory, the organizer is liable for the acts done by his associates. The remaining guys just get charges for being accomplices/conspiracy to murder, which by no means are laughing mattes either.

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Even if the shooter could get the death penalty legally, it wouldn't solve anything or "avenge" Taylor's death. All they're going to do is put him to sleep first, then give him the lethal dosage. He'll feel absolutely no pain, whatsoever. So, let 'em rot and deal with the "Bubbas" in prison the rest of their lives.

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They're all equally culpable and should all be exterminated, like the vermin they are. If they thought nobody would be home they didn't need to pack guns. Burglars often ascertain if somebody is home by ringing the bell, making a noise to see if there is a reaction, etc. These guys could have checked it out first. Instead they entered with at least one of the dirtbags holding a weapon. Now a man who was sleeping in his own home is dead. The death penalty is the only foolproof deterrent to future crimes committed by these mutts.

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Ya know, far be it from me to complain about it but I wonder where in the world can they get a fair trial? I have people that dont even know football speaking to me about "the tragedy of what happened to Sean Taylor". He is known all over the world and those kids are considered monsters. I am just curious as to where they are going to find 12 impartial jurors to try these punks.

Now with that being said, I hope they fry like catfish at a Sunday BBQ in Mississippi.

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it's unlikely that any of the non-shooters will be given the death penalty. there are limitations to putting to death the non-killing participants. they need to have shown "active indifference to life" or something like that, and if these guys thought nobody was at home the government probably can't meet that burden.

in a case like this, i'm sure a lot of ppl on this board like the felony murder rule. but it's very controversial in application.

hail 21

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Okay, I'll admit one thing. I cannot see putting the others to death while the guy that actually pulled the trigger gets life because he's a year too young to get the needle. Life in prison seems the logical outcome.

only thing i dont like about them getting life with no parole is that the taxpayers will have to be supporting them for the rest of their lives. thats just not cool.

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