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The Redskins honored the memory of Sean Taylor Today


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I know the outcome of the game was not what we wanted it to be but just the fact that you got out on that field and competed today says a lot about you. You guys played your hearts out today and I hope none of you feel like you let Sean Taylor down, I saw everyone out their hustling, hitting anything that moved and I salute you. It doesn't get any easier this week all of you are in my thoughts in prayers as well as the family of Sean Taylor.

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Thank you for a thread without the madness that the others are spewing.

That game was meant to honor Sean Taylor regardless of the outcome.

Granted a winnable game may have been lost, but it really wasn't about the game as much as many would like to believe.

The team really showed emotion, as well did the fans.

I think that playing hard win or lose is what Sean Taylor would have done, and expected nothing more.

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I was literally numb after this game ended. But after the initial shock wore off, I began to reflect about the stories that the players and coaches told us this week about Sean.

I thought about what Sean would be saying to his teammates and coaches in the locker room. He'd say, "J, keep your head up." He'd say, "Coach, that play's over. Move on to the next."

I know how badly we wanted to win this game, to honor Sean.

But we'll honor him more if we don't fold.

The team will honor him if they don't give up, and WE will honor him if we don't give up on the team.

I will honor Sean Taylor until the very last play of the very last game.

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I saw it in person.

I was so moved by the whole game.

The moment of silence... the 10 player salute...

It was beautiful...

As for section 451... I'm beyond disappointed... NO ONE screamed for defense. Barely anyone cheered. Barely anyone stood up for most of the game. Few took their hats offs for the moment of silence or the national anthem.

Me and my friend Will represented all day... and sadly, we were asked to "sit down" on most of the 3rd down plays our defense needed us to be screaming the most. No one sang Hail To The Skins with us.

I don't even know what to say... this day could have been so special... no one in my section seemed to care. :mad:

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