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If we don't beat the Bills, I may be thru!!


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I didn't say Bobby Cox has 3 World Series titles. The Braves do. Those numbers are the total championships for each team.

The Redskins actually have 5 Championships, never forget how awesome we were in the late 30's/early 40's. That actually touches upon something about being a fan. We went from 1942-1982 without a championship and we were a mixture of mediocre and terrible until George Allen came around in the 70's. (one good season under Lombardi not withstanding) Imagine sitting through thirty or forty years without the high of a good team. Our record setting sell out streak actually began when we were among the worst teams in the league. Have fans really changed that much?

I blame the media, you get the great teams shoved down your throat and things like Sunday ticket make it a lot easier to jump on a bandwagon. (of course, that same technology is what allows people like me to continue the family tradition far from DC)

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I always know when a Redskins season has gone in the tank because I end up back on this message board wasting my time reading posts just because I don't want to be the only one who is so disappointed by this team. Tonight I honestly believe next week will be another loss - a close loss, probably gut-wrenching, perhaps involving some ill-timed procedural penalties or another stuffed 4th and 1. Maybe a muffed punt this time; or, we could take it back to the '99 divisional playoffs and have a botched snap on the game-winning FG. There are so many options. But I'm sure they'll lose.

However, by next Sunday I'll be optimistic and excited to watch the game. That's because I'm a fan. These last few weeks have been rough, but come on - this is nowhere near as bad as it's been. At least you can be reasonably sure Mark Brunell won't take the field next week (although I admit I'll breathe easier when he's actually off the team). It's not as bad as 2004. It's not worse than 2006. Or 2000-03, or 1993-95. So quit whining and suck it up. Your team doesn't win every week, and lots of weeks they ruin your day with a loss. I'd rather my team was bad and driving me crazy than not give a rip either way.

In the coming weeks, this team should get healthier and maybe the breaks will come around and start going their way. Probably not, but maybe. And I plan to be watching, just in case.

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Seriously. I really hate the way the Skins are looking, but man I just don't understand how you can just pick another team. It would never be the same, you would never be a true fan.

I don't understand it either. I've often wished it was possible to just walk away and pick a new favorite team and be genuine about it. But being a real fan ultimately isn't a matter of the will. It's not genuine if it's not the Skins. It's a relationship in the blood, somehow. I could no more will myself to pick another team than I could change my blood type.

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Maybe the least enjoyable season in a VERY long time.

im just going to assume that you didnt watch any games last year. sure we arent the class of the nfc but we are still middle of the pack and still in the paloff hunt. ill take that over a piss poor 5-11 season anyday.

and to anyone who just wants to quit on this team dallas called and said that there is plenty of room on the bandwagon.


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We're certainly capable of winning the game going away, but that all depends on whether or not Clinton Portis and Santana Moss decide to show up and play. I think our defense got itself back together this week, and as long as our offense holds onto the ball we should be fine.

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True fans never terminate their fan hood....I've been a skins fan ALL my life....and yes the last 15 years have been rough but even then, I live and die with the Redskins...The last 3 weeks are probably the maddest I have been with the Redskins in a long time. Oh did I mention I was in Dallas pure torcher...though I kept hoping against hope we'd win. Everyone says Jason Campbell cried after the Cowboy loss....I was almost brought to tears in the stands when Chris Cooley dropped that first down pass against the Cowboys...that would have given us another opportunity to bury the Cowboys. The week before against Philly...I was utterly disgusted! Today....after the both picks....my exact words were "Damn it Jason". So as much as this hurts, as tired as I am of hearing "5 in a row or we don't go", "we fought our guts out", "we played our rear ends off", "Jason is going to be great" , "we were one play away" and every other positive spin that Gibbs and the team makes up I'll be cheering them on hoping a against hope of them running the table and getting that last wild Card Spot.

They need to get over the hump and stop making excuses...JUST DO IT!!! but keep in mind my friends when we get back to hoisting that trophy, making the playoffs consistently, winning a division title here and there and of course sweeping the Cowboys in dramatic fashion it will be all worth it...so keep hoping....and support the team...nothing worth having ever comes easy.....HAIL

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True fans never terminate their fan hood....I've been a skins fan ALL my life....and yes the last 15 years have been rough but even then, I live and die with the Redskins...The last 3 weeks are probably the maddest I have been with the Redskins in a long time. Oh did I mention I was in Dallas pure torcher...though I kept hoping against hope we'd win. Everyone says Jason Campbell cried after the Cowboy loss....I was almost brought to tears in the stands when Chris Cooley dropped that first down pass against the Cowboys...that would have given us another opportunity to bury the Cowboys. The week before against Philly...I was utterly disgusted! Today....after the both picks....my exact words were "Damn it Jason". So as much as this hurts, as tired as I am of hearing "5 in a row or we don't go", "we fought our guts out", "we played our rear ends off", "Jason is going to be great" , "we were one play away" and every other positive spin that Gibbs and the team makes up I'll be cheering them on hoping a against hope of them running the table and getting that last wild Card Spot.

They need to get over the hump and stop making excuses...JUST DO IT!!! but keep in mind my friends when we get back to hoisting that trophy, making the playoffs consistently, winning a division title here and there and of course sweeping the Cowboys in dramatic fashion it will be all worth it...so keep hoping....and support the team...nothing worth having ever comes easy.....HAIL

I could not have said it any better. I got so mad after that failed 4 and 1.

We have JC let him try to run for it. Any who after that I started calling my

dog (whose real name is Gibbs) wade. I later apologized to him and gave him a kiss.

The fact is our D played a great game. Moss and CP did not.

I will always be a redskin fan (3rd generation. My 2 boys are 4th.)

Lets just move on to the buffs.

:notworthy to the :helmet:

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I dont get thes fans giving up on there favorite team.... I bleed burgandy and Gold 4 life. I got them tattood on my arm i watch every game i love reading about them through this board....I will never quit on them...i mean in reality only 1 team at the end of the year is truly happy...if the redskins went 0-16 id still cheer for them and love them thats what a fan does sticks by them through thick and thin....I know how we find ways to lose is frusterating...but it could be worse we could be dolphins fans...or falcons fans or heck even cardinals fans there entire history is losing....So i say if your a fan be a fan.

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