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Stupid Personnel Decisions,(merged)


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I still hang this around the neck of the owner as it's known that he still influences personnel decisions BUT (since we can't change owners in the real world) I would say that with most other clubs there woulda been at least somebody fired for all the bonehead moves we've made. The sad thing is I just don't conceiveably see things changing one whit with this club...the owner doesn't even think there's a problem with us.

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I love threads like this ...I like the fact we can live so badly in the past like the general media likes to do, the OP commented on Carrier, Bruce Smith and George etc but that was 7 years ago for the love of god let it go !

Marty was not let go because he was hands on in personnel decisions it was because he would not bring in an OC . If people remember the offense under Shottenhiemer was pathetic ....he also sucked in personnel handling ... cutting Lary Centers, the last guy to record more than 10 sacks on the D line (Coleman) dropping Westbrook ( not a bad move) but replacing him with Kevin Lockett was .

People forget that 2001 team was a two years from the playoffs and had Norv been kept on may have made the playoffs again in 2000. Marty then left us and with his hands on approach steered the Chargers to 4-12 .

Another thing people forget is the reason Bailey wanted out was the continual change (having watched him this year I still say he is WAY over rated), Continual change is exactly the thing which people like the OP want calling for Gibbs to be fired and starting from scratch . We may have over paid but the way the cap situation was we could not afford him.

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