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Will fans ever really be pleased?


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People (myself included) really had high hopes for this season. This is why there are so many angry and frustrated Skins fans. Yesterday Gibbs and Saunders called a GREAT game, and really allowed Campbell to play to his potential. Wow...they were even throwing on 1st down. (this shocked Dallas on that 1st TD...and this is why Cooley was so open) I have been bashing Gibbs for weeks, but he was great yesterday. I agree...gotta hand out the credit when it is due, the same way with the put-downs.

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honestly, yes, I think I can be happy as a fan....

truthfully I have been more frustrated this year and last year than in a long, long time...

the first year when we were 6-10, we just weren't very good....our defense kept us in games, but we weren't competitive a lot (out of those 10 losses, we only blew 2 halftime leads)

these last two years, though, I see a lot of mental mistakes by both the coaches and players that extremely frustrate me....for two reasons...

1) Having played college ball and coached high school ball, some of these mistakes are those level kind of mistakes....or worse....i don't want to get into it, but some of the clock issues, missed assignments, etc., are things that college and high school coaches don't do, or they get fired....and the players at those levels don't make those mistakes or they don't play....I expect this team to actually BE professional, and a lot of the errors over the past few years have been, truthfully, bush league...

2) I see where we COULD be and i see where we ARE and the disparity drives me nuts....if you had told me during the Heath Shuler/Tony Banks/Shane Matthews years that would finally hit on a good, young franchise style QB THROUGH the draft...and he would have behind one of the most physical running backs in the last 10 years...and THEN had showed me our record wouldn't be any different, I would have told you that you were nuts...and yet, still 1-1 in the playoffs...26-32....it just seems like we squander a ton of opportunties.....if we were JUST BAD I wouldnt be nearly as upset....but I, along with a lot of other people, see the talent of the likes of Samuels, Campbell, Cooley, Taylor, Landry, etc. etc. teams that are great on paper SHOULD be great on the field...the Redskins have found an alarming ability for those two things not to correlate....

So, I guess, in the end, if I had a team that played to its potential...and didn't make stupid errors...that didn't CONTINUOUSLY beat itself....I would be happy...if that potential is truly 6-10, or 8-8, i cannot really complain about that....but right now is a perfect example...at the very least this should be a 7-3 football team....and its not...

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You know, it's one thing for a team to get beat. It's another when they beat themselves. I think most fans would could live with a team that simply gets beat by a better team, not by handing them games on a silver platter. Losing to NE, sure. Losing all the other games because of glaring mistakes..........that's hard to swallow. Unrealized potential is so hard to watch. Coulda, shoulda, woulda. If, if, if. If we weren't so decimated by the injury bug, where would we be? If the coaching staff weren't so old and conservative, where would we be? etc, etc, etc. I think we all just want to be semi-successful, is that so wrong? Futility gets old.

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Im pleased. Im do my fair share of complaining but to see this team progress is just awesome. We are building a team for the future. If you dont see that then you just blind (go see a doctor). When this team does start clicking then this board will be nothing but positive things.

Everyone is just so disgusted with the last 15 years. Just wait for the next 15 years.

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It's amazing what a few wins would do to quell the critics. Most fans want to see this team be a contendor or at least be in the conversation. But you don't become a contendor by squandering a loss against a team like the Eagles or Giants earlier this season.

Unfortunately I don't think the trend on the offense you speak of will last.

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It's amazing what a few wins would do to quell the critics. Most fans want to see this team be a contendor or at least be in the conversation. But you don't become a contendor by squandering a loss against a team like the Eagles or Giants earlier this season.

Unfortunately I don't think the trend on the offense you speak of will last.

I dont either. Our Skins do well and just enough to win but eventually lose for the sake of not knowing how to put any team away. As have been posted many times Skins have a total lack of a killer instinct.

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I simply get tired of year in and year out of the same thing. Expensive payroll, draft over compensation etc.

At seasons end its always had we just done this or had we just done that, things would've been different. When is the tide gonna turn. Like always I sit back and just hope things will turn out different even though I disagree a lot with the way the SKins do things administratively.

I bleed burgundy and gold but until I see the results, I don't even get hyped anymore.

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Z, I haven't had the benefit of reading all of the posts in your thread, but I think what you're seeing on these boards is the lack of a consistently winning football team since 1991. When Joe Gibbs first was hired as head coach back in 1981, he restored this team to relevancy. This team was always a threat, other teams knew they were in for a fight when they played us and the Redskins of old gave fans a reason to hope for legitimate Super Bowl runs. Since Gibbs first left, we've had poor-to-mediocre-at-best football. We've had coaches who couldn't bring the best out of their players, coaches unable or unwilling to adapt to the pro game and players that just went through the motions, knowing they were going to get paid and not lose their jobs, no matter what. On top of that, we've had an owner who, for eight years, has focused more on marketing the team than fielding a legitimate squad, raised ticket prices, priced out the blue-collar (read: REAL) fans in favor of businessmen and wine-and-cheesers, put yes-men around him instead of people who actually know and understand the football business, went after all-stars instead of finding young, overlooked talent, hired coaches designed to put fannies in the seats instead of Lombardi trophies on the shelves and threw money at every problem or situation that arose. In those eight years under his ownership, we've made a grand total of two playoff appearance and with just two playoff wins. Yes, he deserves credit for making the Washington Redskins one of the most profitable sports franchises in the country. But, what does that mean to us, the fans? It certainly hasn't led to annual playoff appearances and I thought that was why we cheered for the team.

What you're seeing on these boards is the collective frustration of a fan base that is seeing its team run into the ground with no real hope of any meaningful on-field success this year or next. I agree that it's a sad thing to see on these boards. But, it's just a ripple effect of the sorry state of this franchise.

I'm tired of saying, "We hung with the big boys." At this point, we need to be up there with the New Englands, Indianapolises and Dallases of the world. We're just not there and we haven't been since 1991.

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No matter what happens, what we do, how successful we are, someone will find something wrong somewhere. JC could go 24-25 for 350 yards and 3 TD's and someone on here will complain about the 1 missed pass. Thats just the way it is

Stands to reason a bit with stats like that it would be a winnable game. Hell our Skins average less then 20 points a game on offense and just keep on losing.

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Z, I haven't had the benefit of reading all of the posts in your thread, but I think what you're seeing on these boards is the lack of a consistently winning football team since 1991. When Joe Gibbs first was hired as head coach back in 1981, he restored this team to relevancy. This team was always a threat, other teams knew they were in for a fight when they played us and the Redskins of old gave fans a reason to hope for legitimate Super Bowl runs. Since Gibbs first left, we've had poor-to-mediocre-at-best football. We've had coaches who couldn't bring the best out of their players, coaches unable or unwilling to adapt to the pro game and players that just went through the motions, knowing they were going to get paid and not lose their jobs, no matter what. On top of that, we've had an owner who, for eight years, has focused more on marketing the team than fielding a legitimate squad, raised ticket prices, priced out the blue-collar (read: REAL) fans in favor of businessmen and wine-and-cheesers, put yes-men around him instead of people who actually know and understand the football business, went after all-stars instead of finding young, overlooked talent, hired coaches designed to put fannies in the seats instead of Lombardi trophies on the shelves and threw money at every problem or situation that arose. In those eight years under his ownership, we've made a grand total of two playoff appearance and with just two playoff wins. Yes, he deserves credit for making the Washington Redskins one of the most profitable sports franchises in the country. But, what does that mean to us, the fans? It certainly hasn't led to annual playoff appearances and I thought that was why we cheered for the team.

What you're seeing on these boards is the collective frustration of a fan base that is seeing its team run into the ground with no real hope of any meaningful on-field success this year or next. I agree that it's a sad thing to see on these boards. But, it's just a ripple effect of the sorry state of this franchise.

I'm tired of saying, "We hung with the big boys." At this point, we need to be up there with the New Englands, Indianapolises and Dallases of the world. We're just not there and we haven't been since 1991.

:applause: True dammit.

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We could win the Super Bowl 2-0 with the only score being a safety and some fans on here would ***** and moan about a 4th and 1 in the first quarter that we didn't go for.

:laugh: Yep. The old " We won but...." thread thing. ;)

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"Will fans ever really be pleased?"

On this site..... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Are you serious?

You make me smile.

Hell, there is one poster here who's a "Redskins fan" who if we won 4 superbowls in a row and Campbell won MVP each of those years would probably wish for Campbell to be injured in a thread b/c he missed a 3rd and 2 pass in a game to some player and doesn't deserve to be a QB in the NFL. :rolleyes:

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