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Tandler (A must Read) Black and Blacker


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Good article, and I think its very very true. Im a shades of gray person, partly because ive seen it and lived it playing sports myself. Sometimes its the game you loose that really drives you, and although im fiercely competitive and hate losing, a loss against a very good team, where you played well is better in my mind than a sloppy win versus a bad team.

Why? Because im looking towards the future. Some people say "a win is a win", but what about next week? Beating a bad team merely makes you better than a bad team. At some point you are going to have to play better teams, and in order to beat them, you cant just do the same thing that worked just enough, versus a bad team. Do I hate losing to the Cowboys? Absolutely. But what I saw in that game was the future, one where we have a franchise QB, who in big games, on the road, versus our most hated rival, can play big and put his team in a position to win. I see future wins versus the Dallas Cowboys. I also see a young QB who was so upset by the loss, he just might take it to heart, and work that much harder to become that much better. Often, the best motivator is failure. How often have you ever thought, when everything is going great, what can I do to get better? Now how often have you thought that when everything was going poorly? I know for me, its the later. I think we havent seen the best out of JC this season.

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One thing some guys seem to forget is that all this is supposed to be entertainment. We work, we get stressed, things piss us off. We all need some fun in our lives.

Though losses aren't fun, they come with the territory. Since I've hooked up with a couple of real Skins fans here on the Eastern Shore, and begun posting here, I've also realized that much of the fun of being a fan involves following the team, hanging out with other people intelligent enough to like the Skins, and learning more about football in general.

One thing I think is true at this point in the season is that the Skins have provided us with entertainment. True, plenty of frustration, but still, here we are in late November talking about playoff possibilities. That's fun. So everything else aside, our team has given us that much.

Dallas sucks. Hail to the Redskins.

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Rich Tandler made an excellent point. Most experts expected them to be 5-11 again this year. What a joke that is. I thought actually that they would be 11-5. Obviously, I am not of it yet, but more than likely 9-7 or 10-6 is about the best that I can hope for right now. At any rate, the team is doing a lot better than people expected. All I can say is that they have aggrivated me on blown opportunities. That is where I get mad. I don't really get mad at the fact that we could have won last week. I was expecting that as a loss from the beginning of the season. But when you lose to the Giants at home and when you were beating them, that really hurts. When you lose to the Eagles at home, when all that needed to be done was take care of Westbrook and we lost there, that really hurts too. I just get mad at the missed home opportunities. If you win at home and go 3-3 in the division then you shouldn't be mad, but when you could have won all your division home games thus far, that is where I get mad. I know things happen in games, it is very aggrivating to see it happen before your very eyes.

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After cruising a few message boards and listening to some on-air commentary, I think I’ve come up with my definition of a negative person. It’s a Redskins fan who can find all kinds of fault with a game that the Redskins win but refuses to acknowledge any positive aspects to a loss.

Can you say Fair Weather/Pessimistic fans?

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I just wish I could convince my wife of that. :)

What gets me, and I discussed this in a follow-up post in the blog, is the inconsistency of so many of the negative types. The them a loss is a loss and nothing positive can come from one. But the same people go ballistic when Gibbs kicks a game-winning field goal on first down or whine about the play calling against Arizona.

If you refuse to find anything positive in a loss, fine. But you then forfeit your credibility when you are determined to find all kinds of fault in a win.

Thanks for posting the blog, Hap.

Rich it needed to be posted, a lot of people need to read this.

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