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Gibbs Press Conference: Was he testy?


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For those that listened or watched Gibbs' press conference, was it just me or did he sound a little testy in explaining some decisions? Specifically, the timeout before the field goal, the 3rd and goal draw, and about closing out games. By the end, he was joking around saying he definitely knew areas he felt he needed to work on at times, but wasn't going to list it out for the reporters so they could write some stories. However, he seemed a little more testy than I've seen him before.

Here's a recap on those situations in case you hadn't watched or listened.

Who's making the offensive calls?

He stated unequivocally that Saunders was making the calls. They sometimes consult with one another about the strategies, but he, Saunders, was still making the calls and that Joe was behind his decisions. He also stated that he doesn't like consulting with Saunders during a series, because he knows as a previous play caller himself that those interruptions can mess up your rhythm.

Timeout before FG attempt

He explained his reasoning in detail on this one and quite a bit because it came up a few times. It seemed to me he was getting a little testy with the questions, but also stated he knows people can second guess and he can live with that.

In a nutshell, he said he called the timeout because he thought they were close to the first down, probably inches, and he wanted to make sure they took their time and might the right decision (about going for it or kicking the FG). He thought they were going to measure and was surprised when they didn't. He was asked if he could request a measurement and he said it was up to the discretion of the officials. He insinuated that he would have taken the delay of game penalty if he had known it was that far from the 1st down and therefore knew they were going to kick a FG.

He went on for a bit that after reviewing the play today that he couldn't believe the spot because it looked like Sellers got much more forward, but didn't think challenging the spot was the way to go because its difficult to get it overturned.

3rd and goal draw play

He seemed a little testy on this one, but near as much as the timeout call. He said draws can be very successful in that area and that we've all seen QB draws score in that area. He said in that area, the defense usually does one of two things - 1) play soft and back or 2) come at you. They thought it the defense of soft, the draw would work. But he also said, Jason had the ability to call for a quick throw to the receivers on the outside if he saw the defense coming on the play. So, it would have been a pass if Philly was blitzing.

Not closing out games

He was asked if it was disappointing to lose 3 games when leading in the second half. Gibbs first came back with something to the effect, that he looks at the games they did close out. They went down the field and closed out Miami in OT. They were only up 14-3 in the third with Detroit and went down to score a few more to put it out of reach. They were down 17-3 to the Jets and came back to win in OT. He said he put the Arizona game somewhere in the middle. So in a nutshell, while there have been some games they lost a lead, there have been others where the team fought hard, showed character and did close it out.


At the end, he was asked about how he looked at ways for him to improve. He mentioned that every week he tells the staff that they can't let pride get in the way of self-evaluating yourself. He was joking a little at this point, because he admitted he's always self-evaluating himself and he's found things he can work on, but he wasn't going to let the reporters know so they could write about it. :)

No huddle

One last thing on Campbell, he said he has real talent and he is football smart which you can't teach. He wouldn't be able to run the no-huddle so well if he wasn't football smart and that this was probably his best game.

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Good post. I didn't see the conference, but this does answer some of the questions that ES'ers were asking. I'd get testy too if I had to go out there in front of the cameras and defend myself after a loss.

Reading his answers, it does make me realize that in pretty much all of these scenarios, with the questionable calls and such, you only have so much time to make an answer. It's alot of pressure on you and your coaches around you, whom all want to have input. Then you gotta get the right personnel in and make the right playcall. There's alot that goes into it that we don't realize, and all in less than a minute. Oh, and you gotta make the decisions quick enough to get the play off in time.

That would suck if you made the wrong call and had to defend yourself in front of the media. You can't go out there and say it was the wrong call, otherwise players will question your judgement and leadership. Much like a general getting ready for a battle he knows he can't win. You can't lose the faith of the troops.

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Yeah, I think he was testy and I like it. He showed a little fire, he's p.o.'d. People forget how competitive this guy is, he hates losing. And I give him props for standing up there and answering every question knowing that he was probably going to take a beating.

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I need to see this but I think that if he was testy then that can only be a good thing. The coaches were directly at fault for losing this game. The players execute what is called. The play calling outside of the Red Zone was very good. Inside the 20's the coaches look confused. When we were given the chance to put the game away the coaches job is to have some plays to call up in these situations. Our coaches do not have this. The coaches misused the time outs. The coaches made so many mistakes in this game. The coaches were outcoached and Gibbs should be pissed off. Its his fault that they lost this game. The media was trying to get Gibbs to say this because its TRUE. Two NFC games lost at home because our coaches get outcoached. Its that simple. He should be mad. We say all the time this player isn't worth the money, well tonight I say Gibbs, Saunders, and Williams aren't worth the money. They are failing this year and are very old. They aren't going to get better with age, if they can't do this now I hope they remove themselves from the team next offseason so the Washington Redskins organization can be better. The organization deserves better then this.

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I hope Gibbs is pissed.

Last time he was testy with the media was the Friday before the Lions game.....so I really want Gibbs angry before Dallas.

Let's join the reality-based community. Gibbs' getting angry before Dallas will have absolutely zero impact on the game, in which we will be rather easily handled. I know, I know, 'how dare a Skins fan say that,' etc., etc. -- whatever.

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Let's join the reality-based community. Gibbs' getting angry before Dallas will have absolutely zero impact on the game, in which we will be rather easily handled. I know, I know, 'how dare a Skins fan say that,' etc., etc. -- whatever.

....nope I don't expect us to win this one.

And this is coming from a guy who had us winning 27-24 over the Pats.

But I'm frankly tired of "they're the greatest team on the planet....yadda, yadda".

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gee, i wonder why gibbs agrees with all the calls 'saunders' made. he neutered saunders after the first half of the year last year and now saunders knows exactly what gibbs wants called. so yeh, saunders is using his own plays and announcing the plays from the booth, but gibbs has probably taught saunders his philosophy and how to 'execute' it.

i find it hard to believe that the games are going the way saunders, and only saunders, would call them. go back and look at his past years with st. louis and KC. this is just ridiculous now.

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3rd and goal draw play

He seemed a little testy on this one, but near as much as the timeout call. He said draws can be very successful in that area and that we've all seen QB draws score in that area. He said in that area, the defense usually does one of two things - 1) play soft and back or 2) come at you. They thought it the defense of soft, the draw would work. But he also said, Jason had the ability to call for a quick throw to the receivers on the outside if he saw the defense coming on the play. So, it would have been a pass if Philly was blitzing.

I hope he knew that we were in the red zone where it is VERY tight and that this is the NFL, not college football. Is it even possible to play "soft" that close to the end zone?

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I hope he knew that we were in the red zone where it is VERY tight and that this is the NFL, not college football. Is it even possible to play "soft" that close to the end zone?

I was thinking the same thing. On what planet to NFL teams play soft on the goal line... against a running team. I smell BS.

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I was thinking the same thing. On what planet to NFL teams play soft on the goal line... against a running team. I smell BS.

But we had shown in the game that we would be throwing in the redzone (3TDS) the play called back was a pass on Cooleys false start if we had have thrown and it be broken up or they were blanking the endzone you and the other Monday morning HC would be saying "Portis was running wild over them why did we not even try a draw play... :doh: "

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NO! Only Gibbs is capable of calling bad plays!! He's the one holding this offense back! Didn't you see what Saunders did when he was a water boy in St. Louis? They threw ALL the time! Gibbs needs to take the handcuffs off of Saunders! Gibbs needs to stop calling the plays! Blah blah blah scared scared mancrush etc!!!!

(Sarcasm aside, I have seen the draw play work in the red zone plenty of times. I'm not saying it was the right call, but if it had worked, then nobody would have said anything. And you all seem to forget that we would have passed for a freaking TD if Cooley hadn't freaking jumped offsides like a freaking idiot. I like Cooley, but MAN! Why did he do that?)

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So lets see...can we put to bed the Gibbs' is responsible for the conservative play in the red zone crap now? As he said Sunders calls the plays..and he gives his opinion sometimes. There ya go..Saunders is calling the plays.

Probably not, but there's always hope.

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I hope he knew that we were in the red zone where it is VERY tight and that this is the NFL, not college football. Is it even possible to play "soft" that close to the end zone?

Sure they do. Flood the zones with 7 men to take away the passing lanes leaving a soft underbelly right after the line. If the routes work correctly, you pull the linebackers further to the side leaving the middle even more open or at least open enough where an RB can make a move on 1 guy.

I don't think you see this as much at the 2 or 3 yard line, but we were at the 7.

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