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Horrible Play Call,(merged)


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I know people are talking about our offense and all, but our Defense by far has been the most frustrating thing this year. I mean we have a decimated offensive line, injured wideouts, a very young QB, but they're still doing enough to win games.

Our defense however, which is supposed to be the back bone of this team while our offense gets it together, has been horrible as of late. I miss the days when we could count on the defense to make the big stop when we needed them to. They've shown this year that they still have the ability to do that so.....what's going on???

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What frustrates me the most is the chicken-**** coaching...

We're so scared to lose...so on D we sit back w/the safeties 20yds off the ball in a soft cover2 D and still allow teams to beat us...I mean if your going to get burnt I'd rather see us get burnt blitzing, playing at 100mph rather than just getting smacked upside the head on long drawn out drives all game...

On O we are fine from 20 to 20 but when we're inside of the 20's we become gutless...We play for FG's instead of TD's and we always seem to leave points on the board...

I'm drunk, my throat hurts from yelling(sec 406 row 17), my head hurts and I'm pissed off...

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Threads like this that are based on emotions rather than logic. You do realize you wouldn't even have this thread if ST didn't go down. You would be too busy making threads about how great the Skins are and our playoffs picture!

I think your assuming to much. With this teams typical tendency of playing not to lose, their lack of half time or 4th quarter adjustments, and their ridiculas conservative play calling ST's injury would have made not one ounce of difference in this game. This team is truly flawed.

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There is quite literally, a laundry list of reasons to resent this team but for the purposes of this post I would say the fact that our team has little to no discipline. Wow, sometimes I can't believe it's a pro team I'm watching. We deserve, and will likely finish, dead last in our division. Draft picks!

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I think your assuming to much. With this teams typical tendency of playing not to lose, their lack of half time or 4th quarter adjustments, and their ridiculas conservative play calling ST's injury would have made not one ounce of difference in this game. This team is truly flawed.

With ST IN the Birdheads only have 7 pts. Without him they get 23 because there was no one in the middle to say BOO to their WR.

Sorry but as you can see not making any assumations here. Just the hard cold facts.

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To me, the most frustrating thing is that our team doesn't suck; OUR PLAYCALLING SUCKS!! We have great talent on both sides of the ball, in the most critical positions. Show me another team that has a solid, reliable QB, RB WRs, and a solid D, yet CONSISTENTLY KILLS ITSELF with time mismanagement and poor play calling???? We call plays inside the 15 yard line as if we have a liability at QB. Campbell has been MONEY throwing inside the 15 yard line when asked to. How many INTs has he thrown VS TDs inside the 15? Why are we not calling a 3 wide set and taking some shots inside the 15? We only throw on third down, which is extreamly predictable (and sometimes not even then, i.e. 4th quarter today last possesion inside redzone). Hell, even when campbell can't find anyone, he's got the legs to make something happen. Jumbo package from outside the 5 yard line? Are you kidding me? Then play-actioning from that set? WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?

In years past, we had various scape goats. Aside from coaching, most glarring has been the QB position. Now we have that position taken care of. We have receivers, and a line that does a good enough job to give time to Campbell and make some holes for Portis.

THE ONLY THING HOLDING THIS TEAM BACK AND REASON WE'RE 5-4 is poor game management/play calling. Sure there were some misques by players here and there this season, but they pale in comparison to the collective misques made by by our coaching staff and the impact on the games those misques had.

That is what eats away at me. And it will only be fixed when Gibbs leaves unfortuatnly. So we once again we have to wait it out. But at least the group of players we have now are good enough to compete with anyone in the NFC.

So hopefull our new coach can step in like Wade Phillips has.

Whats MOST frustrating to YOU?????

At the beginning of this year, or a couple of weaks ago, our defense was ranked fifth in the NFL.

We were blitzing like crazy. I was proud to say that was our defense. Today there was hardly any blitzing and when they did, McNabb was rattled. It disrupted his timing. When Landry got a hold of him, man McNabb was off.

In the second half, we didn't blitz hardly any if not at all. We had a swagger at one time, but now we're playing to conservative.

Damnit! Can't we get that swagger back and blitz the hell out of some teams. I want to say again that is our defense and feel the pride again.

That is what frustrates me.

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I think the most frustrating thing for me is that, here we are in Year 4 of Coach Joe Gibbs II and this team still hasn't learned how to put teams away when they have them down. There's no reason for this to be happening at this point. The Joe Gibbs Experiment just isn't working this time around. We need a REAL GM and a head coach who knows and understands today's NFL.

You've hit the nail on the head. There has been very little progression with the O. Hell, I'm upset that they are still making the same mistakes and clock mismanagement issues that plagued this team when he first came back.

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The most frustrating thing for me was 4 qt at the one yard. The redskins ran the damn ball 7 times in a row then kick a field goal. I mean really Gibbs just really dont understand todays foot ball. I really was dissappointed in Joe Gibbs because the camra showed the big slow guys comming onto the field, so obviously they wanted to stop the run. The thing that puzzled me was if you see these slow and big guys come onto the field why wouldnt you throw the ball instead of running the ball 7 times in a row.
You do realise that the coaches did call a pass on that play? A pass that saw Thrash wide open in the end zone.

Only the play was blown because of a false start by Chris Cooley.

But, hey, damn that play calling right.

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