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CBS - Gregg Doyel:There's no crying in professional football, Redskins!


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Why don't we just leave it alone? Every time someone in the media says something slightly disrespectful about the Skins he/she gets bombarded with hundreds of emails with threats and namecalling. This only leads to more bias against this team, and more importantly, to its fanbase.

If you were a writer, what would make you feel worse? Saying something dumb and being completely ignored or saying something dumb and getting hundreds of emails? I think the former would be worse.

Besides, there isn't a chance in hell that angry emails from outraged fans will change this guys mind or make him issue a public apology.


Reminds me that a couple years ago I posted a cartoon strip my friend drew of me before going off to the Seahawks-Skins playoff game. Retards from this board sent him hate mail. Didn't really help him to see any positive qualities in us Skins fans.

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Why don't we just leave it alone? Every time someone in the media says something slightly disrespectful about the Skins he/she gets bombarded with hundreds of emails with threats and namecalling. This only leads to more bias against this team, and more importantly, to its fanbase.

If you were a writer, what would make you feel worse? Saying something dumb and being completely ignored or saying something dumb and getting hundreds of emails? I think the former would be worse.

Besides, there isn't a chance in hell that angry emails from outraged fans will change this guys mind or make him issue a public apology.

I agree up to a point. But dude ... did you actually read this thing?


Against my better judgment, I sent a note to Mr. Doyle as well:

The dainty little sportswriter is angry with the Washington Redskins, and I think it's cute. Sweet little sportswriter.

He couldn't stop that goshdarn deadline from approaching without a credible piece to give his editor, to keep that big meanie from destroying him, so he was kind of hoping he could get away with setting up a limp straw man to shoot down, without even a passing nod to reality that of the entire organization, one man, Randall Godfrey, said one thing, then shut up; or that every single other Redskin coach or player who has commented on the matter said they had zero problem with anything the Patriots did.

Well, he couldn’t. People actually read it. And now guffaws and snickers at his expense are rolling across cyberspace, and the CBS stockholders are pitching a fit over paying for junior high newspaper level drivel to appear under their banner.

Poor little guy. If I could, I'd pat him on his shiny little “sportswriter” head and give him a lollypop.

The baby.

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Well, face it Boys, we got beat like a brand new drum plain and simple. And a few did think Belicheat ran up the score, but certainly wasn't whining. But after a stomping like that, it opens doors for all kinds of ridicule.

But what we have to do now is keep cheering and hope the FO, Coaches and players does what ever it takes to make sure nothing likes this ever happens again. As a matter of fact, hoping nothing even close comes to this, just give us the stick so we can start whipping.

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I agree up to a point. But dude ... did you actually read this thing?


Against my better judgment, I sent a note to Mr. Doyle as well:

Well, I was referring more to the type of emails that the gentleman above sent, calling the writer a moron.

Constructive criticism? Great. Sarcasm like you wrote? Even better. Childish namecalling and threats to ones family? Dumb.

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Fair enough. I'm not into threats to people's families either (though I don't believe anyone here has done that, have they?).

Nor am I into childish namecalling. If I'm going to call some sorry-ass mother****er a name, it's damn well going to be an adult one. :cool:

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Well, I was referring more to the type of emails that the gentleman above sent, calling the writer a moron.

Constructive criticism? Great. Sarcasm like you wrote? Even better. Childish namecalling and threats to ones family? Dumb.

Oh I agree with this. I find the most effect way to deal with this sort of situation is the bigger the jerk, the more polite my response.

I was exceedingly polite in my response today. :)

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I've never like Doyel. He conveinently doesn't talk about the majority of the Skins players and staff that basically said, 'we should have stopped them'.

AGREED- in retrospect, I bet the TEAM wishes they had too;); however, there is no stopping cheating and refs looking the other way, but there would have been less of this if the team had gotten to the Commerical Boy.;)

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So did Steve Young.

So did Mike Fransesca and the Mad Dog.

In fact, it seems like it was nearly unanimous among the chattering class. Everyone thinks New England was out of line.

Sure, the Redskins could have taken care of business themselves. I would have loved to see all eleven at the line when Brady was in shotgun when they were up 38 - 0. But Gibbs is too classy for that. Imagine Doily's column today about how the Redskins unfairly attacked an MVP's knees and put him on the IR? Would he then have written that the Patriots should stop whining because their offensive linemen should have stopped the Redskins?

The target on Brady's back is too big to think that he will finish the season.

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I'm so sick of articles like these, about any team. How sites like CBS Sports can even let things like this go live. I have an until now unused domain name and hosting, and now I have something to do with it. My first article on my first new website is just to say how much of a dumbass this guy is - http://www.hatethegame.net/node/5

My post so you don't have to follow the link if you don't want to -

Gregg Doyle has an interesting article over on sportsline.com. Ok, I lie, it's not interesting, it's a completely biased piece of crap. The hot summer day type of crap. Doyle insists that the Washington Redskins have been crying over the way that the Patriots ran the score up on them in their game last Sunday. As anyone who actually pays attention to what the players have said since will tell you, this is completely wrong. Most players and coaches all agreed they should have never been in a position where New England could run up the score in the first place.

Now Peter King complained. Mike Wilbon suggested the Redskins were a little too easy on Brady, possibly insinuating it would have been acceptable for Brady to go out like Palmer did in the playoffs. One player, made a comment about respect. Gibbs, the real voice of the team, said he had no problem with what Belichek said.

"crying", "babies", "****ed"... I'm actually surprised this article made it on to CBS Sports website. I guess concepts like research and maturity are not requirements for being a writer there. There wasn't even a quote of a Redskins player complaining. No mention of a player name. The caption under a picture of London Fletcher on the article states "Hey London Fletcher, tell your teammates to stop whining. You're all men for pete's sake." Nice display of maturity there. Honestly, I would expect more out of a tabloid.

Hey Doyle, who did your submit your resume to? I'd like to get a job where I can make up lies about men 3 times my size, and call them babies too. All while making 10% of the salary they make. That seems like the good life.

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'The Redskins' didn't complain at all. One Redskin did. And so did Peter King. So did Gregg Easterbrook. So did Mike Wilbon. Maybe this guy should take his issues up with them. But lay off 'The Redskins.' That's a game most Redskins would just as soon not talk about ever again.

I agree. And for God's sake it was Randall Godfrey who is hardly a core redskin (and quite frankly I was really pissed that he said anything). Doyel's whole "the redskins" is so pathetic as far as journalism goes. He quotes nobody. The media ****ed way more about the running it up than anyone on the redskins. In fact the official mouthpiece of the Redskins is Joe Gibbs. And within 15 minutes of the final gun he was asked the question and his answer was he had absolutely unequivocally nothing to say negative about it. Doyel should be ashamed of himself but then again he is just trying to get off of his webspot to a job that pays more than 25k a year and maybe is in actual print. What a tool.

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I was reluctant to spout my disgust at him in my first post because I'm tainted by my previous experiences with him and ACC basketball. I'm glad to see others think the same thing that myself and most others do (in relation to basketball). He takes one mundane slice and transposes it across the whole team. Its a modus operandi with him. He's a freaking douchebag and I really didn't even want to click on his article, but since it was the first I'd seen him write about the Redskins, I had too. Now I regret it.

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This guy actually gets paid to write this crap? This reads like a high school article. Did he even mention Gibbs didn't complain? The only guy who said anything was Randall Godfrey. Nobody else on the team said a word about it. What an ass clown, how do these guys get paid to write this garbage? He's obviously got something against the Redskins, this guy should be running a paper route or something.

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