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Re: Sportsline - Joe Gibbs frustrated with technical woes


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Washington Redskins coach Joe Gibbs is getting frustrated with technical glitches in the NFL's transmitter system used to call plays into the quarterback.

Gibbs said the transmitter was malfunctioning virtually the entire game last week in Green Bay, forcing the coaches to call in the plays using hand signals. Gibbs called it a "monstrous problem" because the time between plays is shorter than it used to be, and he had to burn timeouts he would have preferred to save for the final minutes of a close game.

"Not only that," Gibbs said, "I'm running around on the sidelines not thinking about the next series. I'm thinking 'How can we fix that headset problem?' Being a coach and a P.E. major, I know nothing about electronics."

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Are you kidding me???? We're losing games because of broken headsets? Time is the most valuable thing you have in football - is the NFL really just not doing ANYTHING about this?

I cannot believe this isn't a HUGE deal.

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A billion dollar business and they cant keep communications. I thought a good idea would be a rule that required the reporting of such issues, the time in the game, and what was going on in the game (ex: Visitors driving) so that it could be tracked to prevent it from being done on purpose aka: Pats now I found out the other team doesnt even have to cut their communication...what the heck is going on NFL! Stop the crap!

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if they were having problems w/ the headset in the Green Bay game, why didn't they talk w/ the refs... so that the other team would be forced to go w/o the headset as well? level the playing field...

Because as Gibbs stated in Monday's presser, the rule states that if you lose communication to your QB, hand signals are to be used.

The only way that the other team can do without radio communication is if you lose radio contact with the coaching staff in the booth.

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I thought that WAS the rule. It's happened before and the other teams had to take them off also.

EDIT: n/m... answered below:

The only way that the other team can do without radio communication is if you lose radio contact with the coaching staff in the booth.
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This is like complaining about rain or wind or anything else that is not in your control. It effects everyone. Yea, this game it benefits the other side, and in another game someone else's stuff goes dead and yours still works although I was also pretty sure that if they call over the ref and say their headsets aren't working *(particulalrly on the road) I think the refs would make the home team turn theirs off). Either way, its just not an excuse for the slopiness we've had at times and I seriously doubt the technical problems had anything to do with being completely unable to block greenbay or catch the ball all day.

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Because as Gibbs stated in Monday's presser, the rule states that if you lose communication to your QB, hand signals are to be used.

The only way that the other team can do without radio communication is if you lose radio contact with the coaching staff in the booth.

ok, i didn't hear his presser...

that rule really needs to be looked into.. i mean wtf!!! i could easily have someone come to a game and use a descrambler to jam the opposing team's radio w/ the QB and not the coaches...

seriously this is bull.. thats an obvious advantage... how is it different that players using HGH, they get an effin advantage... the other team can have communication w/ their QB, they have a effin advantage!

bull shy man..

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All of the other electronics were working. We just had to signal the plays in to Jason instead of call them in on a headset. That's why the other team didn't have to change anything or take theirs off.

Had the whole electronics system gone down and our sideline couldn't talk up to the guys in the booth... then the other team has to take theirs off too.

So, the reason GB could keep theirs on is because the only thing not working was the speaker in Campbells helment. They just couldn't talk to Campbell. All the rest worked.

We just had to signal in the calls to the QB. Not that big a deal, really.

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if they were having problems w/ the headset in the Green Bay game, why didn't they talk w/ the refs... so that the other team would be forced to go w/o the headset as well? level the playing field...

That would be a great idea... except the NFL has rules in place that don't allow for that to happen my man. It doesn't matter if one team has the problem, the other is basically given a huge advantage and get to keep using their headsets.

It's what Coach is complaining about actually. And rightfully so.

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Are you kidding me???? We're losing games because of broken headsets? Time is the most valuable thing you have in football - is the NFL really just not doing ANYTHING about this?

I cannot believe this isn't a HUGE deal.

Well, we do have a decimated o-line and our WR's aren't having the most consistant season in the league so far. I'm sure that those things had something to do with the losing games as well.
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That would be a great idea... except the NFL has rules in place that don't allow for that to happen my man. It doesn't matter if one team has the problem, the other is basically given a huge advantage and get to keep using their headsets.

It's what Coach is complaining about actually. And rightfully so.

Only when it's the QB's helment that isn't working. In that case the NFL says when you call plays, just signal them in to the QB. That's the only thing effected. If all of the communications are down on one side, they make the other take their's off too.

It was just Jason's helment that was working on and off. All the rest of the communications worked.

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Don't let the "realists" read this. They're convinced the delays are b/c Gibbs is old and confused.

Seriously though, that's a problem they shouldn't have to deal with. Technology is so advanced that headset problems shouldn't be a continuing thing. I saw one poster said having to use hand signals is "no big deal." Let me assure you, it is a big deal. It's time consuming, and it's easy to get signals mixed up, especially when you hurry them.

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The reason we're losing games is because our WRs can't catch. The technical difficulties are just another hurdle that we shouldn't be having to deal with.

Agreed. We are losing games because of stupid mental mistakes and turnovers BUT no coach should have to worry about headset issues. If an NFL coach is worrying about transmitters and headsets and not about game action, the NFL had better fix that quick.

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