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This years Team = Special (Not Handicapped!!)


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I was watching the Campbell interview today on Redskins.com, and I noticed something. This team is having fun. We have a tight group here, that seems to flat out love each other's company. I think that this is transfering to the field as well. People trust each other. This team is special, and I'm sure the rest of the year will follow suit.

Here's to the rest of the season! :cheers:

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Agreed, starting with preseason everything just felt right and you got the sense that this team was hungry after last year. Last year we had problems right from the opening kickoff we lost prioleau for the season and then the portis injury followed that. This year we had injuries, but the backups play so well that our expectations for the team don't go down.

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I guarantee you there is not a team in this league that is as close knit on both sides of he ball as this team ...

Its almost like a college or highschool style bond that these dudes have

and the way the welcome new guys in and make them feel comfortable really helps with chemistry.....

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^^ I know... but I think most people posting now are the ones who always believed. The negative nancies have all decided to pretty much go back into that closet they usually find when we're doing well, only to emerge after we all forget their past transgressions.

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I rarely post, and not once have I posted something negative. I will admit I was a little annoyed about the Giants game, but who wasn't?

What is this Campbell's 11th start or something like that? He is showing greater poise every week. It is only a matter of time before we will win convincingly on a normal basis.

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