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I blame execution more than play calling


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Look.... they moved the ball 50 yards in the air down to the 1 yard line, why wouldn't you throw it into the endzone at least a couple times, and tell Jason if there's nothing open throw it into the stands. The clock would stop and they could regroup, they couldn't run the ball the whole game they weren't gonna do it then.

Bad play calling, you have to be aggressive in today's NFL and Gibbs is not :no:

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I've read post after post of people saying gibbs is holding us back from winning games but I cannot see all blame going to him. Midway through 04 people thought Gibbs system was a bust in today's NFL. The hitch passes were getting us negative yards, the infamous counter trey wasn't effective against the speedy NFL defenses of today, CP wasn't the right back for Gibbs power running game, etc etc etc. Then suddenly in the midway point of our 05 season we started putting up points. It wasn't that the play calling changed midway through the season or even from the 2004 season, it was that our players were executing the plays. Those same hitch passes from 04 that were losses now in 05 Moss was getting 20+ yards. The counter trey was working just like it did in the 80's. Also our power running game was working with our O-line dominating the line of scrimmage and Clinton Portis hitting the holes fast and hard.

What was the difference? It was execution of the plays. Not only was our offense playing with heart and intensity, but they were all mastering their individual roles in whatever play was called. WR's were making the right blocks on hitch passes, members of the o-line were sometimes all the way up field blocking linebackers or safeties during the counter trey. Play calling did not change, just the execution of the plays, wouldn't you agree?

Look up the stats for our final 8 games of the 05 season, we scored 25.88 avg points per game. KC Chief's last 8 of 2005 under the famed Al Saunder's offense scored an identical 25.88 points per game.

Plain and simple, our players need to execute, and that goes for offense and defense!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the defense generating more turnovers resulting in shorter fields for the offense, which contributed to the higher scoring average?

The notion that Gibbs has not played a role in our offensive futility during his second stint, is delusional. His conservatism can directly be pointed at as the primary reason we have lost close games.

Other than our O-line, we are not structured to be a power running team. Although we may have found success in running this type of offense in certain games, the price of doing it is high. Injuries are more likely to happen.

If you ask me, executing a play that the defense isn't expecting is more effective than executing a play that they are. Predictability is the problem with our offense not execution.

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you don't try to run the ball on one of the worst pass defenses in the league, that has given up 80 + points in the two previous games.This is 2007 not 1982. You will not win enough games in today's NFL scoring points in the teens and low 20's.

Throw the ball to open up the run!! stop calling plays to try not to lose the game!!!

Totally agree with this. If you want to play your game fine, but we didn't really play our game in the second half, we did some weird stuff like running Randel El???

You should game plan against your opponent's weaknesses, esp if "your" game is not working at all!

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our players will execute fine as long as our coaches put them in a position to succeed. Gibbs put our players in a position to fail on Sunday, and sure enough they did. if you think poor play-calling did not directly contribute to this loss you are delusional.

when we had our backs against the wall at the end of the game, and had NO CHOICE but to throw it downfield, and the GIANTS KNEW IT WAS COMING...THEY STILL COULDN'T STOP US. I REPEAT: THEY COULD NOT STOP OUR DOWNFIELD PASSING GAME NO MATTER HOW HARD THEY TRIED. If you were a coach, and you were armed with this knowledge, would you call short hitches, run plays, and screen passes all day long?

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Look ..... we can go on & on about this all day, I've been a skins fan since before lot's of you were born and have seen every Redskin Superbowl.

The 83 skin's were one of the highest scoring NFL offenses in the league's history with I believe an average per game of approx 36 points.Until surpassed in recent years by I believe Minnesota and then again by another team.

Yes they were a running team ....but mixed up the play calling and had defenses on their toes. Not that way any more.... he coaches not to lose and is very predictable, and with a statement like " they're all gonna be close games" ????? With their talent and the mediocraty in the NFC they shouldn't all be close, they have the talent to contend for the NFC crown. And his conservative approach will not allow that.

I am a season ticket holder to the Pat's and have been to both home games so far this year... talk about a pleasure to watch!!!

My oldest son Ryan and I left in the 3rd quarter last week ( 31-7 Pat's) to get home in time to watch the skins, for what ? to once again watch them dissapoint? How about when he bend's down and cover his face with his play sheets during a possible winning fieldgoal attempt by either our's or the opponent's kicker..... what the hell is that? He's not the same coach he was.... period.!!!!!

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Look ..... we can go on & on about this all day, I've been a skins fan since before lot's of you were born and have seen every Redskin Superbowl.

The 83 skin's were one of the highest scoring NFL offenses in the league's history with I believe an average per game of approx 36 points.Until surpassed in recent years by I believe Minnesota and then again by another team.

Yes they were a running team ....but mixed up the play calling and had defenses on their toes. Not that way any more.... he coaches not to lose and is very predictable, and with a statement like " they're all gonna be close games" ????? With their talent and the mediocraty in the NFC they shouldn't all be close, they have the talent to contend for the NFC crown. And his conservative approach will not allow that.

I am a season ticket holder to the Pat's and have been to both home games so far this year... talk about a pleasure to watch!!!

My oldest son Ryan and I left in the 3rd quarter last week ( 31-7 Pat's) to get home in time to watch the skins, for what ? to once again watch them dissapoint? How about when he bend's down and cover his face with his play sheets during a possible winning fieldgoal attempt by either our's or the opponent's kicker..... what the hell is that? He's not the same coach he was.... period.!!!!!

Guess someone made you king of the scouts, the juryn on young talent is still out
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Seb does have a point, a lot of the people who have watched Gibbs back in the day say the same stuff... I agree somewhat but the players are to blame for a lot of the problems too.

Every game this year each guy he has thrown the ball to has dropped the 1st and sometimes 2nd ball of the game. Then he starts over/underthrowing the ball.

Portis did in fact fumble, Rogers did get called on a penalty that kept an eventual scoring drive alive. Then Rogers once again strikes, in his usual way (a bad one) and missed the tackle on Plaxico along with Taylor running by him... Gibbs didnt design those failures.

Lets just all relax a bit and hope we can pull it together for Detroit as that game will IMO tell the result of this season. For many reasons but my main concers.. Their D is weak and we need to show what we are capable of (if we cant score on them we are screwed). Also, its a real test for our D since they do in fact have an allstar team on offense.

Lets try and keep it positive (even though its hard after a loss like this).

HTTR!!! Keep the faith guys!

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It's both. We are too conservative AT TIMES. We also have terrible execution AT TIMES. A lot of the time what we perceive as poor execution is poor play calling because the other team totally knows what is coming, and stuffs it. Also, I think Fabini and Wade are doing an alright job, but missing Jansen and Thomas is a HUGE hole. I still think if Thomas was healthy for the 05/06 playoff run we would have made the Superbowl.

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Look ..... we can go on & on about this all day, I've been a skins fan since before lot's of you were born and have seen every Redskin Superbowl.

The 83 skin's were one of the highest scoring NFL offenses in the league's history with I believe an average per game of approx 36 points. He's not the same coach he was.... period.!!!!!

Thats fine, everyone can have their opinions but I don't see this so called restrictor plate everyone talks about. I was at the game and saw several deep passes and I still firmly believe Brunell was the reason for such a lack of downfield passing, not Gibbs. Even in Jacksonville Brunell never was a deep passer, so if anything Gibbs designed the offense around him. Now that we have Campbell starting I've seen us take alot more deep shots this year, with success too. Sure we started the 3rd quarter conservative but we only managed to have two possessions, and why wouldn't you try to run the ball? Now this post wasn't in reference to just the Giants game but our season last year and this year in terms of putting up points and so many pointing the finger at Gibbs. Besides even if he is keeping our offense in max protect packages, limiting the # of receivers on the field, didn't many fans blame Spurrier for ruining Ramsey because of the lack of protection he was given and the amount of abuse he took in the pocket which prevented him from ever building the confidence and patience it takes to be an effective QB in this league?

Its so easy to point the finger of blame and everyone has a right to. I simply wanted to voice my opinion on execution being a main factor holding the offense back at this point. Prime example is the Portis Interview that I just listened to thanks to someone's post (its was the sports talk 980 one where he gets loud and noticeably irritated) At one point he talked about how when they go back to watch plays even ones that were positive, the coaching staff is pointing out how if certain things were done properly it would have been an even a bigger gain or touchdown. Meaning one person might have missed a key block or a pass was thrown in front or behind a receiver that prevented him from getting more yards after the catch. I'm not trying to start an argument, so much as just put another perspective on our inability to put up the points we know this team is capable of

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Thats fine, everyone can have their opinions but I don't see this so called restrictor plate everyone talks about. I was at the game and saw several deep passes and I still firmly believe Brunell was the reason for such a lack of downfield passing, not Gibbs. Even in Jacksonville Brunell never was a deep passer, so if anything Gibbs designed the offense around him. Now that we have Campbell starting I've seen us take alot more deep shots this year, with success too. Sure we started the 3rd quarter conservative but we only managed to have two possessions, and why wouldn't you try to run the ball? Now this post wasn't in reference to just the Giants game but our season last year and this year in terms of putting up points and so many pointing the finger at Gibbs. Besides even if he is keeping our offense in max protect packages, limiting the # of receivers on the field, didn't many fans blame Spurrier for ruining Ramsey because of the lack of protection he was given and the amount of abuse he took in the pocket which prevented him from ever building the confidence and patience it takes to be an effective QB in this league?

Its so easy to point the finger of blame and everyone has a right to. I simply wanted to voice my opinion on execution being a main factor holding the offense back at this point. Prime example is the Portis Interview that I just listened to thanks to someone's post (its was the sports talk 980 one where he gets loud and noticeably irritated) At one point he talked about how when they go back to watch plays even ones that were positive, the coaching staff is pointing out how if certain things were done properly it would have been an even a bigger gain or touchdown. Meaning one person might have missed a key block or a pass was thrown in front or behind a receiver that prevented him from getting more yards after the catch. I'm not trying to start an argument, so much as just put another perspective on our inability to put up the points we know this team is capable of

Stop being logical you will melt the brains of the people who just repeat what they here on the radio. Great points and I agree 100% with you. "If" Campbell hits Moss in the philly game and betts crosses the goalline the skins would have put up back to back 24+ point games. I am not claiming they are the Pats yet but that is a huge improvement from last year and the fact that they are so close just proves to me that Campbell is developing. This is only his 10th start and he is looking better each game. The execution will come more andmore as Campbell progresses.

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if the skins don't take care of business against the lions, we should use saunders as a pinata! we have ALL the tools to be one of, if not THE top team! part of the problem is execution, but part is with play calling...i just watch my tapes of SBXXII & XXVI and notice something familiar; an aerial attack and a running attack that work with each other, not using one or the other because we NEED to...

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This is precisely what I stated Sunday night when half of the members here we're headed over to Gibbs' house with pitchforks and torches. In fact, I also used the term "lack of execution." Gibbs, didn't fumble. Gibbs didn't drop passes. Gibbs didn't miss blocks. The fault for this loss goes squarely on the players! They failed in getting the job done. They came close, but CLOSE doesn't get you to the playoffs!

As much as I love Mike Sellers, he was within a couple of feet from tying that game (assuming Suisham hit the EP) but he dropped the ball!

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Seb, has many very good points, i believe our recieving core is similar to the Patriots, ok so we dont have Randy Moss, but we have Lloyd, who has some height, speed and can catch, Moss will blow by just about any d-back you put him up against and has the moves to make plays on shorter passes, Randle EL, quick, good hands and can move with the ball, all playmakers, and one of the best RB tandems in the league. there have been some injuries to the O-line but that shouldn't stop the talent of this team, Campbell can throw the ball downfield, we all know that, but he has to have the oppourtunity to.

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As much as I love Mike Sellers, he was within a couple of feet from tying that game (assuming Suisham hit the EP) but he dropped the ball!

That wasn't a dropped pass...it was thrown low and behind him, even if he had caught the ball his momentum was not going to allow him to square his shoulders and get in the endzone, the d was converging on him at the same time.

Bottom line.... we shouldn't have even been in that position with a 14 point lead @ the half.

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We would have won the giants game if different plays were called throughout most of the 2nd half - so - I don't think we can blame execution.

Players have to make plays, there was nothing wrong with Saunders' play calling in KC and I do not think that there is anything wrong with it in DC. Our guys simply have to "block and tackle" better, it is all about player execution.

The coaches who Snyder has assembled is well versed in the game but they can not make plays for the players once the play has been called.

Betts HAD to finish off that run at the one when there was only one guy in front of him.

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If Gibbs wasn't here and we had some other coach, then I'm pretty sure those that think it's execution would blame the coach for the playcallings.

If it's execution and loses fall solely on the players, then when can a coach be criticized. Some of it is execution, but for the majority of the past 3+ years, it's been the same problems...players jumping offsides, committing penalties at crucial moments, horrible clock management, wasting timeouts...when the problems are recurrent then the blame needs to go to the head coach.

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