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Carlos Rogers lacks cornerback intangibles!

Drunken Master III

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Im here watching NFL Replay on NFL Network. There is no reason Carlos should not have gotten a jump on Eli's pass to Plaxico. The pass was badly thrown and pick 6 written all over it. If it were Smoot or Springs that is house the other way more than likely. To make the situation even worse he misses the tackle forcing the safeties to make the play. LaRon had the type of hit that could have easily jarred the ball loose as well. Carlos needs to be the nickel back...... sorry to say.

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Well I only saw the replay when it happened, but it looked to me like it looks every time our corners should have a pick. They are playing the man, not the ball.

If Rogers had taken a glance at Eli, he would have seen how awful that throw was and had a better jump. Unfortunately, he was staring right at Buress.

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Im here watching NFL Replay on NFL Network. There is no reason Carlos should not have gotten a jump on Eli's pass to Plaxico. The pass was badly thrown and pick 6 written all over it. If it were Smoot or Springs that is house the other way more than likely. To make the situation even worse he misses the tackle forcing the safeties to make the play. LaRon had the type of hit that could have easily jarred the ball loose as well. Carlos needs to be the nickel back...... sorry to say.

I second that motion. I hope Smoot is ready for the Detroit game because the Skins need him. I also think Greg Williams seriously needs to get out of this cover 2 nonsense because the middle of the field was exposed over and over and over again.

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Well I only saw the replay when it happened, but it looked to me like it looks every time our corners should have a pick. They are playing the man, not the ball.

If Rogers had taken a glance at Eli, he would have seen how awful that throw was and had a better jump. Unfortunately, he was staring right at Buress.

Exactly. I just watched it too, and it ticked me off all over again. He never took his eyes off Buress.
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And this is the same board that crucified me for critisism of 'Los.

Another thing: I see him going into a large and famous nightclub almosr EVERY saturday night. Once I yelled "hey, dont you have a game tommorrow?" he said "It's all good"

well well well.

You know what the only thing funnier than a lie is? A totally blatant one. You lose on all accounts. All Redskins players check into a hotel the night before a game, including home games.

Of course, maybe there are two of them. That could explain your lucid fantasy.

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Smoot sure showed how he gets pick 6's week 1

Rogers is a GREAT tackler (ok, he missed 1 on Plax, but he had 2 game saving tackles weeks 1 and 2) and he isnt bad in coverage...he will be a star in a year or 2

making him #3 would be the worst, only thing worse than a kicker with no confidence is a CB with no confidence

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good god make it stop. Carlos has had his ups and downs...and maybe it has been more downs. But the guy is NOT playing THAT bad. He really hasnt gotten beat by anyone this year, and he is a GREAT tackling corner. As apposed to Smooty who is not the greatest tackler, and when he does tackle he gets hurt. Smoot is better suited at nickle.....leave rogers alone, stand in the guys corner like your actually a skins fan

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intangibles come with experience and work ethic... that can be made.

Absolutely true. Walt Harris is the perfect example. He was said to have none of the intangibles in his Chicago days. Also I think GW has to look at the system. Our corners to me seem more adept to playing bump and run man coverage but we have them playing a soft cover 2. It can't be a coincidence that Harris has become a pro bowl player after leaving here......His talent level couldn't have improved by that much.

I also think the article in the Examiner made great points. We put our corners in a cover 2 scheme, but we don't have a Simeon Rice or a Freeney/Mathis combo, or even a line like the Bears to make it be as effective for us.

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carlos rogers even though he was as first round draft pick, is still learning the position, which is regarded as one of the toughest to play. he seems to be a little confused on rather to try and pick a pass or make the receiver pay. it is a judgment thing, and only more time will help him in this regard.

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um, carlos held plaxico to 0 catches for 0 yards in the first half of that game while he was pressed up.

then williams dialed up our now notorious prevent with a 3 point lead defense, backed our corners off the line 10 yards, and still rogers only gave up that one big play to burress. im aware it was the gamebreaker, but burress has 6 inches and 30+ pounds on rogers, and broke a tackle.

smoot might have jumped it, if he could ever get on the field. and smoot got LIT UP in the miami game badly.

los > smoot any day of the week

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carlos rogers even though he was as first round draft pick, is still learning the position, which is regarded as one of the toughest to play. he seems to be a little confused on rather to try and pick a pass or make the receiver pay. it is a judgment thing, and only more time will help him in this regard.

I disagree here. I think the intangibles that we're discussing here cannot be learned. It's an instinct on whether to take the risk and go for the pick or not. An analogy can be made to basketball, where Carlos Rogers is like Bruce Bowen, who does not get many steals, and where Champ Bailey is like AI, who gets a lot of steals. Now, this isn't a perfect analogy, because AI plays horrible man defense, whereas Bailey is a great shutdown corner. The point, however, is that it's an instinct that cannot be taught, and Champ Bailey has it, while Carlos Rogers does not.

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Im here watching NFL Replay on NFL Network. There is no reason Carlos should not have gotten a jump on Eli's pass to Plaxico. The pass was badly thrown and pick 6 written all over it. If it were Smoot or Springs that is house the other way more than likely. To make the situation even worse he misses the tackle forcing the safeties to make the play. LaRon had the type of hit that could have easily jarred the ball loose as well. Carlos needs to be the nickel back...... sorry to say.

i disagree with this assessment of the play. I just watched the replay on nfl.com about 50 times. Carlos was in NO position to make the interception...in fact, his fatal flaw on the play was that he played the ball when he clearly had no chance on the play except to make the tackle! he tries to play the ball, but by then it is too late, and he lunges out of position trying to knock the ball and Burress gets by him easily. If he had squared up and played good positioning, no way Burress gets by him.

that is a discipline thing. i'm not so sure he has it yet, and not so sure he'll ever get it. but he is way better than Smoot at this point, I have to say.

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carlos is not a starting cb. hes a special team player. he got picked high because of auburn played good D as a unit.. Auburn had a good pass rush. whereever there is a good pass rush, the pass gets rushed, the passes turn ugly and the ball is up for grabs. cornerback gets the credit from what the Dline created.. CB true skills shows when a d doesnt have a pass rush. for example, redskins have a below average rush D. he gets burnt doenst he? also we bring the blitz, leaving carlos one on one with avant and plaxico. his true skills shows, giving avant and the eagles a first down on 4th and game. week later. gives up game winning TD to plaxico.. carlos doesnt have the hands. doesnt have the read. doesnt have the speed. not sure why he is our starting cb..

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carlos is not a starting cb. hes a special team player. he got picked high because of auburn played good D as a unit.. Auburn had a good pass rush. whereever there is a good pass rush, the pass gets rushed, then the passes are ugly and the ball is up for grabs. cornerback gets the credit from what the Dline created.. CB true skills shows when a d doesnt have a pass rush. for example, redskins below average rush D. he gets burnt. we bring the blitz. leaving carlos one on one with avant and plaxico. his true colors comes out, giving avant and the eagles a first down on 4th and game. week later. gives up game winning TD to plaxico.. carlos doesnt have the hands. doesnt have the read. doesnt have the speed. not sure why he is starting..

Great analysis! Even last year when the Skins were getting no pressure on the QB, we were getting burnt left and right with Rogers playing both the #1 and #2 position for corner throughout the year. I think he's a good player, but he's not a #1 corner.

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