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Delay of game- spiking the ball


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Ok- Shockey got called for this today.

Welker has done this twice in the Pats game, no call.

I hate when they don't enfore rules; even stupid ones. This is a dumb rule, but either enforce it all the time or just don't have it!

Its like the horse collar tackle rule- happens all the time, never gets called. Just get rid of the freakin rule.

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That's kind of the way it is with ALL the rules. I'm noticing that the refs seem to be more involved with the outcome of games than they used to. Maybe they need to get rid of the 700 page rule book and go back to basic rules. I think with all the added rules over the past few years, full time referee's are definately needed. Too much for part timers. During the off season they could get paid like teachers do. Uwse that time for studying and conditioning. I also feel like some depend on the replay and it's up to the coaches to challenge if they don't agree with the call. Especially in college where every play is reviewed.

That's my rant for the day.

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It does need to be enforced, especially with the NBA referee scandal. If you make the call on one player, it has to be for another.

However, I don't agree with it being a dumb rule. It helps speed the games up and in late-game situations, can save your team valuable seconds. I am more of a traditionalist when it comes to football, so these stupid in-between celebrations mean nothing to me. I don't like the elaborate Terrell Owens end-zone celebrations or anything like that. A simple spike, or "Lambeau Leap" is fine with me, although I really respect guys like Barry Sanders and Emmitt Smith, who acted like a TD was no big deal.

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Is it ok to spike after touchdowns? Because i see that alot. Shockey wasn't the only guy to spike a ball in that game, he just had to spike it with his fist like a bloody caveman in front of everyone. I hate that rule, next year they will probably have a rule that everyone has to shake hands and hug after every play. The taunting rule i don't get either (yes i know toomer deserved it, he also deserved a 15 yarder for trying to cut block the same guy). Almost everytime a football player speaks to another it is either a compliment (good hit, nice run, whatever) or a taunt (I am coming all day you can't stop me, your momma, etc...).

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Is it ok to spike after touchdowns? Because i see that alot. Shockey wasn't the only guy to spike a ball in that game, he just had to spike it with his fist like a bloody caveman in front of everyone. I hate that rule, next year they will probably have a rule that everyone has to shake hands and hug after every play. The taunting rule i don't get either (yes i know toomer deserved it, he also deserved a 15 yarder for trying to cut block the same guy). Almost everytime a football player speaks to another it is either a compliment (good hit, nice run, whatever) or a taunt (I am coming all day you can't stop me, your momma, etc...).

Touchdown celebrations are fine, including spiking. However, things like the Terrell Owens football signing and the Joe Horn cell phone call can and will be penalized.

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Ok- Shockey got called for this today.

Welker has done this twice in the Pats game, no call.

I hate when they don't enfore rules; even stupid ones. This is a dumb rule, but either enforce it all the time or just don't have it!

Its like the horse collar tackle rule- happens all the time, never gets called. Just get rid of the freakin rule.

I agree...the delay of game rule allows the refs to penalize any team they want while looking the other way on the NFL's 'favored' teams. That rule was put in not because of complaints about 'celebrating' but to manipulate games.

The horse collar should be enforced no matter what. It is a very dangerous tackle just like illegal cut blocks are. The problem is the guy they made the rule for gets away with it just about every time. Ever since 2001 the refs have been getting worse and worse. Im really getting sick of it.

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Emmitt Smith, who acted like a TD was no big deal.

What the F are you talking about?...Emmitt was the biggest glory hog in football. It made me sick that every time he scored a TD he would go and 'kneel' pretending he was praying or something..and then take his helmet off so the camera could get a face shot. He was the 'Sammy Sosa' of football. And the worst part is that Larry Allen deserves BOTH of his ass records.

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Anyone else think it's not just eerie coincidence that Ladanian Tomlinson is suddenly sucking now that he's becoming more "primadonna"?

What I mean is, in previous years he was always a low-key kind of guy who let his performance speak. But this year, it seems he's got an ad blitz going with Nike and Vizio, and I saw him do his Nike touchdown pose in the Chicago game last week..

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