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Would you be scared to drive across this bridge?

Commander PK

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I saw a show on discovery about this bridge... pretty amazing.

They basically built the support columns up, then they built a portion of deck on one side. The then pushed the deck over to the first column. They then added more deck to the end, pushed it over to the 2nd column, and so on and so on until they had about 3/4 of the deck of the bridge they were sliding over the whole valley.

Yea i saw that show about it too .. pretty amazing how they connected it and put each piece into place.

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That thing is new. I would have no problem crossing it. The bay bridge on the other hand is an old rickety disjointed POS.

BTW, several months ago I said what a POS the bay bridge is and people acted like I was on crack to question the sturdiness of a bridge. My, how things change. ;)


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That thing is new. I would have no problem crossing it. The bay bridge on the other hand is an old rickety disjointed POS.

BTW, several months ago I said what POS the bay bridge and people acted like I was on crack to question the sturdiness of a bridge. My how things change. ;)


You should have seen our old bridge. We have a new now about 2 years old, but one of the ones it replaced... Rumor had it, it was rated a 4 on a scale of 1-100.

You can see all 3 bridges here http://photos.torresa.com/main.php?g2_itemId=28401 They tore down the 2 older ones for the new one


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