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Okay, are any of my puke pals really picking the pukes to make the playoffs anymore?


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Good golly, that Romo sits to pee stud looked impressive against a pathetic NY defense (though most average NFL qbs can have great games against inferior opponents), but that puke defense...oy!

Since most NFL enthusiasts believe a strong defense is the ticket to the playoffs, can any puke fan seriously believe a UDFA qb can get them in on his own accord?

Granted, miracles can happen, but I look at Wade's defense (btw, what type of gap defense was that? The gaping gap?...but I digress...), and I'm not too impressed.

I guess letting the defenders be a bit more aggressive and 'make plays' didn't work out too well, eh?

And then, there are those unfortunate injuries...

So please, if you think the pukes will make the playoffs, feel free to take this opportunity to go on the record.

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Did my presence inspire this thread tonight Mr. 1? Last night doesn't change my stance in the slightest that Dallas is a playoff team. There are a handful of teams that played pretty flawlessly week 1 but most fall into the category of needing to improve in certain areas. It's only week 1 and we haven't had a chance to establish consistent trends as of yet. Wade Phillips will have to earn his money and get the defense in order before we're to be considered contenders but it's always good to win while you're trying to improve. I wasn't blown away by any team in the NFCE (including us) for various reasons and I think we have a good shot.

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Did my presence inspire this thread tonight Mr. 1? Last night doesn't change my stance in the slightest that Dallas is a playoff team. There are a handful of teams that played pretty flawlessly week 1 but most fall into the category of needing to improve in certain areas. It's only week 1 and we haven't had a chance to establish consistent trends as of yet. Wade Phillips will have to earn his money and get the defense in order before we're to be considered contenders but it's always good to win while you're trying to improve. I wasn't blown away by any team in the NFCE (including us) for various reasons and I think we have a good shot.

So, I'll put you down in the YES column...

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Fan is short for fanatic. I'm sure most Cowboys fans believe they are going to the playoffs like most of us think we're going to the playoffs.

As I do, too...however, if we were missing Griffin, Springs, Carter, a new defense , a new defensive coordinator, and had as weak safties as the pukes, I'd KNOW that our chances would suck badly...and I wouldn't be afraid to say so...

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As I do, too...however, if we were missing Griffin, Springs, Carter, a new defense , a new defensive coordinator, and had as weak safties as the pukes, I'd KNOW that our chances would suck badly...and I wouldn't be afraid to say so...

Because your offense sucks....duh.

I watched the Colts win the superbowl without a D, it can be done.

We can make the playoffs, if you think every week is going to be like last night, your crazy.

I can assure you, the Dolphins and Bears can't do to us what the Gints did last night.

I also know that Newman and Ellis will be playing again.

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Because your offense sucks....duh.

I watched the Colts win the superbowl without a D, it can be done.

We can make the playoffs, if you think every week is going to be like last night, your crazy.

I can assure you, the Dolphins and Bears can't do to us what the Gints did last night.

I also know that Newman and Ellis will be playing again.

actually they made the playoffs without a D I give you that , but they didnt win without one , they got a lot better on D in the playoffs ~ .... :silly:

oh and hang all your miracles on newman and ellis if u want , that wont fix your safeties ..and newman will be a liability all year with that injury ~ ... all in all tho i'm still horribly nervous about dallas being that Romo sits to pee can obviously throw it and we have a HARD time stopping the pass

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their D has got to get a LOT better , but so does the redskins O , so i'm 100% unsure about both teams right now , hopefully we can do much better against philly( and sorry boys hopefully you guys do much worse against miami)


Let's try to stay on the topic for my pals, though.

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I posted this somewhere else, but since we've started discussing the Dallas D again, I'll put it here:

I consider myself pretty neutral in terms of looking at other teams, and I have to say, if you think your defense will be alright, you are a total homer. The Dallas D is all talk and absolutely no bite. As soon as they moved to the 3-4, there was this perception in the media that they would all of a sudden become this vicious unstopable defense in the Ravens, Steelers mode. We've been hearing about this dominating, vicious 3-4 defense for 3 years, and it has never materalized. If you look at the teams that run the 3-4, 46 effectively, they all have two things in common: great nose tackles, and effective cover corners. Right now, Dallas has neither. Moreover, with the exception of Ware, who although he is a very good player, is a long long way away from being great or even dominant, the rest of their LB core is kind of pedestrian.

The 3-4 with incorrect personnel can be a disaster, and I think that's what we are going to see in Dallas. The offense is going to have get leads early and make other teams one dimensional (which they are capable of), because otherwise, I think your defense will be in serious trouble.

Defensive Line: Canty and Spears--very average DTs who have never looked entirely comfortable in the 3-4. Spears disappears for stretches at a time. Ferguson, a very decent NT, out for the season.

LB: Ware has all the talent in the world, and flashes dominance, but not consistently. Carpenter absoluely sucks, and at this point, has to be considered, if not a bust, certainly not worthy of the 18th overall pick. Was he even on the field last night? I didn't hear his name called once. Ayodele is very average and Spencer is a rookie. Brady James is an average to above-average LB, nothing more.

Corners: Glenn/Henry (who cares?) is old and is nothing more than a dime corner. That dude Reeves? Bad. Newman is a very good corner, but who knows how long he'll be out.

Safety: Roy Williams finished the year poorly, and started the year very poorly. He plays the ball terribly, cannot cover the deep middle and his tackling is suspect. At times, he can make great plays, but from what I saw last night, I'm thinking his best days are behind him. Hamlin is an average NFL safety with less than ideal speed.

So, what makes any non-homer dallas fan think this defense is going to be dominate this season? Wade Phillips is an unquestioned 3-4 specialist, and an excellent defensive coordinator. The Giants gained 438 yards, including 129 on the ground with a complete rag-tag team of running backs. The Giants converted 50% of their third downs. The mark of any good defense is their third down play. The Dallas D will be in the bottom ten of the league this year--mark it down!

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Because your offense sucks....duh.

I watched the Colts win the superbowl without a D, it can be done.

We can make the playoffs, if you think every week is going to be like last night, your crazy.

I can assure you, the Dolphins and Bears can't do to us what the Gints did last night.

I also know that Newman and Ellis will be playing again.

This is a remarkable post, Ken, on a number of levels.

First, it's always best to try to change the subject to the Skins. I admire that about you...consistency.

Second, the Colts HAD a defense...and it got healthy at the end of the year.

Third, you're right about last night. I'd be crazy to think Romo sits to pee will face such a pathetic bunch every Sunday.

And, I too, know that Ellis and Newman will play again...the question is when and how effective will they be. I'm not too optimistic about their chances for improving your defense.

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Originally Posted by Ken

I watched the Colts win the superbowl without a D, it can be done.

as usual Ken, you don't know what you're talking about

The Colts run D stunk in the regular season... BUT

their pass D was ranked #2

and their run D wasn't that bad until Bob Sanders went down, and when he returned.. guess what?????

and no matter how thick those homer specs are, there is no way you can compare the pokes offense with the Colts

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week 1 doesn't prove anything.. Ill give u whose a legit team by week 8

Hmmm...normally, I'd agree with you, but in this case, I just can't. You see, many of us (including many of my puke friends) have said that Fergy has no backup...the pukes didn't go get one. Many of us also said that with the exception of Hamlin, the pukes have THE SAME DEFENSE they had last year...you remember, that pathetic defense...

So, now they have an injured starting CB with a chronic foot injury, a pass rushing LB with a slow healing heel injury, a rookie pass rushing specialist, an injured and out NT who can't be replaced and a crew of LBs and CBs who are below-average to average.


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I am going to have to say no. i was leaning towards the playoffs as a Wild card spot but now i would have to say that i am not feeling as confident. I really think its Philly's division, and with Seattle, Nawlens, Chicago, S.F and G.B (they had a good Def. of showing)...I know after seeing the game that Philly is a better team then G.B, but G.B could be in as the 6th seed. I am a fan and have the right to change my mind every damn week if i want to and today its: Week one TRPB power rankings (NFC) before the Zona vs SF game....(i am not stayin up fot that one)

1-Chicago (amazing D, but bad...very Bad Off (but still the class of the NFC)

2-Nawlens (they will bounce back, the Colts are the real deal, and Brees is a beast. Solid on both sides

3-Philly NFCE best all around team. Screwed by the no call interference on the Punt return, and a bone head move on the second one.

4-Seattle (will be close with S.F but i think SA is going to have a good year and they have a decent Def.

5-S.F this may change by the end of tonight, but i am a true Gore fan in the sense that i think he can carry a team....and A. smith will have a solid season. Also a decent D

6-Green Bay much better then i thought they would be. They have a great Def, but i think that Favre will continue to struggle and will not get good protection.

7-Cowboys top 5 off. Just explosive, even without Glenn, but do not have the horses on Def. I know some say oits match-ups and that it was a shoot out....etc, but until i see better, this team will not win more then 8 games.

8-Panthers-I did not see that win coming, i thought the Rams were a lock! they did a great job on defense and Foster ran well.

9-Rams- very dissapointed, but they will be better then what they showed

11-Detroit-Will put up huge numbers, but if the Raiders put up 375 yds on them.....this D will make the Cowboys D look good.

12-Zona- wait n see....i am always high on them in Sept, but somethings may never change.

13-Minny-horrible team, just lucky to start the season with ATL....but Peterson may be the Off. ROY (Marshawn Lynch or him)

14-Tampa-not much to this team and the O-line will be horrid by years end.

15-Ny-and i once picked them to win the NFCE :doh: without Eli, they will not win many games (what is he out for 4 games?)

16-Atlanta- Joey Harrington.

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