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Who Impressed you most?


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Well overall it would have to Rocky

Out of the blue/unexpected surprise

I would have to say Blades

Impressed about actually living up to his hype = Fletcher or Landry

Impressed about progress from last to this year = JC

Impressed about his ability to avoid work = Portis

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Seriously, when was the last time we had a kicker who could kick a 48 yard field goal with at least 10 yards to spare, AND could land a kickoff near the back of the end zone?

Good call. Plus several of the FGs I saw were pretty close to the center of the uprights.

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1. McIntosh (lighting flashing across the field)

2. Fletcher (didn't realize how bad Marshall really was last year until I saw his first series in burgundy and gold)

3. Campbell (calm, confident and accurate)

4. Cooley (already thought extremely highly of him but I think he and JC are going to set Redskin records this year)

5. Blades (we need to draft more short lbs)

6. Frost (how far has mr. stop, drop and roll come in the last two years

7. Collins (feeling pretty good about how we'll do if JC misses a game or two)

8. Wilson (non-stop motor)

9. Macklin (one heck of a #4 cb, everything Kenny Wright should have been)

10. Montgomery (keep working hard big guy)

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