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Some photos from my trip to Ireland

E-Dog Night

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First, what an amazing trip. Ireland is a special place - in some ways exactly as I imagined it, in some ways very different.

I was there for a week and took over 400 photos, and I'll pst a few here. All of them are over the 1 meg limit for attaching here, so I need to reduce them before posting. Here are a few that I've done already, and I'll keep posting a few selections of the better ones as I continue the process.

If you have any questions about where any specific photo was taken please don't hesitate to ask.

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Looks beautiful. How reasonable are lodging, meals, and transportation?

Well, the US dollar is very weak in Europe right now, even weaker against the British pound. Gas (or petrol, as they call it) is insanely expensive - cost me 43 euro for just over half a tank. That's a little more than $50.

But food is very reasonable, and you can get a nice hotel room there for under 100 Euro a night.

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Those pictures are obvious fakes. Just look at the blue sky.:D

LOL. Every local I met - I mean every single one - said "You're really blessed with the weather". And we were. It was perfect - couldn't have asked for better. I guess it rained a lot in June and July, even more than usual.

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Last one from Malin Head. All those names (including the big EIRE) are written by placing small stones.

The next two are the 1st & 2nd holes of Ballyliffin Golf Course, the northern most course in Ireland. Truly one of the most amazing courses I have even played. Hard as hell too, but so beautiful I didn't care about the bad shots - just gave me an excuse to see some of taller grass in the area!

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They have deep bunkers in Ballyliffin. That guy in that bunker was a 2 handicap and the guy behind him was a 4, so you can imagine how tough this course was.

And as you can see, it wasn't sunny all the time. But even when overcast & rainy, Ireland is a beautiful place.

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Nice shot. The question is......did you make the putt.

Define "make". :)

Actually, that one, I did. Had a few others like that one later in the round that...well...we won;t discuss those. Started the 1st 4 holes at +1, from the tips. Finished strong. Had some control issues with the driver during the middle, which is not a good thing on that course.

This is where your ball goes when you have control issues at Ballyliffin.

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