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Why Are the Skins So Inconsistent?


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What difference does it make what others were willing to pay? It's obvious that we were willing to outbid anyone for the guy we wanted. In the process we gave up the potential to draft young players for the services of vets who could help us in the short term.

The only trades which I would consider "short term vets" were Brunell and Thrash. All the other trades (vets Portis, Moss and Lloyd; rookies Cooley, Campbell and McIntosh) were for young players who the team plans on being here for a long time. Hell, Duckett may have fit in that category as well, if they were able to agree to an extension like they planned.

It was a strategy that didn't work. That's why we're not doing it anymore.

No, we aren't doing it anymore because the need isn't there as much. There aren't as many players that could help us that we can trade for. Guaranteed, if there was such a player out there, the Skins would put their hat in the ring.

The only true stumbles from what I could see was Arch and Duckett.


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No, we aren't doing it anymore because the need isn't there as much. There aren't as many players that could help us that we can trade for. Guaranteed, if there was such a player out there, the Skins would put their hat in the ring.

We have no more needs. We are loaded.

Hell, we just came off a 5-11 campaign and are starting what is a essentially a first-year QB.

The future's so bright. I gotta wear shades.

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In a 16 game season, luck is a huge factor, and certainly injuries are part of that. However, we need to remember that the injury factor can be controlled to a degree by building a deep roster of young players without an injury history coming in.

Like Mike Espy?

It is what it is. Injuries happen. No matter HOW many promising backups you may have you undoubtedly will have some drop in talent at any given position. If you didn't, you'd have a team of all-pros and there'd be no reason to play out the whole season.

Luck, or lack thereof, is a huge factor. From injuries to turnovers....to moments in time.....all of them play a role.

Not saying you can't "create" your own good luck or mitigate the bad....but sometimes sh*t just happens.


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Conclusion: Gibbs figured out he has lost his knack for offense and needed a fresher and more relevant perspective. Then he figured out he needed to let that man work, like he did with GW.

GW figured out he needed to stop thinking his scheme made players and realize that players make the scheme.

Well, I don't disagree with your theory that coaching weaknesses contributed the inconsistency, but I will point out that a higher talent level will offset some coaching weaknesses. For example, I thought Gregg Williams' performance with the 2004 squad was the best defensive coaching job in the history of the franchise, but with injuries last year, and the lack of depth, the wheels came off his defense.

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For his first three years here, Joe gave away draft choices in trades like they were chopped liver snacks. I think he's on the right path now.

Oh, and for the record....I don't know that he'd be able to unload chopped liver snacks very easily unless he was catering to a very select clientele.

A jewish labrador retriever, for instance.



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Like Mike Espy?

It is what it is. Injuries happen. No matter HOW many promising backups you may have you undoubtedly will have some drop in talent at any given position. If you didn't, you'd have a team of all-pros and there'd be no reason to play out the whole season.

Luck, or lack thereof, is a huge factor. From injuries to turnovers....to moments in time.....all of them play a role.

Not saying you can't "create" your own good luck or mitigate the bad....but sometimes sh*t just happens.


No argument here. That's why I said that the injury factor "could be controlled to a degree."

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Why are you listing players who aren't actually on the team? Or who are kickers.

He said that over the past 3 seasons we have had inconsistency because of a lack of young playmakers. So I was listing players who over the last 3 seasons have been young playmakers for us. At the same time I listed Suisham as one for the future because he is young and may turn out to be a good kicker this season...unless you don't count making field goals as making plays...

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It takes time to build a football team in the coaches image when the organizational philosophy keeps changing. This is something that is often overlooked. It is so important to run similar schemes no matter the coach. We went from Turner who believed in a strong running games to open up a deep passing game. The players we had at the time fit the system. Then we went to Martyball that was more of a west coast offense, different than Turner's. So then we go to Spurrier who wants to use a gimmicky passing game w/ little pass protection to set up the run which were mostly draw type runs. After acquiring players for that type of offense we go to Gibbs who wants a power running game to set up the deep pass. Saunders uses a similar offense w/ a little more intricate pass plays. But Saunders does believe in a strong running game if you look at his track record. No wonder Gibbs has been inconsistent in his first 3 years. He needed to get his type of players and I believe we finally have that heading into year 4. We finally have stability at QB that hopefully will be here 10 years. That has been the most inconsistent part of our team over the years, and it just so happens to be the most important. Defensively we have the type of players Williams wants. We have physical corners and talented safeties along w/ a much improved LB core. Our D-line is still a concern but w/ a full draft next year we can address that. The special teams have been getting consistently better every year under Smith. Frost looks better and better and hopefully Suisham can step up and become a solid kicker. It should come together this year and 8-10 wins is reasonable. After a full draft next year(minus a 4th) we can get some good young talent to add.

The best move we made this offseason was the one we didn't make. To bring in Briggs and pay him a ton of ching and throw Rocky to the curb would have been a huge mistake. 5 years ago that deal would have happened b/c Snyder would do whatever it takes to get a guy he wants. So far Rocky looks terrific and I'm glad we kept him. It is so important to have a philosophy that you stick to and draft players and teach them that philosophy. Consistency is key in today's NFL. Hopefully Gibbs has taught Snyder to be more patient. The biggest mistake of Gibbs 2 was bringing in Brunell who was a west coast QB and made him run a Coryell offense that uses the power running game to set up the deep ball. I laughed the other night during the broadcast when one of the announcers said that Saunders like to throw the ball deep but Gibbs like to dink and dunk. If anyone saw Gibbs the first time around they would know he was the exact opposite and favors throwing the ball deep. I believe he had trouble w/ the new blitzing schemes in today's NFL and was forced to use a shorter passing game b/c of that and Brunell was a WC QB. All in all we should become more consistent this year and w/ a good draft in 08' and 1 or 2 key FA that fit our philosophy the sky's the limit in 09'.

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I just laugh at the people who overrate our offense in 06. That offense was never all that good. We got hot at the right time and made the playoffs. Gibbs is an all-time great coach, but since his return, we've got a losing record. If it was anybody else, everyone on this site would be calling for his job. I have to admit, I have lost faith that he can get the job done. But I hope I'm 100% wrong.

First of all, you mean '05, and I disagree. I think we were for the most part moving the ball quite effectively between the Seattle game and the Tampa game during the regular season. I agree with Jason (Longshot) that the Patten injury was huge in limiting our offense after Tampa.

In 2004 our offense never got going....it sucked the whole year, even after Ramsey spelled Brunell. A big point of curiousity for me has always been what happened in the bye week between the MNF Dallas game and the Seattle game in '05. The tempo of the offense was like night and day before or after.

The offensive unit has been the one that has been the more underproductive since, hell, Brad Johnson was here. As much maligned as the defense was last season, the offense was just as culpable during the portion where the season was truly lost. In order for us to get back into contention, the O is going to have to step up big time. I was liking what I was seeing in the first quarter on Saturday before Kiesel ended the evening for #17.

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It takes time to build a football team in the coaches image when the organizational philosophy keeps changing. This is something that is often overlooked. It is so important to run similar schemes no matter the coach. We went from Turner who believed in a strong running games to open up a deep passing game. The players we had at the time fit the system. Then we went to Martyball that was more of a west coast offense, different than Turner's. So then we go to Spurrier who wants to use a gimmicky passing game w/ little pass protection to set up the run which were mostly draw type runs. After acquiring players for that type of offense we go to Gibbs who wants a power running game to set up the deep pass. Saunders uses a similar offense w/ a little more intricate pass plays. But Saunders does believe in a strong running game if you look at his track record. No wonder Gibbs has been inconsistent in his first 3 years. He needed to get his type of players and I believe we finally have that heading into year 4. We finally have stability at QB that hopefully will be here 10 years. That has been the most inconsistent part of our team over the years, and it just so happens to be the most important. Defensively we have the type of players Williams wants. We have physical corners and talented safeties along w/ a much improved LB core. Our D-line is still a concern but w/ a full draft next year we can address that. The special teams have been getting consistently better every year under Smith. Frost looks better and better and hopefully Suisham can step up and become a solid kicker. It should come together this year and 8-10 wins is reasonable. After a full draft next year(minus a 4th) we can get some good young talent to add. The best move we made this offseason was the one we didn't make. To bring in Briggs and pay him a ton of ching and throw Rocky to the curb would have been a huge mistake. 5 years ago that deal would have happened b/c Snyder would do whatever it takes to get a guy he wants. So far Rocky looks terrific and I'm glad we kept him. It is so important to have a philosophy that you stick to and draft players and teach them that philosophy. Consistency is key in today's NFL. Hopefully Gibbs has taught Snyder to be more patient. The biggest mistake of Gibbs 2 was bringing in Brunell who was a west coast QB and made him run a Coryell offense that uses the power running game to set up the deep ball. I laughed the other night during the broadcast when one of the announcers said that Saunders like to throw the ball deep but Gibbs like to dink and dunk. If anyone saw Gibbs the first time around they would know he was the exact opposite and favors throwing the ball deep. I believe he had trouble w/ the new blitzing schemes in today's NFL and was forced to use a shorter passing game b/c of that and Brunell was a WC QB. All in all we should become more consistent this year and w/ a good draft in 08' and 1 or 2 key FA that fit our philosophy the sky's the limit in 09'.

I found myself staring blankly at this paragraph for a while.....pretty sure I could make out a sailboat in there.



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First of all, you mean '05, and I disagree. I think we were for the most part moving the ball quite effectively between the Seattle game and the Tampa game during the regular season. I agree with Jason (Longshot) that the Patten injury was huge in limiting our offense after Tampa.

In 2005, between the Dallas miracle and through the San Francisco blowout, the passing game average over 300 yard per game. After SF, beginning with the 36-0 loss to the Giants through the balance of the year, including the playoffs, the passing game averaged 150 yards per. Patten averaged about 15-20 yards a game. Tayor Jacobs, who replaced Patten, about 10.

Santana's production went way down as a result of double-teaming.

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