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Barack Obama gets name-dropped in hip-hop


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I'm not trying to start a huge political argument, just thought this was a cool story, check it out. And it's no secret that I support Obama, I just thought some of the hip hop fans would find this interesting, especially the fact that Talib-Kweli supports him.

Link: http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/08/17/obama.hip.hop/index.html#cnnSTCText

Barack Obama gets name-dropped in hip-hop

By Peter Hamby

CNN Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Vibe magazine has dubbed him "B-Rock." He's getting shout-outs in some of the most popular hip-hop singles of the summer. He's even had a high-profile meeting with Ludacris.

Barack Obama might not be leading the Democratic presidential field in national polls, but the freshman senator has managed to capture the imagination of the hip-hop community, comprised mostly of rap artists, music industry professionals, activists and young fans of all races.

Despite Obama's sometimes critical opinion of rap music, the candidate's name is being dropped on iPods, car stereos and music Web sites across the country.

Take one of the summer's biggest songs: In his new single "The People," Common uses the lyric: "My raps ignite the people like Obama," while the song's music video flashes on an "Obama '08" bumper sticker.

"He's fresh, you know, he's got good style," Common told CNN. "As far as people in my age group and people that love hip-hop, there's a love for Obama. He represents progress. He represents what hip-hop is about. Hip-hop is about progress, the struggle."

Then there's "Say Something," a new track from the popular Brooklyn-based lyricist Talib Kweli, who raps: "Speak to the people like Barack Obama."

Those references follow a song from Asian-American rapper Jin, who recently penned an up-tempo song called "Open Letter 2 Obama" that's garnered more than 320,000 hits on Jin's MySpace page.

Jin's song is so popular online that the Obama campaign is offering it as a free cell phone ring-tone on its Web site, and Obama was introduced with the song before his speech to the College Democrats National Convention in South Carolina in July.

Part of Obama's hip-hop appeal is simply cosmetic -- he is young and African-American.

It also doesn't hurt that his name just works better in a rhyming verse than, say, "Kucinich."

"More than anything his name is a nugget of lyrical gold," said Kweli. "It sounds like a gunshot going off ... Obama rhymes with a lot of things."

Kweli told CNN that Obama, 46, is a "refreshing face like [Muhammad] Ali in '63" and that among Kweli's friends, Obama would win a presidential poll overwhelmingly. Kweli, who said he hasn't voted in years and may not vote in 2008 because he believes the political system is broken, explained why Obama has piqued his interest.

"His youth, his being black, the way that he speaks, the way that he lays out his point of view," Kweli said. "It's someone who looks more like you. I don't mean black, but I mean the young thing. And his name is Barack Obama. This country is become more and more multicultural."

Asked if the senator listens to hip-hop, campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki directed CNN to a June 27 interview he gave to New York City radio station Hot 97.

"I'm old school, so generally, generally, I'm more of a jazz guy, a Miles Davis, a John Coltrane guy, more of a Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder kind of guy," Obama said in the interview. "But having said that, I'm current enough that on my iPod I've got a little bit of Jay-Z. I've got a little Beyonce."

It's unclear if Obama's emergence as a hip-hop byword will have any mobilizing effect on young voters or among African-Americans, a demographic he is working hard to cultivate, especially in South Carolina, a crucial early primary where state partly leaders say blacks could make up half of Democratic voters.

What's more likely is that opponents would try to turn Obama's relationship with hip-hop -- however tenuous it might be -- into a cultural wedge issue in a general election were Obama to win the nomination.

The tactic has been used on the campaign trail before. In his 1992 bid for the White House, Bill Clinton blasted recording artist Sister Souljah over her controversial remarks on racial violence, a move designed to appeal to centrist voters.

Fifteen years later, rap music is still a lightning rod in the culture wars, and Obama might be reluctant to embrace hip-hop in the same way hip-hop is embracing him.

"He might say something I don't agree with, that definitely might happen," Kweli said. "But whatever. It just depends on what it is. ... I think Hillary Clinton voting to go to war is a bigger mistake than Bill Clinton saying something bad about Sister Souljah."

Since declaring his candidacy, Obama has maintained a complicated relationship with rap music.

He has criticized the industry on several occasions for failing to recognize the power it holds over young people. His criticism has also frustrated some artists, bloggers, and even music executives, proving that despite all the attention he is getting in song lyrics, Obama can't assume the hip-hop world has his back.

In April, in the midst of the controversy surrounding radio host Don Imus, Obama was quoted by The Associated Press as saying rappers also bear some responsibility for degrading language.

Russell Simmons, co-founder of Def Jam records, responded in the New York Times magazine, calling Obama a "mouse, too, like everybody else," and saying that instead of reforming rap lyrics, "What we need to reform is the conditions that create these lyrics. Obama needs to reform the conditions of poverty."

In the September issue of Vibe, one of the hip-hop industry's leading publications, Obama agreed with some of Simmons' criticism but stressed that rap music's influence is undeniable.

"So yes, my job is to focus on poverty, education, health care, but I think we have to acknowledge the power of culture in affecting how our kids see themselves and the decisions they make," Obama told the magazine, which put the presidential candidate on its cover above the headline: "It's Obama Time."

Common, who hails from Obama's hometown of Chicago, Illinois, and also attends Obama's church, Trinity United Church of Christ, said he is willing to accept some criticism of hip-hop as long as Obama wins.

"If you're really supporting somebody, you're not looking for something back all the time," said Common. "He'd do best just getting elected and going in there and doing well, that's the best way he can give back to us. We don't need him to be at the concerts."

Both Common and Kweli bristled at one question that Obama's faced at recent presidential forums and debates: whether the candidate is "black enough."

It's a horrible question," Kweli said. "It's very divisive. It divides us. Obviously that man is black. I think it's utterly ridiculous."

Common laughed and said, "He looks black to me."

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Now if I were Barack Obama, I'd be trying to distance myself from that group as much and as quickly as I possibly could. I'd be interested to see what Obama's response to his name being used that way is. While it might help him with that particular demographic, I'm pretty sure that the young urban black male demographic is one that doesn't vote in exceptionally high numbers, if I remember correctly.

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Now if I were Barack Obama, I'd be trying to distance myself from that group as much and as quickly as I possibly could. I'd be interested to see what Obama's response to his name being used that way is. While it might help him with that particular demographic, I'm pretty sure that the young urban black male demographic is one that doesn't vote in exceptionally high numbers, if I remember correctly.
:wtf: It's not like Common and Talib are gangsta rappers.
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:wtf: It's not like Common and Talib are gangsta rappers.

All I'll say is this.... their music wouldn't have been allowed in the house I grew up in and it wouldn't be allowed in my house now. Nothing personal, just not what I have an interest in hearing, and not what I think the majority of the voters that Obama needs for his campaign to succeed listen to either.

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All I'll say is this.... their music wouldn't have been allowed in the house I grew up in and it wouldn't be allowed in my house now. Nothing personal, just not what I have an interest in hearing, and not what I think the majority of the voters that Obama needs for his campaign to succeed listen to either.

Obama, or anyone running for office needs all the help they can get.

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Yeah, I'm sure he's ecstatic about being supported by a group of people who routinely ignore election day. I'm sure that will be a HUGE boost to his campaign.

Well maybe those people need to get excited about a candidate in order to get out and vote.

This thread is a post away from getting Massjacked!!!

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Well maybe those people need to get excited about a candidate in order to get out and vote.

This thread is a post away from getting Massjacked!!!

Then let's try to get this a little more back on topic....

If it really takes getting his name mentioned in musical lyrics to build his support in that community, doesn't it strike you as a little concerning? I mean obviously he has to be happy that he's getting the free publicity and advertising, but if you were him wouldn't you hope that your views and opinions would be what got those people to come out and vote for you rather than the fact that some hoodlum mentioned you in their song?

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Yeah, I'm sure he's ecstatic about being supported by a group of people who routinely ignore election day. I'm sure that will be a HUGE boost to his campaign.

Absolutely, it's no different than the Greatful Dead supporting a candidate, the target audience for that music is not the voting public. Doesn't it bother anyone else that an artist supporting a politician is something to get excited about?

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Then let's try to get this a little more back on topic....

If it really takes getting his name mentioned in musical lyrics to build his support in that community, doesn't it strike you as a little concerning? I mean obviously he has to be happy that he's getting the free publicity and advertising, but if you were him wouldn't you hope that your views and opinions would be what got those people to come out and vote for you rather than the fact that some hoodlum mentioned you in their song?

I bet he is ecstatic that an entire demographic that normally doesn't vote will come out to vote this election. The number of voters that come out to support him that would normally treat election day like any other day could be in the millions.

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I bet he is ecstatic that an entire demographic that normally doesn't vote will come out to vote this election. The number of voters that come out to support him that would normally treat election day like any other day could be in the millions.

Even if there is a rise in voting from that demographic, I could see other demographics that would be turned off from potentially voting for him because they see the type of people that do support him.

The demographic is also not good as far as votes because a majority of the people that listen to rap are more than likely under the age to vote.

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Even if there is a rise in voting from that demographic, I could see other demographics that would be turned off from potentially voting for him because they see the type of people that do support him.

The demographic is also not good as far as votes because a majority of the people that listen to rap are more than likely under the age to vote.

I see what you're saying, but I doubt it. Who is gonna support a candidate and then say "oh wait hip hopers are voting for him?" Well, that changes my vote.

If you support a candidate because you like his ideas and politics, why would you not when someone else says they support him??? Makes no sense to me.

BTW, Common and Talib are not really rappers. I consider them hip hop artists. There is a difference between rap and hip hop in my mind. I would bet that many people who listen to mainstreem rap have no idea who common and Talib are.

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All I'll say is this.... their music wouldn't have been allowed in the house I grew up in and it wouldn't be allowed in my house now. Nothing personal, just not what I have an interest in hearing, and not what I think the majority of the voters that Obama needs for his campaign to succeed listen to either.
Dude, what music WOULD be allowed in your house now?
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Even if there is a rise in voting from that demographic, I could see other demographics that would be turned off from potentially voting for him because they see the type of people that do support him.

If you choose which candidate to support based on what demographics support that candidate, then you are way out of touch with the political process and what it stands for.

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I see what you're saying, but I doubt it. Who is gonna support a candidate and then say "oh wait hip hopers are voting for him?" Well, that changes my vote.

If you support a candidate because you like his ideas and politics, why would you not when someone else says they support him??? Makes no sense to me.

BTW, Common and Talib are not really rappers. I consider them hip hop artists. There is a difference between rap and hip hop in my mind. I would bet that many people who listen to mainstreem rap have no idea who common and Talib are.

They're pretty popular actually. By definition they are rappers, and whether or not your parents would allow them in your home(

"All I'll say is this.... their music wouldn't have been allowed in the house I grew up in and it wouldn't be allowed in my house now."), they're for the most part extremely positive in their songs.

What would you allow in your home Mass_SkinsFan? Is it just all gospel or something?

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Country, Western, Bluegrass, Classical, New Age, Instrumental, some Easy Listening and Pop. That's probably about it.

So what would you ever do if you ever had kids and they started listening to Metallica, AC/DC, Van Halen and Motley Crue?

The interaction between you and them at that point would probably resemble the South Park episode where Cartman pretends to be Butters over the phone and offends Butter's parents so when they get home he gets a beating.

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Country, Western, Bluegrass, Classical, New Age, Instrumental, some Easy Listening and Pop. That's probably about it.

Damn, that sucks for your kids. So I guess you'll never let them out of the house because they'll hear that music anyway and probably be more affected by it because they can't listen to it at home?

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I'll start this of by reminding people that I don't have children and I never intend to have kids.

So what would you ever do if you ever had kids and they started listening to Metallica, AC/DC, Van Halen and Motley Crue?

They wouldn't get that option to begin with. With the "Open Door" policy in the house (which means bedroom doors to the kids rooms would not be closed) they'd be hard pressed to be listening to anything their mother and I didn't approve of. If they did, there would be consequences... loss of radio/cd player, grounding, etc...

Damn, that sucks for your kids. So I guess you'll never let them out of the house because they'll hear that music anyway and probably be more affected by it because they can't listen to it at home?

They wouldn't be out of the house without us knowing where they were and who they were with, that's for sure. As for the effect of hearing it outside the home... proper parenting and instituting appropriate values in the children takes care of that pretty well.

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Then let's try to get this a little more back on topic....

If it really takes getting his name mentioned in musical lyrics to build his support in that community, doesn't it strike you as a little concerning? I mean obviously he has to be happy that he's getting the free publicity and advertising, but if you were him wouldn't you hope that your views and opinions would be what got those people to come out and vote for you rather than the fact that some hoodlum mentioned you in their song?

This just shows that Mass has no idea who Common or Talib Kweli are and is just basing his opinion on appearance or the entire genre of hip-hop/rap.

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