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Off the subject.... Darrell Green


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I am pretty sure that the money goes to his foundation.

I think he used to sign autographs in exchange for donations to his foundation, but if you read the FAQ on his website, he doesn't do that any more.

Still, it's really a matter of simple economics. An autograph is a commodity, and every one he signs dilutes its value. To do so for free is nice, but it diminishes his future earning power.

I think it's wonderful when people do sign for free, but it's unreasonable to expect it, especially when you consider that doing so costs them money.

I really can't blame him.

Throw in the fact that he will soon be a Hall of Famer, increasing the value even more, along with the fact that there are people who will take an autograph gotten for free and turn around and resell it, and I can totally understand his policy.

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It's been pretty well documented that Darrell is a dick in person. I have a friend that works closely with the Redskins for a charity, and he told me that Darrell is one of the worst 'Skins he had to work with.

I've heard that, but never had any elaboration on that. Explain?

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Darrell Green did an autograph show and my friend paid to get his autograph and asked if his son could take a picture with him and he said he doesnt pose for pics. He's a great redskins and i love him but ive heard things that arent to good about him.

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I've heard that, but never had any elaboration on that. Explain?

My buddy runs a charity for seriously ill kids. He gets tickets for 5 or 6 kids and their families for a few select home games per year. Sometimes the families bow out, so he takes my son and I.

After the games, the kids sit at a table right outside of the locker rooms before the team bus and the players sign autographs for them as they leave. I got the opportunity to stand behind the table and watch the players a few years ago, after the Packers Portis non-TD game.

I could get a feel for their personalities just from standing there watching them...Most of them seemed genuinely nice, Cooley, Jansen, Marcus Washington, Joe Salave'a, Brunell, and Ramsey were especially kind. Mark was remarkably amiable for having just been booed mercilessly. Lav Coles was the only dick, he held his cell phone over his face and walked on the other side of the corridor so he wouldn't have to sign.

Anyways, about Darrell and other past players...in past years before Darrell retired, when he walked past the table and refused to sign without a donation to his foundation, just like the OP said. I mean, these are seriously ill kids, not some Ebay autograph hound. Apparently he was pretty cold about it too.

Apparently he refused to sign another time because the kids were not racially diverse enough, aka not enough African-American kids.

Other than Darrell, pretty much what you'd expect from former players...Westbrook was a grade A douchebag, and Larry Centers was the nicest guy you could imagine.

But yeah, just search for Darrell Green autographs on here or something similar and I'm sure it'll turn up a few stories. It's sad that he can't be a wonderful guy off the field.

I love Darrell as a player, but it's hard to admire him as a man. I respect that he's serious about his foundation, but it doesn't mean he has to be cruel to adoring fans who are right in front of his face.

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this is standard D. Green. He is totally against signing autographs. He is a great guy in front of the camera, but not too fan friendly when it comes to auto's. People defend him...but he just isn't nice. I have gotten auto's from lots of ex-redskins. He by far is the worst. I was lucky to get his.

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Still, it's really a matter of simple economics. An autograph is a commodity, and every one he signs dilutes its value. To do so for free is nice, but it diminishes his future earning power.

Listen football autograhs relative to any other sport are relatively worthless.

A michael jordan autographed jersey might cost 2K+++ if it's real.

A wayne gretzky jersey autographed will cost you 1K++++

The most you might pay for a football autograph is $100 - $200. And even if you do, you can't then resell it and make a profit.

Darrell is just not a nice guy. But I still loved him as a skin.

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Originally Posted by techboy

Still, it's really a matter of simple economics. An autograph is a commodity, and every one he signs dilutes its value. To do so for free is nice, but it diminishes his future earning power.

How do you dilute your value by signing your autograph? Outside of DC is there really a demand for a DG autograph??????? True fans aren't looking to turn a profit off his autograph (if you can?)

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I guess I'm green to the autograph game but just don't understand paying for one. What does the athlete gain?

In this case the athlete doesnt gain anything.

Green (my fav player of all time i might add) is taking a benefitial situation for his fans and turning it into a benefitial situation for his foundation. I dont blame him, his name is on the charity, his name goes on the jersey, why not take that opprotunity to get money for the foundation? SOMEBODY has to pay to fund it and i'm sure (because i wouldnt want to either) that Darrell doesnt want to fund it out soley out of his own pocket. I have an authentic Green throwback that i eventually want to get signed and i have no problem sending him the money to do it because it's for a good cause.

People see him as being a prick because of it but i dont really blame him. I'm sure he doesnt "need" the money, he's got plenty but it's a lot better for him to use it for good...

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In this case the athlete doesnt gain anything.

Green (my fav player of all time i might add) is taking a benefitial situation for his fans and turning it into a benefitial situation for his foundation. I dont blame him, his name is on the charity, his name goes on the jersey, why not take that opprotunity to get money for the foundation? SOMEBODY has to pay to fund it and i'm sure (because i wouldnt want to either) that Darrell doesnt want to fund it out soley out of his own pocket. I have an authentic Green throwback that i eventually want to get signed and i have no problem sending him the money to do it because it's for a good cause.

People see him as being a prick because of it but i dont really blame him. I'm sure he doesnt "need" the money, he's got plenty but it's a lot better for him to use it for good...

TOG, I understand fundraisers and raising money (there are other ways to raiser money but, I when I ran into him he was signing auto's for the company that PAID him to be there and do that. If he want to raise money don't charge to get YOUR stuff signed!!! He could sell his throwback, balls, helmets etc on his site with his auto on it and charge for it so at least its seems like you are paying for the ball, pic, or throwback etc. not the auto. That would make more sense if its for his FOUNDATION?

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TOG, I understand fundraisers and raising money (there are other ways to raiser money but, I when I ran into him he was signing auto's for the company that PAID him to be there and do that. If he want to raise money don't charge to get YOUR stuff signed!!! He could sell his throwback, balls, helmets etc on his site with his auto on it and charge for it so at least its seems like you are paying for the ball, pic, or throwback etc. not the auto. That would make more sense if its for his FOUNDATION?

I know what you are saying, and it does make sense. For every jersey bought with his name on it, he's getting a portion of it...i understand, but i do try and see things from both sides of the situation.

While i dont fully agree with paying for autographs at all because (for me at least) i get autographs more because i like meeting the players. I've met players before (Ken Harvey, Chris Cooley...etc) and not gotten autographs because its more about the memory. I'm not saying you are going to sell it off and try and make money, but the bad thing is some people do that.

Take that guy that caught Barry Bonds' record setting home run. The first thing going through his mind is $$$$$$$ not the memory. Stuff like that bothers me. I would rather see a 6 year old kid at his first professional baseball game, someone who idolizes Bonds, get that ball because that kind of thing sticks with you forever. NOBODY else can say "I Caught 756"

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While i dont fully agree with paying for autographs at all because (for me at least) i get autographs more because i like meeting the players. I've met players before (Ken Harvey, Chris Cooley...etc) and not gotten autographs because its more about the memory. I'm not saying you are going to sell it off and try and make money, but the bad thing is some people do that.

Take that guy that caught Barry Bonds' record setting home run. The first thing going through his mind is $$$$$$$ not the memory. Stuff like that bothers me. I would rather see a 6 year old kid at his first professional baseball game, someone who idolizes Bonds, get that ball because that kind of thing sticks with you forever. NOBODY else can say "I Caught 756"

Listen a Darrell Green signed mini helmet sold on EBay without any proof of authenticity isn't going to bring much more than the cost of the mini helmet you paid to have him sign. Throw in the time it takes to list it, ship it, etc and basically it cost you more time than it's worth. You won't even get $50 on ebay for a signed mini of d green with no cert of authenticity.

To compare a d green signing to a barry bonds record setting home run ball is laughable.

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So, TOG if your were a professional athlete and your family was well taken care of many times over would you charge for your auto?

me, personally, no i wouldnt. But i'm not him and i cant fault him for that. I cant fault anyone for having a different thought then me.

and i wasnt comparing it specifically to Barry Bonds, i was comparing it to a situation, same idea, different level. Nothing Darrell Green does/sells will be "worth" what that ball is worth, my point was that a lot of people out there directly correlate memorabilia with money. Whether it be a home run baseball or an autograph, the first thing that crosses their mind is what they can get for it.

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that a lot of people out there directly correlate memorabilia with money. Whether it be a home run baseball or an autograph, the first thing that crosses their mind is what they can get for it.

And a lot of people correlate a signed redskins football with something they can put on display in their redskins room.

Collecting Redskins autographs is not a profitable business.

D Green knows that as well as anyone.

I met D. Green in a private setting in a friends home after he retired. He has no desire to discuss football, the redskins, or sign auto's. Football is in his past. Thats his decision and I respect it. But being a jerk about signing auto's and somehow tying it to profit just doesn't cut it.

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And a lot of people correlate a signed redskins football with something they can put on display in their redskins room.

Collecting Redskins autographs is not a profitable business.

D Green knows that as well as anyone.

I met D. Green in a private setting in a friends home after he retired. He has no desire to discuss football, the redskins, or sign auto's. Football is in his past. Thats his decision and I respect it. But being a jerk about signing auto's and somehow tying it to profit just doesn't cut it.

I agree with you, i dont get auto's to sell them, i get them because they are people i look up to, people i respect.

I cant vouch for him, i cant explain his total train of thought because i'm not in his head, i dont know why he doesnt sign autos for fans. No i dont agree with it, i dont think i would act the same way in his position but i'm not in his position so i cant fully answer that question. Initially i was a little upset the first time i heard he was this way but like i said earlier, i try and see things from both sides. If he wants to charge for his autos then that's his decision, i'm not gonna call him a jerk for it because Darrell Green didnt play the game for fame, he didnt play the game to get recognized. He did it because he loved to play the game and he was great at it. SURE he's retired, so if he doesnt want to constantly live his life with football on the mind i dont blame him. He wants to be a "normal" guy.

Bottom line, if he chooses to charge people for his name, then that's his choice, i'm not going to fault him for it, and it's not gonna change the way i feel about the guy. To a lot of us on this board, not saying you guys dont feel this way, that autograph is priceless...

again, i dont agree with it and it's not the way i would act but it's not my choice..it's his

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I'm kind of surprised hearing this about Daryll Green but then it reminds me of a time I ran into John Riggins at Nat'l airport. It was about 6:00 in the morning and I was dropping My then girlfriend and her toddler off to get a flight to Minnesota. We were in the area where you wait to board the plane and I'm looking at this guy with his ten gallon hat on and thinking to myself he looks familiar. My mind was a total blank and then it dawned on me that it was Riggo and not JR from Dallas LOL. I went up to him and asked for an autograph and I was a big fan and he said " I'd rather not" I said it was for my son(not my son actually) I literally pestered him for about two minutes before he finally signed a napkin. Can you believe she comes back from Minnesota and I ask her about the autographed napkin and she says "Jamie spit up on himself on the flight and I used it to clean him up and threw it away" Arggghhhh! Whatever but I guess a lot of them are that way as far as autographs...Just the way it is I guess

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Maybe it's time that we as a society ask the question' date=' "Why are thirty year olds asking for autographs in the first place?"[/quote']

I have ALOT of 8X10 photos of all the Great Redskins , mostly that I got off ebay. I have my Redskin room decorated with them...for some reason or other I have never felt the need to get autograghs for them though...a couple of them DO have autograghs...Joe Theoismann to name one...but it is really no big deal to me...I want the photos to decorate my room in Burgandy and Gold...signatures don't mena much to me...and I have no intention of selling any of my stuff so that a signature would increase the value.

Now when I was a punk teenager...yeah, it was cool to get my program signed whenever the Skins would travel to Los Angeles to play...I even got Jay Schroeder's empty beer can which was pretty cool at the time...lol

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Darrell Green was at an open house today making an appearance. I have a football with a couple of skins signature from the Hay day and always wanted his. When I approached him with the ball and asked him to sign it he said he can't and directed me to his website to get it signed? On his site they charge for a signed ball?? I might be green to this but charging for your sig? and D. Green??????? It caught me off guard and I am taken back by it. Can someone please help me with this?

I once had a conversation with someone who works for him. She said that he doesn't give autographs because he doesn't want people making money off of his autograph. More so he uses the money that people pay for his autograph for his foundation. I'm not saying it is right or wrong, but I completely understand. Cal Ripken does the same thing.

I used to work for Marriott International and Darrell Green came to MI and charged $5.00 for his autograph. That autograph is probably worth atleast $250 as there are several other redskins autograph on the same hat.

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I was shocked when I heard this. I've never heard of a player charging for an autograph. I had/have some college mates that play/played in the league and they never charged. One in particular would however, not sign autographs at home, his reason was because most of the people wanting autographs at home, were in the hotel lobby every week wanting 5-10 items signed and taking pic to show it was his signature to turn around and sell them on Ebay so after 2-3 years of this he decided he would no longer sign autographs at home. The only way he will sign items at home are if they are signed to a person i.e To James, best wishes

For away games or any event that he's already signing autographs, he will sign anything, I've even watched him sign a woman's chest in the lobby of the hotel at an away game.

Thing is most people want items autographs because it personalize the time. True fans get items autographed and never intend on selling the. Another thing I've been told is when you get something autographed, it actually brings down the value of the item unless you can have the item certified that the signature is authentic which will cost you more money.

We want our (or should I say my boyfriend wants his) items autographed but he wants it autographed to him.

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