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If You Have Never Lived In DC/MD/VA, How Did You Become A Skins Fan?


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My father was a Redskins fan his entire life and I followed suit. He's not as hard core as he once was (punching the floor and breaking his hand after a loss), but he's still there in spirit. We were both born in Bristol, TN and at those times the Redskins were closest to home. HTTR!!!

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Well, the seeds of me becoming a Redskins fan started in '82. While I was living in the state of VA, I was not in the area since I was living in Chesapeake. At the time, I saw the effects of that Superbowl win and certainly started me on the path. Course, after that, we moved to Europe, so I was out of touch with the NFL for a few years.

It wasn't until the '87 playoffs that I really became a fan. I was living in Atlanta at the time and I really enjoyed seeing those plucky underdogs take the Broncos apart.

The year after, we moved to Frederick and I've been a hard core Redskins fan ever since.


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Ok....here goes. When I was 7 years old, my father was really into football and watched it every Sunday (since then he has been kind of an on/off fairweather fan of multiple teams). I remember watching a Skins Giants game with him. One play in particular, Riggins was dragging Giant defenders on his way to a first down, and my Dad said, 'Wow.....it takes three guy to bring him down'. For some reason, from that moment I was a die hard Redskins fan. So, it was really John Riggins who was responsible I guess. It also didn't hurt to watch Gibbs' teams compete in the playoffs virtually every year. Living out of the area made it difficult throughout my childhood to see all of the games. Now, however, I have Sunday NFL Ticket......which is all I need. It is also great to have Washington play up here in NE whether it is preseason or regular season (like this year) which happens fairly regularly.

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Confession time, growing up in Reading, PA (a mere 1 hour from Philly), I was an Eagles fan. cheering for Reggie White, Randall Cunningham, Mike Quick, hell I even liked Buddy Ryan.

One day, I was at a diner in my home town, watching the Eagles play the Redskins. I said "holy ****, they are fun to watch", and went back to being an Eagles fan. That year , was the year Rypien took the Redskins to the Super Bowl and it was the first Super Bowl I got to stay up and watch the entire thing. I was a Redskin fan from abou halftime up to the end. The next day I realized (Hey I was a dumb kid) that the Eagles and Redskins were in the same division, so I could't possibly like both teams...and my heart changed from Green and white to Burgundy and Gold .

I've never looked back, and don't plan on looking back.

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Watched my 1st football game on TV @ age 5 with my father. He was a cowboys fan, he told me that I had to pick a team. The game we were watching was Redskins v. Eagles in 1991. I asked him if the Redskins were any good, he said they were pretty good, I picked them. That year they went on to win Super Bowl XXVI, the rest is history.

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The game we were watching was Redskins v. Eagles in 1991.

Hope that wasnt the game at the VET that year cause that wasnt one of there best games! ( damn eagles and cowboys) Oh i was born a skins fan my folks met on a metro bus in 1972.

EDIT: OOPS i just noticed in the title if u never lived in DC/MD/VA, i thought it was just DC in the title, oh well. i unfortunatley lived in virginia beach for 4 years (84-88) and leesburg for 7 (93-00 went to LCHS, BOOOO!). still growing up in the south (NC,GA,TN,AL,VA,Na lens,LA) in the 80s there was no other choice! i moved to leesburg when joe gibbs left so the skins football i saw was fairly terrible. the last year i lived there tho we did go to the playoffs, also the last time i was back in leesburg for a skins season was '05! i only got to go to 2 games that year but they were the Giants/Cowboys games durring the streak, Boogity Boogity! :dallasuck:eaglesuck:gaintsuck

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I was born in New Orleans...now live in LA...I became a Redskins Fan because of my Dad. I still remember him one Sunday watching a football game, I was 6 years old, The Redskins were on, I asked him..."who do you want to win" his words..."Well I like the Redskins"....my words..."Ok I'll like them too" It's all history from that point. I went to my first Redskins game when they game to play the Saints in 1982...YES our first Superbowl victory year!...The game was a couple of days after Christmas. He was in the Marines.... in Virgina and he started watching them with George Allen and the Over the Hill gang. He still has a soft spot for the hometown Saints...I don't...Only one team and that's the Redskins. I'm worst than he is with the Redskins...he created a monster!!!!HAIL

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I grew up in a small town outside of Richmond about a mile from the farm dad grew up on. His duties around the farm never let him become a sports fan, even though he was 6'5" 275lbs of muscle from lifting hay bales so when he became a father he made a point to watch football with me on Sundays and would always bet me $5 the Cowboys or Eagles etc, would beat the Skins to get me excited about a team. Money has always motivated me! This was during the 80s and I have always been a die hard ever since because of him.

Hail to the fathers who teach their sons and daughters to love the Skins!

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I have always lived in northern va but thought i would share my story too. My father was a die hard skins fan and a very busy man, some of my fondest memories as a boy are watching the games with my dad. The first game i REMEMBER watching was during the '91 season (i was 8), im sure many of you will recall it as well: vs. atlanta, final score 56-17. I just remember being in awe of how bad they were just punishing the falcons. I believe rypen threw a few bombs in that game. Since then it has been a match made in heaven!

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I grew up in NC and my dad, uncle, cousin (dad's nephew), and grandmother (dad's mom) were Redskins fans. The majority of family on my dad's mother's side were from VA. My great uncle used to have season tickets to RFK way back in the day when my dad was a kid. I was born into being a Skins fan. I had the Redskins tobogans (with the huge ball on the top), hats, pajamas, Riggins youth jersey, etc.

I remember watching games growing up, but I was more into baseball and basketball back then. I really got into college and NFL football around my 7th grade year and then became the diehard fan I am today. My wife, is also a diehard fan.

Now, because of the Panthers, my dad, uncle, and cousin have jumped ship. I love them, but that is one thing that just pisses me off. My wife gives my dad a hard time every time she sees him. I just don't see how you can pull for a team for over 45 years and then just dump them because an expansion team becomes the "local team". Oh well, it is what it is.:rolleyes:

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Born on the Superbown, in Wash DC, in Providence Hosp which is no longer there...however, my mom had me just after halftime...so i guess it was meant to be because the lady next to my mom in the unit was a dolphins fan and bet my mom who would win ...naturally my mom won $50 and the lady said to my mom, "its that damn Riggins........i hate him"..

In addition, the doctors figured i would be born on the superbowl and not last to the next morning so they started betting and played "over-under" on me. Apparently the winning doctor took home a boatload from a whole gang of co-workers and he was nice enough to pay for all of my moms doctor bills...so it was like being a new-years baby i guess.

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I actually started out an Eagles fan growing up here in Eagle country, because of my step-dad who took me to an Eagles basketball game and I got meet some players. From Reggie White to Randall Cunningham. Then in 89 at the ripe age of 7 my best friend my cousin and mom kept asking me why aint I a Redskins fan and began to pressure me so I caved in. My room had Eagles and REDSKINS posters for about a year until I learned they were in the same division. Then the Eagle posters went away or I gave them to my step dad.

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I played football in the yard before I ever watched it on TV. I remember watching football on TV and thinking it was boring, I just wanted to play. When I was 10 years old I was at my uncle's house watching the Dolphins play the Skins. He told me these 2 teams played in the Superbowl the year I was born, so I declared they are my two teams. My uncle was quick to straighten me out, he said "You can't choose both, you have to pick a side."

What a great choice I made! I didn't know about the rivalry at the time, but my two brothers and my sister are Cowboy fans. The family rivalry has led to some great memories, and some real heartbreaks.

Growing up around all the Giant fans around here has helped in solidifying my love for the Skins.

Beating Buffalo in the Superbowl was pretty good for a Skin fan in upstate New York also.

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We have always lived in Iggle country and my dad grew up an Eagles fan, but when the Eagles traded Sonny to the Redskins, my dad stuck with Sonny. So, since I didn't start watching football until I was about 9 or 10, my first football memory is Super Bowl XVII and the 70 chip Riggins run, which I watched in Florida at my Grandparents' house. Everyone down there wanted Miami, so I had to represent the NFC East.

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I grew up in NC and my dad, uncle, cousin (dad's nephew), and grandmother (dad's mom) were Redskins fans. The majority of family on my dad's mother's side were from VA. My great uncle used to have season tickets to RFK way back in the day when my dad was a kid. I was born into being a Skins fan. I had the Redskins tobogans (with the huge ball on the top), hats, pajamas, Riggins youth jersey, etc.

I remember watching games growing up, but I was more into baseball and basketball back then. I really got into college and NFL football around my 7th grade year and then became the diehard fan I am today. My wife, is also a diehard fan.

Now, because of the Panthers, my dad, uncle, and cousin have jumped ship. I love them, but that is one thing that just pisses me off. My wife gives my dad a hard time every time she sees him. I just don't see how you can pull for a team for over 45 years and then just dump them because an expansion team becomes the "local team". Oh well, it is what it is.:rolleyes:

I work with a lady from New Orleans and she switched to the Panthers and the other lady I work with is from Detroit. She's not really a football fan, but says she roots for the Panthers.

Your Dad, Uncle and Cousin should be flogged, along with my neice (TB), my nephew (Den) and my sister (GB). The Skins are their 2nd teams, even though they grew up rooting for them.

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What a great thread! I love all these "My Dad...."

I grew up in DC - But my son never did. He is now 6 and is a DIE hard. Not kidding - The kid is a freak! His room is filled with all Redskisn stuff, while his sister is watching handy Manny, he'll go upstairs and watch the Redskins America's game. He quizes me on players (Current and former). Just last night he went through the programs I have from all the super bowls to see which players were on all 4 teams.

He is nuts. I love it! We watch all the games together and he has been to a few, BUT, I always worried that since he doesn't live in DC it won't last or if LA every gets a team, he will change.

I less worried now after reading these posts....

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Just curious to see how some of you out of area fans became Redskins fanatics. I know we have a lot of fans on this site nationwide, even worldwide.
My first memories of becoming a Redskins fans was when they beat the Broncos in the Superbowl,I was only 5 at the time, but I sat there in awe when they scored the 35 points in the quarter and I have loved this team ever since.
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